Users Kameron Is Following
Magenta DemigodsFromCHB
Favorite series: Pokémon, LittleBigPlanet, Kid Icarus, Minecraft, Super Smash Bros. Consoles owned: Wii, DS, 3DS, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS Vita (I love em all) Favorite Pokémon: Jigglypuff/Eevee Mario or Luigi: Luigi Favorite Smash Game: Brawl Smash Main: Pit (Brawl), Dark Pit (Sm4sh) I'll miss everyone when Miiverse ends. Miiverse ends at 1:00 am NA East Coast time, Wednesday, Nov. 8th, for me.
☹ MK2naFekoP
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axel kirby123xx
Hi I'm Axel (but you already know that) I post gaming facts every single day. I've actually done 700+ facts and have many more on the way. If you have a fact of your own feel free to tell me your fact, I'll let you know if I have done it, have it planned, or already knew it. But if I do use your fact I always give you credit for telling me your fact. If you want gaming facts be sure to follow me.
Mewtwo ThyRoyalKnight
Γειά σου! Hello! こんにちは! Bonjour! Ciao! Hola! A Greek gamer, animator, and roleplayer, just call me Shane. You'll find me playing Super Smash Bros. Now then, make yourself comfortable! Age: 19 From: Greece Alternative account: Lucario Smash Mains: Charizard, Yoshi, and Mewtwo Secondaries: Greninja and Falco Pockets: Bowser, Larry, R.O.B., Roy, and Lucario
SM★mark tarmonbarry
i'm just a regular 13 year old who loves playing video games especially mario pokemon and splatoon those games are my childhood i post on miiverse when i get the chance and i have a dream of getting 100 followers before miiverse shuts down and thats all you need to know about me #savemiiverse
Ac90 0mg159
Hi, i'm a person... lel Hi there! I'm twelve years old, reasonable kid, and a gamer. If i spell wrong i am so sorry because i'm just twelve, i just started highschool. Anyway i heard that Miiverse is shutting down, i didn't even care about miiverse anyway. I mean like, i'm dealing with 5 year olds, [ If your older that like, 12 then thats okay, i don't mean you.] And i'm wasting time, so mbye.
mateo Pokedude779
pokemon is cool
Zed Back-upFox789
Heck off, I'm busy.
lucci spahgett
Hello my is name michael but you can call me lucci,I love things such as anime & animation along with the DCAU i love all things star wars & all things nintendo i'm a fan of surreal humor & horror movies I'm a fan of both marvel & DC comics I love these series Gravity falls Samurai Jack Star vs. the forces of evil Steven universe Miraculous ladybug My little pony friendship is magic Rick & morty
BlueFalcon Falcon9080
Hello there. Welcome to my profile. Plays SSB4 on 3DS. SSB4 mains: Ryu, Ganondorf and Captain Falcon. Secondaries: Lucario, Marth/Lucina and Mega Man. Trying out: Luigi, Mewtwo and maybe Corrin soon. I'm a person who enjoys being competitive in SSB4. If I'm not playing SSB4 then I will play something else or I'm busy.
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
dustin dustin141
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JDen left Miiverse on the 7th of November, 2017.
S H I R O gumiyanumber2
More some days… Thank you for alls everyone. I will see you soon. (Closedvs RP): Foxy
Brawler CombatMaster5
I am a fighter with the highest spirits. I hope we can be friends and allies together. Strength comes from the mind, heart, spirit, and soul.
WaggaWagga Wagga2000
Hugo HugzzY
play ssb4 wit me
robby robbyisfun
i dont sleep
Becca chocolate-box205
Hey everyone! Heres some stuff 'bout me I'm twelve years old I love my doggie!!! And the colour blue. Shoutouts: Young link, 'cause he's givin me one. My brother, Lukie, even though I've blocked him.... And, Jessica, my very best friend. Last, but not least, Mollydog, who is also a–ma–zing, really! Everyone, have the best life you can, you're all amazing!
Entei-Sama EXCITON97
☆Yo, It's ya boi Entei ☆I'm a legendary Johto Pokemon!♪ ☆Catch me if you can!!!<[-—-]> ☆I have lots of good cards in the Pokemon Tcg, including a Gold ☆ and EX!♪ ☆I also had a Gamestop shiny event waaaay back in HGSS!♪ ☆I won't let anyone catch me, except Crystal, 'cause she's hot! Oh come on! It's true!!♪<[¤—¤]> ☆Thank you for visiting Ya Boi Entei's page!♪ ☆Now run along like I do!♪♪☆☆☆
Elijah Eliboy1
Night of the Final Day 4 hours remain Link:.............AHHHHHHH! Happy Early Thanksgiving and Christmas it's hard to say goodbye when Miiverse ends today..... I'm Elijah I'm just your normal gamer,I love Earthbound,I love drawing stuff.My favorite Artist(Music)is NF! Also SW fan.See ya!
