Xiroch's Friends
Riku BlueLegend65
☆нαί мγ ηαмε ίς гίκυ! ί мοςτιγ ριαγ ςριατοοη αηd мαгίοκαгτ i ιίνε fοг ςqίυίd ραгτίες!!☆ My Favorite sqiud Sister is..... Marie!! i love Callie but i just like мαгιε a tiny bit more! (Marie is Waifu) Im also gonna get a switch and Splatoon 2 in the first week of august!! Thats about it! Thx for reading my bio! βγε♥ WOOMY
Hunter Ex Humter_Ex
hello, here's some quick things about me i play splatoon and i play monster hunter gens i don't wiiu chat thank you all of my 42 friends on the wiiu and 18 friends on 3DS for squidpartys and good times RIP miiverse 3DS friends autotune giovanni Anonymous1 Anonymous2 anthony nick alberto kiro sal luigipro Azyaschik dragonboy Eevee4ever gray armani
tmod tmod2015
Poison Poison4u
Pichu EmblemofEevee
King Lear ArgenSoul
ash ♪ atiicus
Kamal KiwiKamal12
gια ☆ giaa34
hello!♥ my name is gia and i play splatoon:3 if you want to play together, just request and message me♥♥ crybaby since 2014
Storm StormG94
This user's profile comment is private.
PS★Allstar dodabutt
Hi I'm Allstar I play smash 3DS , splatoon ,mario 3D world and mario kart we can be friends on splatoon and play hide and seek or play something and I will do questions about games or whatever Allstar out ^_^
Splaterai Hypergamerxd
Ħęłło Thanks for visting my profile My Favorite things are probably Animε, Drawing, Friends, Steven Universe ★ Splatoon, Sonic, Zelda, MK8 Mario Been on miiverse since 2012~2017 Splatfest 7• Wins 5• Loses Šțąγ Fresh!
Pacman-roo Pacman-roo
The only thing we have to fear... is Morgan Freeman.
Stealthy HUNTER153
if u like splatoon lets be friends and play
Nerf This! CyborgHydra
Just your local meme squid. Not much to know about me but hey feel free to talk to me anytime. I'm also Overwatch trash clearly by my name my favorite is D.va >:3c but I also like Genji and Reaper.
mariana curicu01
{SVG}TURTL speed132
Ƨ☆ßооςту BoostBoy01
[Chillin' Like Krill] Hey! You kicked me knee! I was listening to some music! Oh well... I forgive you! I'm Boosty! Welcome to my Profile Page! I'm an Offical Officer of the Aerostrikers! •Favorite Game: Splatoon •Rank & Level: S Rank | Level 50 •Favorite Mode: Rainmaker To Join the Aerostrikers, visit the Captain [Ƨ☆Captain] The Sweetist Friend I have is IK Gamer! She's Sweet as Candy!
Lοƒτγ j. jewelm31
Hi! I'm jειιγ οττεг! I watch both BFDI(A) and II(2) at the same time. I love Pin and Lightbulb! I wish I can be smart like them! (BTW, they're both girls.) Well, I hate Trophy!!! Man, he's overrated! I'm a teenager! I do not Wii U Chat! I take friend requests. No blank ones! So thanks for visiting my profile! See ya! Peace!
Keelan Bosskid90057
Hi My name is Keelan and I love games. My favorite game is Madden NFL 13
Kirito ShadowOra88
Aaron doubleas
Hey my name is AAron i like mario kart 8, and LOVE Super smash and splatoon. Just follow me if you need someone to play with:[]) Friend me and message me if you wanna smash or private match!
Meruem Meruem1999
Ian ian-u235
penguin Firzen_Siu
Soleeme KiiraDragonGirl
Heyo! I'm just a girl who likes gaming. It's as simple as that! I'm also Otaku trash... And Miraculous Ladybug trash...
Rowan MummRo2005
i love splatoon!!!
Des despairingly
I'll accept friend requests if you're nice!~ I'm Des, some people call me Niko! I'm a freelance digital artist who loves cute things. I'm 18, so if you're uncomfortable being friends with an adult, I understand!
jacob no5123
D35TR0Y3R D35TR0Y3R_18
ニッキー P0rcelainB0nes
🙄Hειιο ωhοεvεr ιs νιεωιηg τhιs. ςmοι Bεαη hεrε. Tειιιηg yου τhατ ι αm αη ιηdινιdυαι ωhο ιs α ιοsεr τhaτ ριαys gαmεs ωhεηεvεr hε ωιshεs. λιsο hε's α qυοτε οη qυοτε "ωειrdο." Sο yεαh sεε γα bγε.🙄
jacob tonnywiiu
You can't defeat me!
Tails mr.marioguy_tail
my discription is exactly four hundred characters long.
