Xiroch's Followers
pat ninjafox07
My name is Patrick, I'm a army vet. I have deployed 3 times now, twice to IRAQ and once to AFGANISTAN. Playing games on the wii u helps me with the stresses since I got back.
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Makayla kaykay613
things about me: very nice i like cheese needs boyfriend -_- loves suger foods. loves pink. always thoughtful. and thats all in me;) (^,^) boyfriend: im single again YAY! wii u chat: YASSSS SAVE MIIVERSE! COMMENT, "SAVE MIIVERSE" ON EVERY POST
The Wurst 741_AH_831
hi there shankx did already make a clan so please join you don't have to change your name and the clan is called octolings next door and bye and thanks who follow me thank you for making a team shankx :D byee
PS★Allstar dodabutt
Hi I'm Allstar I play smash 3DS , splatoon ,mario 3D world and mario kart we can be friends on splatoon and play hide and seek or play something and I will do questions about games or whatever Allstar out ^_^
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Isabel Hogwarts101
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alexius alexius15
Greetings, fellow humans of the internet! Thank you so much for taping in my face. I am the weirdest person you could have ever met. So if you're in for a ride of stupidity, I'M YOUR GUY! I ♥ GAME GRUMPS!!! I ♥ my follows!!! BOOMJAMS! You should also check these awesome people: YoshinTown, MusicRulz, Frostedgemstone, and Hikatory! THEIR THE BEEEEEEEST!!!!! SHTUBAM!!!
gια ☆ giaa34
hello!♥ my name is gia and i play splatoon:3 if you want to play together, just request and message me♥♥ crybaby since 2014
Kealijah sonic2253
hi my name is kealijah I like playing mario kart 8 and super smash bros and super mario bros im always looking for great challenges in smash bros and mario kart and i love watching anime like dragon ball z , one punch man and bleach and naruto and i love pokemon and im 15
******* jacobsutton
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ίllumίna bluegreenwater
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Matthew Matt144
Kamal KiwiKamal12
Spoopy Jr. PikachuFan11
Hello! My name is Rebeca! Welcome to my profile! I LOVE to play video games, roleplay, make new friends, and just have fun in any way possible! I LOVE Pokemon, UnderTale, Happy Tree Friends, Five Nights at Freddy's, Youtube, and many other things! I hope you have a fun time looking through my profile! Bye everyone! :) From, Rebeca
RiX_20 rix20xx
Supagamer supergamer900
Oh, Hello there I didn't see you come in My name is Supa and I am a Cake No you cannot eat me Anyways here are a few things about me ★ I write FanFics ★ I do play other games like Minecraft (if you wanna play together on pc just ask) ★ I LOVE Dubstep ★ and I am very friendly to everyone You follow me I follow you
ニッキー P0rcelainB0nes
🙄Hειιο ωhοεvεr ιs νιεωιηg τhιs. ςmοι Bεαη hεrε. Tειιιηg yου τhατ ι αm αη ιηdινιdυαι ωhο ιs α ιοsεr τhaτ ριαys gαmεs ωhεηεvεr hε ωιshεs. λιsο hε's α qυοτε οη qυοτε "ωειrdο." Sο yεαh sεε γα bγε.🙄
Tom tomholmes
Kirito ShadowOra88
EO∴ピカソのでし◎ daiki.2004.daiki
プロフィールコメントは運営者が刺身にして頂いたそうなんですが、なぜか僕のところに戻って来たのでどうぞ。 3DS所持詳しくはフォローリスト...自己紹介はそちらで"""変わり者扱いの13歳です。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My age...13 nice to meet you!!!!! (EO)のご紹介 EOがクラン化しました。 私がクラン長になりました。 ◆規則◆ 一、常識を持っていること。 一、(EO)と名前につけること 一、EO内での喧嘩をしない。 入りたい方は、私のお絵かきの雑談所に米下さい。 掛け持ちokデシッ! IN率低でも大歓迎です。^^ ◇正規メンバー◇ 10人程でし... (EOとしている者のみ) 封印していましたカルチョビットを再開します。イカ系の人達 1からするので教えて下さい。 スイッチ所持 スイッチでも活動してるよ!
δς☆Sam Samydancer
Hoi, ik ben Sam hoe gaat het? ik hou van gamen en tekenen♥ Ik speel keyboard♪ ik ben 15 jaar oud★ mijn lievelingskleur is blauw♡ ♥I have 2 little sisters and 1 little brother♥ ☆Division Squids☆ Hey, my name is Sam what's up? I love gaming and drawing♥ I play keyboard♪ I'm 15 years old★ I like the color blue♡
hi im dangerdemoliton and if u follow me ill follow you Legends tomholmes Dragonexe first person i met Xiorch nin peyton cillinator papyrus williamholmes yeah angel ashley levi and many more and once again im dean and this is my small corner of miiverse and also every single yeah comment follow it all meens alot to me game series i play the legend of zelda mario sonic pokémon luigi yoshi smash.b
Baba LittleY8
Hello! I'm an artist, gamer, programmer, and a whole lot more. NOTE: Not 18! With that said, be sure to check around! Hope you find something. My favorite fighters in Smash is Shulk and Dark Pit. I'm always looking for a challenge, or a team up, so let me know if you wanna be friends or play together! Lucario is the best! Lose, Learn, Win. I'm not a Nerd, the term is Geek. -Me
M4dd1e M4dd1e_M4e
Hi everybody! Im Maddie as you can see above. Here are some things about me. ★I am a fan of Yandere Simulator ★I LOVE ANIME. I guess you could say I'm a weeb. ★I also love Vocaloids. ★I do have a DS but it is not connected to my Wii U account Well... I think that's it! Hope y'all have a good day/night!!
Kÿlïë Rëñ Princesszeldz
ello My name is Kylie >_> I like Legend of Zelda , Star Wars, X-Men, and Game of Thrones No Wii U chat pls im ugly <_< let's be chill B)
Batman 356 Taiimarie
onces unpon u time i was playing mincraft and i became a ender dragon also a whiter
Gymaddie Gymaddy
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яεηεε princessrenee
Hey, my name is Renee and I'm no typical teen, I'm a really cool and sweet person, and obviously I love gaming. ♡♥♡♥
Mario Seth Mario_Seth
STATUS: Normal. All systems Green. Affiliation: 2nd Wave SHD agent Rank: Tactical Officer Info: Likes Dragonroo's/Wolfaroo's follows UbiSoft™, likes playing Tom Clancy's: THE DIVISION Is a Pokemon Dragonite trainer.. [Ubisoft® Club Member] FMR. Nintendo™ Supporter.
Alexandro Jandro04
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SodaPop Nin10Doh.boy
Ok first of all my name isn't actually Soda although I wish it was but it isn't Hey im Juan or SodaPop Im currently 15 years old I like to play games like splatoon, minecraft, and maybe super smash bros I now have a Nintendo Switch and will most likely use it more but once in a while I'll use the Wii U again
VIPER456 dineilc
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"Time passes, people move... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to n...
"Time passes, people move... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth... Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself..." -Sheik from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time