Duke Haman's Followers
Xman 0Nikki
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Stone opstone
im a boy who loves games and i have 1 sister and 1 brother and im okayish at drawing but good at fighting i accidently punched a kid in the nose and it started bleeding but he was annoying me to death so it doesn't matter.
lolojhggnk slerpderp214
i love loz
Sizzle Sizzle_l
NessAlt nicoleheather91
Mathis☆♪ scorpion1527
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BRONY alamoqbert
Logan rmfoerch
Ness hwas2701
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
kierra pinkmema
KinTaMarny losb-s62
どうもKinTaMarnyです Miiverseサービス終了に伴い、 大規模なユーザーの移民が行われております 私もTwitterやpixivにアカウントを持っておりますので そちらに来られた際は、 どうぞよろしくお願いします
?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ benneuman
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Trudy trudee
Rory RoryFabre
Video games are my favorite ever!!! My faves are Undertale, Zelda, Pokemon, and everything nintendo! I also love FNAF! My favorite show is Gravity Falls! I love Miiverse! IMPORTANT STUFF!!! If you're gonna insult me and ruin my experience, click the back button! I will follow you if you follow me or if you are a cool dude! I BLOCK ALL MEAN PEOPLE!
Elijah.K chadkidd
whatup! its Elijah my fellow hylians :D im a homeschooling christain Person heres some stuff you should know ↓ 1. i Love Loz best series ever XD 2.i like the NBA lol 3.heres some shout-outs Grace,Isaiah, Coco, Taylah, Jeremy. 4. fav video games Oot TP monster hunter4 MM and all the Original loz games there cool:D Im also in the SPSF clan :D Im also a BIG! anime fan and all studio ghibli:
WoH E man DarthNazareth
Chopper's RP Kuro: Oh, come on. I can't be that bad. I heard about fox girls such as yourself. I know about your $1$ter as well.
Jackie MoonessBooness
Meow? I am 36 years old. Yes, older adults play 3DS. If you play Animal Crossing, add me a friend.
Didi nayru65
Sad that Miiverse is ending but I'm ready to move on. My friends and I will continue to talk games and have fun. I will treasure the memories forever. A special thank you to all my friends. You know who you are. Thank you for being you.
Joel Talon19982
Britt britt.beckers
Hi, I'm Britt, a Belgian female gamer and collector, living in France. I'm about the same age as my 2 favourite series, Mario and Zelda. (30 in case you're wondering =)) I speak Nederlands, English, français and ein bischen Deutsch. Games we can play together online: MK7, MK8, Triforce Heroes, Luigi's Mansion 2
¡Cristian! Flowrwolf
Following me is acceptable, although know that I won't post on this account. Hi, name's Christian. This is my alt account (my Mii's name is Spanish, see?) If you're here to know more about me, then look no further than my main account! ID: TheCalzoneZone
MII king Mystery_User2
I am the Super User.
Luke LxUxKxE
Jack drummerdude79
hey guys Jack here I am 14 years old my favorite games are: minecraft need for speed fifa splatoon mariokart8 feel free to friend and follow HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE FUN!!!!
JEDI jedidiah1234
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KB111 SKYRY1111
▲May the Way of Truth Light your Path▲ Hi Nintendo friends, thanks for sharein a love for a quality game company with me! im a 30 year old husband of a special wife, ashley, and lucky father of two sons, riley 5 and skylar 8. ive grown up loveing Nintendo, and now my sons do too! my fav series is zelda and fav game is links awakening! "this world is a scene on the lid of a sleepers eye!"
TrueGamer chiry2
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DarthVader DarthVader1221
DarthVader Rules
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
catlover 2 Brmcap1
ehh 2nd profile for me aka catlover also my other account got banned for some reason
Tom tomcrazypants
Hi and welcome to my profile! I'm a huge Legend of Zelda fan and really like Nintendo games. Also if you are a furry GET OFF MY PROFILE!!!!!
James NeoIce907
Well, I'm officially done with this place! :D
ng linkmariosonic36
hi im ng send frind request to me
Vegeta Prince-Vegeta3
swagmaster adamtadlock1993
I will be posting everyday now so follow but one rule no like bombs tell me a joke in comments I love EMINEM.
Robert robraze2000
Hey what's up, I'm 17 years old and love many game Franchises! I adore watching many Cartoons and Anime too with drawings I like to do when I'm bored. I also like to eat at diners and such, especially my favorite foods. Movies that involve Action, Adventure, Comedy, and Horror, count me in! I like playing any type of video game in my free time.
dan the_smasha
Hola, soy Dan, Nintendo fan desde el NES, estoy jugando el grandioso Xenoblade Chronicles X, Child of Light, Zelda Twilight Princess HD, Yoshi's Wolly World, Captain Toad, Bayonetta 2, let's be friends, seamos amigos!!
Booce chasdat1248
Party animal, competitive player, coolest dude to chill with! Welcome to Chasdat1248, the coolest page in canada! (#RealCanadianBeef!)
Yamizonire TheGustMage
Wooley Wooleywolf
I'm an IT grad, I have the best girls ever (My daughter and "PondSong") I love philosophy, mythology and lore. I have too many fandoms to list, and I'm a huge fan of everything Zelda. You can find me playing Smash Bros. most of the time. Friend requests welcome, see you all around. :)
JamtuVξ Jammin-Thunder
Hey, I'm Jamtu. I get competitive when I play. Into Tourneys and stuff. Ask for my Discord. I play 7 characters in SSB4, & I play by Smogon OU/UU Rules in Pokemon a lot. My real name is James, but thats boring. My backup is: Dr. Jam I like Poison and Dark Pokes. I say XD a lot, XD. Love my Boi, Muk. Say hi to my wife on my favorite post. :D. JK. I am in Kaizo, Mega Masters, and other clans.
。*まふゆ*。 hapisiba
\\\こんにちは/// アニメ/漫画/小説/ラノベ/ゲーム/鏡音レン/ショタロリが好き(*´∀`*) 仲良くしてやってください← 刀剣乱舞がしんどい…(´;ω;`) °΅*・。°*。΅・。°΅☆・。°΅・*。 ▼フォロワー500人突破!!ありがとうございます!! ▼フォローは返します!そしてあなたの投稿を見に行きます!はい、絶対!見た証拠に[いいね]しまっせ! °*。°΅・。°*。°΅*・。°΅*・。°☆΅°΅ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ «黒執事»(シエル) «銀魂°»(沖神)(沖山) «刀剣乱舞»(三条、藤四郎兄弟、鶴丸とか色々)好き!! ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ ミバ終わっちゃうね…><
My name is EEEEEEvil Duke Haman, and I'll have my war no matter WHAT they do!
Long live Evil Duk...
My name is EEEEEEvil Duke Haman, and I'll have my war no matter WHAT they do!
Long live Evil Duke Haman, the true hero of PALS. Down with the written word! Long live picture messages!
The vulture with piercing claws will fly over your river and confuse you, starting a war which will place Evil Duke Haman on the throne of Ur!