Spicy's Yeahs

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:28 AM

im T H I C C callie from splatoon is not T H I C C queen IM THE T H I C C QUEEN

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:28 AM

I have to make this power point presentation about colonial America for my mom and I'm really tempted to add hamilton music even tho she hates hamilton

New Super Luigi U Community

Todd H.

07/09/2017 10:28 AM

Little-advertised fact from Nintendo™: If you buy Splatoon™ 2™ without getting The Elder Scrolls™ V™: Skyrim™, the fabric of the universe will fall apart.

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:29 AM

temporary Anime... was here? yes. yes i was, i don't know. wanted to shake it up a bit.

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:29 AM

I slept on my side and now my hair is sticking up at a perfect 180° angle.

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:24 AM

12 days left until Splatoon 2 for Nintendo Switch releases worldwide.

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:25 AM

Unless Avatar the last Airbender and Legend of Korra count, I have never watched any anime except for the first 3 episodes of Cowboy Bebop

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:24 AM

Reinhardt is a good boy I appreciate that one of the most OP units in Heroes is from FE5

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:24 AM

Anyone else's bottom-left side of their hand swell from their mouse pad? I'm thinking of getting a new one.

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:27 AM

Woomy or Ngyes?

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:25 AM

Yesterday I let my 5 year old cousin play Splatoon and he won his first match. :^^))) (( he was using the .52 Gal btw ))

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:25 AM

I now have Shovel Knight Treasure Trove on my Switch and am extremely excited to play it with my sis. I am terrible at the game on my 3DS but hopefully the Joy-Cons will make me get good

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:28 AM

I wanna know if i have an arch enemy

New Super Luigi U Community

Andrew P.

07/09/2017 10:23 AM

You know you slept good if you have those marks on your arm

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:23 AM

He has no style, he has no grace

New Super Luigi U Community

Wonder One

07/09/2017 10:15 AM

Miis vs Rabbids vs Minions. Who wins? The answer is the Internet.

New Super Luigi U Community

windows zp

07/09/2017 10:16 AM

I found out it's possible to clear Mission Street (Tails) and Weapon's Bed (Dr. Eggman) with Sonic, Shadow & Knuckles. (I haven't tested Rouge, but if Knuckles can clear them so can Rouge.)

New Super Luigi U Community


07/09/2017 10:17 AM

Wait... There's an Animal crossing survey? THERE'S HOPE