Spicy's Followers
Richie 274757
Hello! My name is Richie :) I'm 19 years old and I like to draw and play video games. My inspiration for drawing are the smiles I can bring to people's faces. I leave comments in my posts so please read them! *somewhere in yogurt land* Follow my main account for more :) ↓ Main account: Name: Richie ID: Account2-Akio
МικυΚαωαιι DaisyPeachRosie3
Hi! My name is Tsetsuko Arisugawa but my name for my friends is Miku. I am 12 years old. I speak english a little (but my english is great!).I love drawing (I draw kawaii),listing music,dancing and playing video game!!!!!!!! I don't like speak french on miiverse I prefer speak english or deutsch;))
trash boi tigerbybirth
NO MIIVERSE DON'T END!!! goodbye all my friends!! I will miss you all x star x, penguin, sky, Link, freddyfaz, Wolfie, and more!!!! text today please! (starts to cry in the background)
Nick 4rathmar
hi. i like videogames. i hate minecraft roleplays, jsyk. (just so you know). follow me plz. i like cats. how much hate am i going to get for saying that.
toad (^-^) UnaidedTurtle15
Hi i am a very kind person i like to play minecraft, splatoon, and mariocart 8. you should follow my friends. My friends are very nice and love playing cool games. That's it for now stay fresh XD
Danny eVo-Pico
l play splatoon smash bros and mario kart and no wii u chat but l lost my mario kart 8 disk ):
tana aitanad
soy aitana aqui abajo unas cosas sobre mi: -Me llamo Aitana -Me gustan los gatos y la pizza -Mi youtuber favorita es LunaDangelis -Soy del Real madrid -Mi videojuego favorito es undertale -Y me gusta divujar -mi cancion favorita es ¨feel good¨ (Gorillaz) Bueno esas son unas cosa sobre mi :v
~Malu~ sta758
New song coming out soon♡ You can turn a life around♡ your perfect too me♡ I can't draw but i try♥ ˜Highschool˜ Freshmen♥ ♥soccer♥ ˜Mexican˜ *10 sisters ¦|* ♥Im HOME SCHOOL BIG HOUSE ♥ ANOTHER day a another hater ♥ everyday change i fell the same Not popular art club♥ Real Name: Malu T ♡Kay♡Mal♡Mj♡Keegan♡GIA♡♡♡♡
Cookie4110 Gamer4110
When miiverse ends......TELL MY STORY! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0—0 ♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
Kirby kirby532
Haiii! Im Kirby poyo. From the kirby series. My buddy Bandana dee is also looking for friends poyo! I hope you like all my post! Also please no swearing it makes me feel like an unhappy kirby :< Baiii! <(^.^)> *gives you hug*
Flash Blitz801
Profile comment hidden by admin.
★Peach★SMV sherlyn2XD
Profile comment hidden by admin.
KD☆wøιf«● bozoryer
hey why did you touch my face so hard i am a yeah bomber are you still there you can leave now i also cant follow anyone because im following 1000 people my goal of followers are 450
***** Bernsie
Hello! I'm just an average joe who has one these cool Wii Us! (No that wasn't brownnosing, (I think)
★H.★ιίιγ★ Ganon2023Familia
#DontCloseMiiverse Κοηηί©πίωα... ♥*^ωει©οмε тο мγ ρ®οƒίιε...^*♥ ☆♡•мγ ηαмε ίς ιίιγ•♡☆ †§⇔I have Reasons why i dont want miiverse close⇔§† £™¤ί παvε α Νίητεηdο 3DS Ι D:Andrea099¤™£ —¶1:For talk with my friends¶— #$%2:For Draw%$# º*{3:Do Pixelarts}*º &*#Please dont Close miiverse...#*& ^!@⃃:Adramelle DAYAMARAYA AnaMaria-Almeria MiriMane magdybros@!^ *.`...`.* My Kogama:-_-Lily-_-
śķť_Кαñтα blue-kantamao
Good day Good evening.I am mainly playing Splatoon.My skill is S+.Sorry to interrupt you.Follow back.Nice to meet you. (一回やってみたかった。) 中2 部活 バスケ 所属チーム śķť *Sz 最高s+58 スプラ2買う前にカンストシタイナーーー。
sylvain taniagrisette