KingEnder DiamondCrafter67
Pacmaniac pacmaniac2014
Hi, i'm Pacmaniac, i'm a complete gamer nerd, but my favorite game is Pacman. I can kick but in almost any game once i start playing. I also like Sonic, Mario, Megaman, FNAF, & Shantae. I'm more of a person who likes challenges. Also, i can be a troll on almost any game. BTW, anyone who continues a closed argument on another post of mine, it will be deleted and ignored.
Munnc Munnc305
"Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." The end is coming. Don't fear it. Fight it.
Matthew TheGodMod012
Thank's Administration!
coolwolf coolwolf51
my goal is 200 now i luv u all and plz follow my friends 1 pink (cant follow because hes hidden sorry pink :( 2 jacob: jtpeeps 3 mewtwo:thyroyalkinght nooo miiverse don't goooo im sooo mad and sad »:( have u followed all these people don't forget meh guys thx 2 all my followers :)
Mommy wiggleworm2825
Hi I'm Wiggleworm. My real name is Matthew! I'm a 13 year old kid that loves Youtube and Video Games. I do enjoy drawing as well! My favorite games are Splatoon, MK8, Super Mario Maker, and more. Please Follow me and I will follow back! I'm going to start a riddle or joke every 2 days a week. So stay tuned! Lastly, enjoy my account and my posts. Bye!!
Smasher101 MarioBrosMain
Hey man, I'm an all-star in Smash. And I main Mario, Weegee and Doc. If you play with me, know beforehand I will FLUpe you with Mario. If you want to follow me, that's cool. Oh, and check out some of my favorite dudes on YouTube, like SmashCentralOfficial and Nicobbq. You'll find them in my follow section. Okay, bye.
Jack ;·p FEderstine
Hi! I love to play football and play videogames. My other profile is terrariaprogamer. I cannot friend u there.Best friends on miiverse: Woomy, WARREN, »— Toon —>, Madine, Dogegaming, BARÇA, and ÐЯįИКМУÏИК. I check the person's profile sometimes before following,and allways check before friending. If u could follow all my friends and followers that would be great they earned it ;p Thanks a bunch!
arènis Terzyi
ebta j armany001
Savagegirl Nevaehsabetta
hi this is my 4th ACOUNTE please friend me if u follow me ill follow u back get suspended alot love to talk fav song desaparecido( SLOWLY ) im a big deal im a christen no wiiu chat should i change my name on Miiverse √ off miiverse YEABOMER Srry
sandfly tyrellwesfield
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MR.M&M marshallosb
hi racing is my favorite game. I have been playing sense 12/25/16
Cуclonε LotadPlayz
Welcome to ! ┈┈╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ ┈╱╭▏╮╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮╭▏ ▕╮╰▏╯┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃╰▏ ▕╯┈▏┈┗┻┻┛┗┻┻┻╮▏ ▕╭╮▏╮┈┈┈┈┏━━━╯▏ ▕╰╯▏╯╰┳┳┳┳┳┳╯╭▏ ▕┈╭▏╭╮┃┗┛┗┛┃┈╰▏ ▕┈╰▏╰╯╰━━━━╯┈┈▏ Clans I'm in: MКЯ [ST] (Co Leader) λJ (Member) (R.I.P) ΣΨ [AI] (Co Leader) S☆Я ★¥ Mς★ (Co-Leader) Fя Λθ #SaveMiiverse PR★ λκ (Leader) ξJ My Community- 69-7846-7025-4622
MADDTIMM! superuchenna123
My main account has been banned for "hateful or bullying content" even tho it was just talking about a salty play in SSB4. So bye
hugo hugoverstraten
gentil : ★★★★☆ beau : ★★★☆☆ bavard : ★★★★★ basket ball : ★★★★☆ 12 ans je m appelle Hugo et je fais du basket 6 ou 7 heures par jour mes jeux : pokemon lune rubis oméga fossil fighters frontier super mario 3D land inazuma eleven go ombre street fighter 4 yo kai watch batman 3 lego jurassic je suis célibataire au cas ou ... abonnez vous je rend
snake strung1998
hi im snake aka preston i mostly play pokemon i considermyself a pro shiny hunter
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