Users Markus Is Following
MugTugPug♪ pro3star787
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Paweł lilka2010
I like fnaf
YuukiYuuki SwordArtOnline1O
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Mad Denis Supercollider666
Hello everyone! Im Denis! Im 25 years old. Bye! :D Bye Miiverse. T-T WHY NINTENDO????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO MAD AT NINTENDO FOR DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♪Снεεsε♪ UrM8Nate
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WolfTera BigBadWolfen
HueHueHue I, Wolf, Alt of TeraFox will be here to continue this miiverse madness... Umm... WHAT'S THAT?! I HAVE TO BE NICE?? NOBODY TOLD ME THIS! -This Alt will be used for Post continuation if my main account runs out. I'll mostly respond.. Don't expect much on this ;) Check out My Main Account, "TeraFox"
Princess princesscricri
Bonjour à tous, Fan de mangas, j'adore dessiner mes personnages préférés (The legend of Zelda, Fairytail, One piece, animés Ghibli). Si vous aimez mes dessins, n'hésitez-pas à mettre un "ouais" ou à laisser un message (je parle anglais, allemand et un peu japonais). Dédicace spéciale pour : Alexopro Aurelie.Mangaka Lucypro PokeBigFan \\^o^// the best boy ^.~ ♪
Spartan SpartanGen
Ilia ilianthos
•Hello, my name is Ilia!Also known as Dankyboo. •I'm a half Congolese, half Greek young lady trying to learn more things about art. •I've been a Dancer for 10 years, an Artist for 3 years and I've had 3 years of singing experience. •I want to thank every single one of you separately!You are all like a family to me. Search Dankyboo to find my hiding spots.
ιко? Ari0204
▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ Hi new friend! ˙˘˙ I'm a crazy 15 year old girl who loves Anime and Video games. ♪ ★•·.I love you Gladion-kun.·•★ ★~I found my Onii-Chans σωσ~★ ★~Miku-Chan let's start a duet in the stars~♪ ε›~I found my Miiverse Family~‹з ↓↓↓ Twin:Seasonal_Mint Big Onii-chan:FlareonFoxFire Little Onii-chan:Darthlightsabers Older Sister:Phantasmaforever Senpai:Alexboy06 ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼
Anncario Ann662000
Hi there, Im Anncario (Aka Ghoulcario) and Ima shiny Lucario ghoul I love: •Tokyo Ghoul •Lucky Star •The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya •Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid •Pokemon •Senran Kagura •Yandere Simulator •Vocaloid I have huge obsession with Touka (Tokyo Ghoul) and Lucario. Its been a lot of fun on Miiverse so thx for 800+ my friends & followers :>
Spooqueen Nounouilleuh
Nyn // ♀ • likes sharks • and pokemon • and reptiles • is splatoon trash right now • "pink is a great color" -Tixy
Pearl♪ MelancholyMind
Goodbye everyone thanks for being there and listening, when no one in my life would. This is Pearl Swanson Signing off.
Mikaharu Mikaharu
[Requests are closed] I'm Ruima-Mikaharu, just call me Mika for short or Hammy I love to draw and games that I like to play are: animal crossing, DQ-IX, FEA, Pokémon, drawing games, etc… I love pixel art and fantasy RPG I'm African American love old cartoons and old style animation Not really the best talker blah… I'm not used to here yet but I'll try my best. Out of space.
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
lelwhat™ ScoopyTOP
@spooky_bands_brooks go to google if you wanna keep contact after the end of Miiverse.
ςιмσи★γeχχ N1-Speed-Guy
Hi there Are you here for a cookie? Here,take one→●. I really love Pokemon and Mario,playing Nintendo since i was 5 year old Please click that follow button :D My favourite game is Splatoon I speak English,Japanish,French,German and Spanish Clans: PĀ ðς τш Gερ★ мςν ★007 Why am i wasting my time nobody reads profile comments
♪ωσιƒíε♪ WolfCub432
13 Years Love ♥☆♥Wolves!!! Zelda my FAVORITE game (especially Twilight Princess)! Games:ZELDA♥Terriaria♡Animal Crossing♡MINECRAFT♥Tomidachi Life♡ {Clans} [LEADER] ως (Member) вв] ςс] WHAT YOUR STILL READING!! REALLY THANKS!! HERES MY PLAY JORNAL!
Emily EmmyLouLa
Yo! tbh i dont draw in my usual style on this thing.. I enjoy animating & drawing! Hmu :D instg @apetnamedsteve
☆ Umbreon~ Alyssax14
Hai, you can call me Luna, if you want i Love Undertale & the au's ^ ^ i Love pokemon ^ ^ i also like fnaf---- (#i Ship) Taken By: RioluGamer ^w^ (plz follow him, he's an amazing artist) *also* Hai Riolu-Senpai! ~<3 love u ^ω^ Please Follow: FoxboiΟωΟ RioluGamer ChainAxe Jameswolf★ James Anncario & Smol~Neko~ im not leaving 'till the end! LEL Bork Bork BAI
øηαкц οω~★ saphire600
heyo ! i see ya here for some reason truth is theres not much cool stuff here just ramdones ._. .... and i mostly just play minecraft and do crazy stuff with meh friends ... thats al i guess ....and i also do random art as i said just randomness φ~ο
♪Nordia♪ Nordia145
Bye everyone, hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Happy New Year...ill miss you all *holds up peace sign, Vanishes*
shadow Shad0wHeart98
Name: Shadow Age: 16 Likes: Dagger,Chocolate,Helping Status: Taken :I Hate Myself:
♪Haley♪ bansheee262000
"R.I.P Miiverse I came at the Dawn of this place and will stay till the Fall of it" Welcome to my trash can!or what's left of it. . .anyway The names Haley tho I do go by Frost 12 cringe yer girl With over 200+ O.C's b-day Dec8th NOWIIUANYMORE VOLTRONFTW #Hamtrash MY BESTIES: Hamiltrash Cat!Chara ther CinnamonRolls:>
SynthΞtic Cybernetics
Hello and Welcome to SynthΞtic’s profile. -Self thaught artist, who is mainly focused on videogames/cartoon releated things. -Is always experimenting with new shading techniques to improve and give the gallery some variation. -I enjoy animated movies/fan creations of any kind and videogames. -Appreciates every kind of feedback, critique and conversation. ★Have a nice day, everyone!★
Spookninja DerpUndercover
Welcome to my profile! I like video games. I draw sometimes. Criticism on my drawings is appreciated, as long as it isn't blind hate and can help me. NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU! «Request Rules» 1. What you request has to relate to the theme. 2. No OCs 3. Unless I say otherwise, I will only take 7 requests per post and 1 request per person.