Slt a tous bienvenue sur ma chaîne miiverse Je suis Sylvain 17 ans j habite a Brest gentillesse ★★★★★ timide ★★★☆☆ méchant ☆☆☆☆☆ chiant ★★★★★ avec mes vrais ami(e)s beau★★★☆☆ abonne toi a →→→ Marockaine abonne toi a moi ici ↓↓↓ →→→ suivre ← ← ← ↑↑↑ ps : on est 674 abonné(e)s: Allez viens on est bien Regarde ce qu on peut faire allez viens on est bien
Silver Pupa82
Hello my name is Silver the Hedgehog I am a 14 year old, I am a mobian hedgehog that is gifted with a great power called Qsychokinesis I was born 186 years after Sonic's time. I always want world peace in everytime i go. I like to hang out with my friends such as Sonic Tails Marine Cream Knuckles Blaze Amy and Espio. I go from time to time saving people. Take care all of you i care for you all ^_^
Starkiller tk421luke
Hi everyone Starkiller some things about me are -A huge Sonic and Pikachu fan -Enjoys drawing and doing different drawings -I dont use Wii U Chat -Enjoys making friends with new people -If you follow me i'll definately follow you back unless i cant because of then the limit of followers Also feel free if you want to follow me if you want random drawings and posts:D and lastly Stay Awesome:3
Cj jkawesome150
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone
←Julio→ Julioperez1
R.i.p. Miiverse. (good job nintendo -_-)
Zully LaneGirl
Hi I'm Zully! Um...I like games (duh Zully they probably figured that out already) My life is just really f–up and well that all im willing to say for now...I don't like pity... Um...I know Spainish,& English (duh) I want to learn French, Japanese, & German I'm...not saying my age. I like to draw so maybe I'll post some of my drawings. I LOVE Anime!!! and I have a a lot of anime crushes.
jacob Mas13r_WarFidoX
JOSE joseoribencel321
Que tal 8) Si lees esto significa se saves leerXD Ok no bueno■ mi nombre es jose ★me gustaria ser amigo de todo aquel que lee esto ▲me gusta todo tipo de juegos ♥en especial mario ●edad esta entre 15 y 10 ♥mejor amigo m No lose ♪♪color favorito rojo e azul en fin.... que mas puedo decir..... ♥¬♥
Daniel p0wbl0ck
Hello,you can call me Daniel.I used to have another account but it got b@nned for nothing so this is my new main.Peeps:Ash,Xylix,Josy, Knightfall,Zack,Nicky Rose,Ava,and Rose.Goodbye peeps.I'll remember yall. †
joshua joshua0623
people of miverse welcome to my world of vidio games my squad code is hoodini all you followers are part of it if anyone else wants to be part of the squad wich i mean follow and i will be posting daily.and thank you for comeing:D BEST FRIND :Evilboy and dreagon GAMES: MK7 yoshis new island Gunvolt Gunman clive call off duty black opps pokemon rumble world DREAM JOB: working at Nintendo
Skye Twikipopa
Hi! Im Skye. i like reading (Harry Potter is amazing!! XD)My fav games are splatoon lego city undercover and super mario 3d world!! i also like lego!!! :-)
Wind Waker alexnadan2
hey guys i changed my mii to minda i know minda is a girl but i like minda the most she is from legand of zelda and look at my noter acouunt it is minda123650fyio
matilde MATILDE080504
BENVENUTI NEL MIO PROFILO !!!!!! GRAZIE DI ESSERE VENUTI A VEDERLO! SE NON VI SPIACE POTRESTE METTERE DEI LIKE O/E SEGURMI , MI FAREBBE MOLTO PIACERE ! Adoro cantare,ballare e la musica♪♪ Preferisco uno schiaffo in faccia che una amica che sparla di te alle tue spalle !!!
emmanuel dogbo.com
******* Sugiyama0331
kenananas Kenananas
Bonjour, voilà vous pouvez vous abonner pour devenir un guerrier ananas! , vous pouvez rejoindre la teamTK, en mettant ce hashtag dans votre profil,je suis un bouffeur de frites et j'assume #Reddevils #Bxl voilà c'est tout! bon a plus ( on vise les 400 guerriers ananas avant la fin de miiverse :-)?)