For those of you who need a song to fit the ''Miiverse ending'' mood right now, look up Persona 3 Memories Of You. It's Japanese so you might want to find a vid with subs, but it's really nails th...

CodeRed's Play Journal
For those of you who need a song to fit the ''Miiverse ending'' mood right now, look up Persona 3 Memories Of You. It's Japanese so you might want to find a vid with subs, but it's really nails th...
I'm just your normal game loving Nintendo fan.
I'm fairly laid-back and love to joke around/make ...
I'm just your normal game loving Nintendo fan.
I'm fairly laid-back and love to joke around/make bad puns.
I'm also the type of person who's never happy with what I do, so I'm always trying to better myself...that, or I give up in frustration. xD
''Tetris is a perfect representation of life, achievements are forgotten and mistakes pile up.''