Users Danny Is Following
Iwata SatoruIwataE
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
Siг Rανεn 300Spartans
Hey, I will be drawing/tracing pics of the LoZ Manga Series randomly or a Specific Character. So there will be no credit source/author in each drawing I do. Pardon if my drawings are not that perfect for I am doing them fast. *I will not be replying much only if there is more than 5 comments or something of relevance. Instead,I will yeah.* *Not accepting drawing requests of any sort. Sorry.*
Caleb 2.0 BannedFromFun
Why admins?
Rave Sir_Raven_Lives
Greetings. This is my backup on my old 3ds xl. Welp, my M@in is once more b@nned for another 2 weeks... *Sigh* This does not prevent me from my Drawing Crusade! (I'm gonna try to finish MC and PH before the end of next week. Gonna do 15+ without posting credits. (Ð@: 1Sir-Raven1) *Sorry I do not reply back but I yeah it to acknowledge I read it. I'm using my post limit carefully* Later!
Chris thepyroarking
My name is Chris.I am 15 I typically enjoy any game franchise, and i would give any type of game a try if someone recommends it. I am doing a nuzlocke challenge of pokemon Silver A Nuzlocke Challenge is where: can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in a place 2.if a pokemon faints,release it,it "died" Wii-U chat is forbidded in this household!
Jonny Scruffles_Reborn
Just a guy who plays games and puts himself down a lot. Born in '96. Kinda shy and awkward around people. I have ideas for a video game I want to make, but whether I'll actually start is another matter. Sometimes I express my thoughts on things here. The original Spyro the Dragon trilogy are my favourite games of all time, and I highly recommend them to anyone who hasn't played them.
Danny DMcNeil2
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
Yoshi03 Flynn2013
"The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important, that would definitely carry on into the future. And so if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean that it's living, right?" - Grovyle, 2009
JohnnyTLP HyrulesFinalHope
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yeah'ed and commented on my posts and articles. Thank you to all of my friends, followers, and fellow gamers for the amazing memories! To quote Fire Emblem: Awakening: "May we meet again in a better life."
King King-X
Miiverse continues at MV Haven! - Christian. - Adult. - London, England. - Musician. - Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar. - Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc. - Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff. - Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography... - Official backer of Yooka-Laylee. - Joined 2012. Thanks for reading!
RedMask GoliMask
My Top 10 Game Series 1-The Legend of Zelda 2-Xenoblade 3-Final Fantasy 4-Smash Bros 5-Metal Gear Solid 6-Metriod 7-Jet Grind Radio 8-Soul Calibur 9-Okami 10-Illusion of Gaia Favorite Indie Game Nsala Liberation
GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Leanne Pauline
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all
Mark U_Got_Dis_Sanic
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Marin FieryDin17
Goodbye Miiverse. This user is no longer active.
DR.1UP We-are-Creation
Xavier 9bus8car
I love nintendo and sony [of course nintendo more.] love swiming, video games, and some sports and 11 years old and don't like xbox that much wish to have many friend family and followers if you follow me i follow you as soon as i get the message.
Ethan MajinSans
Caleb clbgolden12
Currently playing: Super Mario Odyssey Thanks for all the fun times, Miiverse. You’ll never be forgotten. Anyways... Follow me, because I'm awesome :P ! Just kidding, but it'd be nice if you followed me. :P I don't WiiU Chat or take random friend requests. Please to the understanding.
Max RetrogamerMax2
Hey I'm Max and I am a Christian, Retro Gaming collector, player and expert. My favorite gaming series are: (Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja) (Legend of Zelda) (Super Mario) (Donkey Kong Country) (Mario Party) (Mario Kart) (Super Smash Brothers) Right now I have a Retro Gaming library close to 190 games which is still growing. 70 of them I own are on the N64.
Elstreem Paper-Owl7
Games are part of my mind castle :) ...I guess it's about time I added more info huh? I'm a huge fan of Legend of Zelda and Pokemon, so most of the stuff I post is over there. Writing is my main skill, but I like drawing too!
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Troggle RWT_64
Hi guys! I'm Troggle! Welcome to my profile! After 3 months of being gone from Miiverse, I'm back! My regular posts will continue! My name is Ryan I love The Legend of Zelda series My favorite video game is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! My favorite show is The Flash! Thanks for yeahing and following! =)
BOTW Chris weslee2004
Hi. My name is Christian. I like Zelda, Pokemon and Mega Man! "I now see that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that matters' -Mewtwo from Pokemon The First Movie Shoutouts Janoah Jeremy Coco Nonami
Roger J.V Roger3Force
Hello ! I'm Rodrigo (Roger) I am 18 , and currently studying Computer - Science engineering. [Big nintendo gamer] PoKeMoN trainer/Fan, a Smash 4 Glorist , and also a hardcore Splatoon Fan (S rank) My Favorite franchise is The Legend of Zelda , I bow to it I feel a strong passion for Rpgs . Specially the FINAL FANTASY and Kingdom Hearts series, I'm also a Pro , Miku Project Diva player.
Lotus P. Lotus_Petal
Hello there! My name is Lotus Petal. I love drawing and hope my posts here will be of some enjoyment to people. Stay safe everyone, it's a crazy world out there! :O Fave series: Castlevania Favorite music composers: Jake "Virt" Kaufman, Michiru Yamane, Yuzo Koshiro, Koji Kondo, Hirokazu "Hip/Chip" Tanaka
Mari SeaSunSmasher97
Hello, everyone! I'm Mari. I hope you enjoy my work. Over the years, I've improved a ton thanks to all of you! I appreciate all of the love and support. Even if I don't reply, be sure that I've read every comment. My only competition is with the woman I was yesterday. I love guinea pigs~♥
Zeldablade TheSevenLights
Hello, I'm zeldablade. I'm 19 years old and currently in college. I like action rpgs(kingdom hearts, tales of series), action adventure games(the legend of zelda series,platformers(mario series),and adventure visual novels ( zero escape, phoenix wright and fates stay night series)
Jake 2017 Chavon
I really loved this place, flaws and all. My friends here are amazing. I appreciated every comment and "yeah", silly as that is. Thank you, and goodbye.
John John01234