Markus's Followers
puppupgirl mollyandpolly206
hi my name is puppupgirl and I just want to say although our time is cutting short as in we have 1 day left I loved every minute on Miiverse even tho I only started 3months ago you guys made me feel welcome I just want to thank my friends for sticking by me and I will never froget you guys and THANK-YOU everyone for following me+378 and you guys are REALLY KIND and you guys my friends ARE AMAZING
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
MugTugPug♪ pro3star787
This user's profile comment is private.
Paweł lilka2010
I like fnaf
YuukiYuuki SwordArtOnline1O
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Marc Marc757
Mad Denis Supercollider666
Hello everyone! Im Denis! Im 25 years old. Bye! :D Bye Miiverse. T-T WHY NINTENDO????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO MAD AT NINTENDO FOR DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spartan SpartanGen
★Will★ MallioAndSanik
You poked my face or tapped my recently polished name, so follow me since you came here. You already saw my name, so I don't need to tell you again. Get out meh house.
Pearl♪ MelancholyMind
Goodbye everyone thanks for being there and listening, when no one in my life would. This is Pearl Swanson Signing off.
Cow Lover! hiurweird
Hello there! WE crushed 250 followers! how abot 400 followers and 60 friends??? My video games that i have are Splatoon (Wii U) Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) Minecraft (PC) and MC Story Mode (Wii U)! PLEASE LET ME REACH MY GOAL! ONLY YOU GUYS MATTER!
ςιмσи★γeχχ N1-Speed-Guy
Hi there Are you here for a cookie? Here,take one→●. I really love Pokemon and Mario,playing Nintendo since i was 5 year old Please click that follow button :D My favourite game is Splatoon I speak English,Japanish,French,German and Spanish Clans: PĀ ðς τш Gερ★ мςν ★007 Why am i wasting my time nobody reads profile comments
Random seanlovesmullets
hello im kyla i love yoshi's wooly world. i will follow the miiverse code of conduct and respect all of miiverse
☆Never hurt´s to help ;) ★Hate´s great, best villain –_– ☆TRUST NO ONE! ★Reality is an ilusion, the universe is a hologram ▲ ☆Nobody exist on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody´s gonna die; Come watch TV? •~• ★WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! :'D ☆You both love me and I love both of you ♪ ★What´s the use of feeling BLUE? ♭ ☆Stay DETERMINED <3 ★In this world, it´s KILL OR BE KILLED >:3
Calvin Fallen_Wing
Still active If anyone likes my things, My birdo and cordless discs are going to be in this place. See my follows for systems for games[Top to bottom]. Calvin#0863 Follow parenthesis for birdo (FallenAngel)just for you(3) know what(6) since mallets(4).
jaiden★★ Jaidenblaze
hello my name is jaiden and i love games as in pokemon minecraft and super smash bro and splatoon and my favorite pokemon is charizard and im Irish and im 16 :-).
SB◆DαгK arnovanan
Ťнίƒαηιε LoveUkrainian
I'm so sorry. Geoffroy I love you for eternity baby,you are so amazing! Login:frannce Rida thank you very much for all,you are extremely nice! Login:fati2010 Salah you are very great,thank's for all I adore you! Login:Salah-Dk3
jamie momdad23001
repressed emo cringe ^˛^ …JUNG KOOK is my religion… follow and I'll follow back all about me: AGE:14 My favourite anime: Black butler TØP ΑΙΙ ΑΒΘΦΤ ΤΗΑΤ ΜΞΜΞ ΙΦΓΕ rp as a oc only lowkey wormwhat truth behold the fact that I've only been drawing for about let's say 8 months but I love it ←crystal wolf→ I don't know if music is my ƒ MAJOR WRITERS BLOCK RN
Apple R.£ AppleReese
Hello. My name is Apple Marina Reese. I am 13. I am single. I have been called a very lovable Emo by my friends! I have seperation anxiety. I love Harry Potter and Melanie Martinez, and almost everything in Hot Topic! I love Aphmau! I really LOVE Yandere Sim! I am going into 8th grade! Go Grad Class of 2022!! I love my friends!! Ciao!!!
