For those of you who need a song to fit the ''Miiverse ending'' mood right now, look up Persona 3 Memories Of You. It's Japanese so you might want to find a vid with subs, but it's really nails th...
CodeRed's Post

Thoughts on Switch.
So, I overall like how the Switch looks and everything but...Are they seriously launching it with only a mini-game collection, a port of a very late Wii U game, an...
Super Mario Maker Community

Looking for Teammate
Seeking feedback.
So I've been trying to get better at making levels that people will enjoy, but I've gotten very little feedback on my levels so far, so I'm not really sure what I ...
I'm just your normal game loving Nintendo fan.
I'm fairly laid-back and love to joke around/make ...
I'm just your normal game loving Nintendo fan.
I'm fairly laid-back and love to joke around/make bad puns.
I'm also the type of person who's never happy with what I do, so I'm always trying to better myself...that, or I give up in frustration. xD
''Tetris is a perfect representation of life, achievements are forgotten and mistakes pile up.''