Ξłσ…ηιмε floflogggga
·.·•·.·•·.•·.·•·.·•·.·•·.·•·.·•·.·• A m i n o (arts & ocs) : Steam//Cake D A : SteamCake29 W : SteamCake ☆Azur,Kirumi,Abso,Hanako<3☆ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - →Lilione:Feunec/Pikachu⇒♀(Fursona) →Green-Leaf⇒♀ (O.c) →Cupcat⇒♂or♀ (O.c) →Nathan⇒♂ (O.c) →NoName⇒♂ (O.c) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ♡Merci pour les 700+ étoiles♡ Thank you all :) ·•·.·•·.·•·.·•·.·•·.·•·.·•·.•·.·•
♪~Mεĺσδγ~♪ e467fjo99sFtrhfj
Melody/Italy/♀/17 oc age/Tsundere/Ichi Heya! My name is Melody or Mel I'm a trash of:Pkmn,Fnaf,Yo-kai Watch,UT,Batim,Splatoon,Su,Osomatsu-San and I love draw! Śïşłěŕś:Yveltal,★Fabiana★ And ★Angelica★ Ship:☆~Xurkildy~♪^^ follo my best pals: Scarlet,Miku♪,♪Jane♪,Didem,Harry And NubyPome2! My Oc's:Sunshine,Cristal,Melody,Xurkix,Yvy,Xavier and more. Thx Mv. T_T Seya /~\
☆Never hurt´s to help ;) ★Hate´s great, best villain –_– ☆TRUST NO ONE! ★Reality is an ilusion, the universe is a hologram ▲ ☆Nobody exist on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody´s gonna die; Come watch TV? •~• ★WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB! :'D ☆You both love me and I love both of you ♪ ★What´s the use of feeling BLUE? ♭ ☆Stay DETERMINED <3 ★In this world, it´s KILL OR BE KILLED >:3
Blue Jay kid8000
°Goodbye Miiverse, even though I wasn't all much here, you changed my life by making me a more social person. I'll never forget you or it's inhabitance even to my last breath. For those of my good friends who didnt get their turn, we can play my 3DS "game" if you msg me here. Hurry, get your turn!°
lily catsrock11
i love cats and ninteendo
Silhouette Day_12th
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Rachel smith704
"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." Swami Sivananda
♂Box Arthur4567
[Account made: 4-7-15] @PillowyPillow I draw and talk about things. Or do what I want to do, whatever works here. I lied, I can't draw anymore. Now you have to follow me and not unfollow me because you read this part.
Rowi Popelkuh
Welp.... Miiverse is shutting down.... Enjoy the last moments here.... D,: And I just want to say, thank you all so much for ever supporting me and my dumb stuff here. I feel very blessed of your support and.... yeah .... follow LøriFox( AS LONG AS YOU EVEN CAN!!!) (nah, she's really pretty good) Also I got a cat, her name is Mila and.... *crying in the corner* We'll meet again, pal ~’’~
Cap.Ash Jaguar03
THANK YOU! I love you all! And I shall (hopefully) see you on the switch soon, Zach... I love you, and everyone else... Goodbye!
Calvin Fallen_Wing
Still active If anyone likes my things, My birdo and cordless discs are going to be in this place. See my follows for systems for games[Top to bottom]. Calvin#0863 Follow parenthesis for birdo (FallenAngel)just for you(3) know what(6) since mallets(4).
Milk Rosalina17
You said you had a dream… That dream… Make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth! If anyone can, it's you! - You meet someone. You two get close. It's all great for a while. Then someone stops trying. Talk less. Awkward conversations. The drifting. No communication whatsoever. Memories start to fade. And that person you know becomes that person you knew.
Soul SoulCatTheLink
Tumbles: soulysoul DA:FluffehGrapez BlueBird: Soul_Souly ClosedUniverse:Soulysoul
jaiden★★ Jaidenblaze
hello my name is jaiden and i love games as in pokemon minecraft and super smash bro and splatoon and my favorite pokemon is charizard and im Irish and im 16 :-).
SB◆DαгK arnovanan
Ťнίƒαηιε LoveUkrainian
I'm so sorry. Geoffroy I love you for eternity baby,you are so amazing! Login:frannce Rida thank you very much for all,you are extremely nice! Login:fati2010 Salah you are very great,thank's for all I adore you! Login:Salah-Dk3