Aporoid Aporoid
Aryga AeAuriga
Klonoa KlonoaOfTheWind
Hey names Klonoa iv been gaming a long time since nes and sega genesis days and plan to keep gaming i love it. i also love to draw and joke around which you might notice by my posts with in the community. i also own a ps3,ps4,psvita unfortunately don't own a 3ds yet but feel free to send me a friend request. well that's all for now take care and see you around miiverse ♥.
Franco cristadante
PAC⇒kirbPS superdupermarios
Hey guys it's me impactkirbypartysquid im a huge kirby and sonic fan so my content is mostly that.But i hope yall guys are staying cool and not doing bad stuff follow me if you like my content see ya :>
Ðαvīd Madara9
I hope we'll meet again some day,see yah later! ___ ★I'm a 19 year-old ninja Favorite YouTuber:EWN ★Top 3 anime:One Piece(Best Show Ever)N.Shippuden and DBZ ★I'm Native/African American and Irish ★My Sm4sh tag's Atlas and I'm a Shulk/Diddy main.#11 in KS! ★Feel free to "yeah" my decent art and follow meh! ★Bonds of People Is The True Power☆
mega 13 elmega
hi every body all of you are cool
alexius alexius15
Greetings, fellow humans of the internet! Thank you so much for taping in my face. I am the weirdest person you could have ever met. So if you're in for a ride of stupidity, I'M YOUR GUY! I ♥ GAME GRUMPS!!! I ♥ my follows!!! BOOMJAMS! You should also check these awesome people: YoshinTown, MusicRulz, Frostedgemstone, and Hikatory! THEIR THE BEEEEEEEST!!!!! SHTUBAM!!!
Rickstar54 gonzalez_326
great super smash bros. for wii u it's awesome I'm good being Sonic maybe because I'm a Sonic Fan
cp zeldatwilight7
Mëgä Smásh supersmachmega13
Hi guys im mega smash but my name is ryu and my favorite games are super smash bros 4 mario cart 8 and new super mario bros u so please like my drawings and post so guys thats it and im 14 years old and im a great artist i draw animations also real life humanes and cool backgrounds also draw angels mostly everything from the world please like my post drawings have a great day wii u fans. [: ☆★☆
Chawl[SAK] chawlsak
Finnley cdbonfig
Kealijah sonic2253
hi my name is kealijah I like playing mario kart 8 and super smash bros and super mario bros im always looking for great challenges in smash bros and mario kart and i love watching anime like dragon ball z , one punch man and bleach and naruto and i love pokemon and im 15
Larson Larson2513
Colby teejs1234
Hiya! Colby here!
Katie cmb1887
Hello! and thank you for taking the time to look at my profile. I will accept friend requests, but try not to send blank ones (^–^) I'll probably accept them any way :)
AutumnLeif tugiejr219
Why'd you come here? There's nothing interesting. ... ... You're still persisting?Eh...
Coyotea SillyThang
Ninten★ daMasterSword991
Hey-o fellow fans of Nintendo. I'll probably use this profile mainly for doodling or throwing out bad puns, so feel free to browse whenever.
Kris Tauskey
Kÿlïë Rëñ Princesszeldz
ello My name is Kylie >_> I like Legend of Zelda , Star Wars, X-Men, and Game of Thrones No Wii U chat pls im ugly <_< let's be chill B)
toonlink jhonnymcfardy
marioi startid a new profile
Tim tlad01
Here to enjoy the evolution of Nintendo. My path in gaming: NES -> Sega Genesis -> PlayStation -> PlayStation 2 -> GBA -> GameCube -> DS -> Wii -> Wii U Favorite games: Zelda Twilight Princess Zelda OoT Super Mario Galaxy Animal Crossing
TK TKboricua
I became a lifelong Gamer the moment I got a NES for Christmas and played the first level of Super Mario Bros. :)
Shinefeld skyplayswiiu
Hello Miiverse, here's a list of my top 10 favorite games ! 10: Sonic Adventure 9: Sonic Adventure 2 8: Super Mario Sunshine 7: Mega Man 2 6: Fire Emblem 7 5: Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask 4: Hotline Miami 3:Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number 2: Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time 1: Legend of Zelda Wind Waker I also like Ace Attorney, top 3 time! 3:Ace Attorney 5 2:Ace Attorney 2 1:Ace Attorney
pat ninjafox07
My name is Patrick, I'm a army vet. I have deployed 3 times now, twice to IRAQ and once to AFGANISTAN. Playing games on the wii u helps me with the stresses since I got back.
Greg Gruagach-1270
bowsregman bowserfan5454
Zach Zachamari
Hey, how's your day going? My day's going ok. I'm a person that likes to play Smash, Splatoon, and... Ok, so I've been playing those games way too much lately. Bye!
Aidan aprosey1
Mr. FTR ProjectFTR
I am Mr. FTR (Fenix The Rebirth) of Project FTR. Been a huge nintendo fan since I was a wee little one playing NES. Only Nintendo console i have not played is the Virtual Boy.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
"Time passes, people move... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to n...
"Time passes, people move... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth... Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself..." -Sheik from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time