ωσωακα‹3 Usako131
☆*wеιcσmе τσ my sеα gαlαxy^^~*☆ ================= **i'm gone again,but i'll be back at some point...maybe,i dunno.** main in smash:Link favorite pokémon(s):Lopunny,Aggron Aegislash,Torracat,mimikyu&cresselia duh. I draw doodles alot and play pokemon X,AS and moon. and i love to stay awake t'ill 5 am and drink coffee<3. 15/♀
KrEeAte Xeos_Chronolight
Donuts are here but they're Gonna be stale-- [Soon to be main acc:: Ghosts_Go_Boo This is gonna be an alt verrryyy soooooonnnnn]
Smol☆Demon sky88888
heya im kate I love to draw and make friends everyone of my followers are meh fronds if you make them sad you dead boy or gal also I love BATIM and I hate angels im so lonely ok bye bye
Thank you everyone for supporting me! Its been a wonderful ride. I wish we can stay longer together! My time has come to leave this place I'll see ya around maybe! Bird: @QRosie3 ☆Make your dreams come true lads & laddies☆(I haven't said lads or laddies in a long time wow xD) Love you all! xxxxx -Baby Rosie
Duckwank EeveeGirl8
i know miiverse isn't exactly over yet, but I was planning on quitting anyway. I don't use it anymore, but you can look at my posts or whatever from here and follow me for some reason.. bye :D
◇★Hayato★◇ hayatoida8810
痛いよ今、顔にキズがあるんだよぉーー おふざけは、やめてこんにちは、こんばんは、◇★Hayato★◇です。 ・住んでいる場所 京都です。 ・趣味 特にありません。 ・学年 普通の6年です。 ・得意な事 絵を書く事、(これくらい…) ・好きな曲 いっぱいありすぎて分からん… ・私は、犬はです。←(どうでもいいww) ・彼女は、いるかって 内緒 ・年齢は、 12歳です。 いままで見てくださってありがとうございました!! もし、良ければフォローお願いします!! 建築が好きです!!(外装の方が好き) 特に仲良くさせてもらっているフレンドs (`^´)s つばさs (°д°::)s 好きなユーウチューバー ・1位 きりざき えいじ ・2位おるたな ・3水溜まりボンド じゃ僕の紹介を終わります!!投稿ぜひ見てね!!みんなバイビ
.·•☆star glorianny19
hi my name is nani,but my real name is favorite game is mariokart,and anything with races, creepy stuff,and adventure i love playing with friends and chating with them. have a good day ♡-♡ i love ya'll! i need someone to talk to.....where is wolfie (gee) and steve when you need them ughhh, (i want bacon or ice cream rn) ~blows a kiss~ ♥ byeeeee love y'all (btw go check out lizza koshy) ♥
Leche Flan Shinyrainb
Lalala lalala laa ~♪ I fight for my friends. ERROR: I have no friends. My mains for Splatoon Blaster Hydra Splatling (in rank) Sloshing Machine(in rank) Carbon Roller (in rank) Rapid Blaster Pro Deco Neo Nouveau Custom Kelp Forge Mk. II
Fabian thekwaigirl.23
Oh hello there! Welcome to my cringey profile where you can find drawings and more cringey stuff. I rarely post something different and new. I'm the lord of inactivity so yeah... i won't do anything interesting. Must of the time i'm just playing games... so yeah nice to meet ya, i hope we can be great friends. I'm not an artist btw... OH, AND THANKS FOR CLICKING ON MY FACE :3
SHM-APRIL uehegdfhvdtd
Hi, The name's SHM-APRIL!!!! Love_basically_everything... except onions, and depressing things like onions :/ Fav anime: Beelzbub, Handa-kun, Blood Lad, and many more... Never on miiverse, if am plz flip tables over. (/'-')/ → ¹—¹ Anyway, enjoy trash! also, have a deep love for creepypasta.. i can be creepy at times...\(@-@)/ indulge me and my weirdness! bye bye!
Alina Alina.De
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Axel brandnewds
Hi! I'm Axel the Axew! I'm friendly, always happy, and LOVES food! In Axew, im 10 yrs old! Friend-eos: Kai Inky Sammysenpai ( I think, if she changed her name ) Myself Vulpix I'm creative, and i #ship! I find fandoms before my friends, and family. I like drawing, and i like: Wings of fire Seekers Pokémon Cuphead Batim Daddy is my dad,so i love him with all my heart!
Diego aitordiego
Komason Tailzthefox39372
Hi im Tails! I like games like Yo-kai Watch, Sanic I mean Sonic, Zelda and more. COrrupTion ISn'T LiKELy. E.X.e ISn't likely EITHER. Btw, my Roblox account user is Kamason301.