Well, it looks like I'm here for the end after all.
Duke Haman's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I was hoping I'd be able to be here as Miiverse went down, but I'll be working until soon before it ends, so maybe not. It was a lot of fun here, and I especially liked talking with Elzonire and C...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

So many things I wish I had drawn here, but I just don't have the skill. I'm planning on making at least one more comment today, but I really should get some sleep.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Majora's Mask is a sequel to Super Mario Bros. 2. Think about it, all of the enemies wear masks. Shy Guys, Sniffits, Tweeters, they all wear masks. Both take place in a separate world too. So th...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I came across a theory online that the reason that Hyrule is so inconsistent between games is because this is the LEGEND of Zelda. As in, they're stories that we're playing through. It could be t...
My name is EEEEEEvil Duke Haman, and I'll have my war no matter WHAT they do!
Long live Evil Duk...
My name is EEEEEEvil Duke Haman, and I'll have my war no matter WHAT they do!
Long live Evil Duke Haman, the true hero of PALS. Down with the written word! Long live picture messages!
The vulture with piercing claws will fly over your river and confuse you, starting a war which will place Evil Duke Haman on the throne of Ur!