Dalila's Followers
giulia ★☆★ giuliapagano
♥ciao e benvenuti sul profilo più carino e felice della Terra! io sono una giovanissima ragazza che ha la passione degli animali in particolare dei CAVALLI!♥ Seguitemi e sarete dei carinissimi unicorni che faranno parte del mio branco super coccoloso,1º profilo(vecchio)giulia, adate a vederlo e vedrete i miei progressi con voi e con i disegni SEGUITE karolina², CuteMelody misia☆★☆ e Minnie çìάσ★
Αηηαbεllε☆ Daph6464
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guillermo memogame1590
Thxful4MV funny35
[*Ηεγ· Ναмε΄ς Sнιяαι· γφυ Ισσκ Ιικε γφυ ζφτ нυяτ ƒяσм α ζяεατ ƒαΙΙ·] Heheh..wait..aRE YOU A HUMAN?! I DESPISE HUMANS!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!.. Heh, I'm just pulling your leg. Nice to meet ya. You look nice. Want me to show you around Hotland? Out Of Posts: No [√] I might yeah-bomb..(>->) I can't follow all of you fabulous people ;×; I'll try to though ;♡;
Hi, my name is Mara and Im very friendly!! You want to be my friend? :3
ºbeaniº nykol85620
i like pancakes... .˛. ˙ˇ˙/\˜˘˜ i will miss you all. ó ò i will miss my prankster gangsters... thanks for 300 followers! it means a lot to me.♥ \˙˘˙\ welcome to the dark side...friends
lucas_2007 Lucky482985
hola me llamo lucas,tengo estos juegos:minecraft wii u edition,super mario 3D world,yoshi wolly world,super mario maker,splatoon,paper mario color splash,mario tenis ultra smash y mario kart 8. Y si me sigues te sigo Y #no miiverse ending
Sans Cheesecakelord55
Hey Kiddo's!Welcome to my miiverse page.Talk with me if you feel like it.I'll make as many puns as i can!
Oгioп Pyroli_Noctali
>ω< ————————————————— ●Hello welcome to my account, I am a friendly boy French who loves drawing,reading and pokemon! :) ☆2 account: ★Oгισп~ (ID: 3DSNNetwork)☆ A big thank you to my subscriber!;)>ω< Special dedication to Lyα and ★Ryn★ and others! •↑Please feel my favorite message!↑ •I hope to be able to draw soon and please be indulgent!:/ Δ ΔΔ ↑And follow me!!!↑ —————————————————
∞←Vane→∞ Vanne_22
Logan Fredlog15
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st★rfish gamercraftgirl
heyy. i'm st★rfish -more nicknames include:blubbimi,ra•mu•ne ½, and bokuto. - 12,000 yrs - Switch:bun-bokuto …drawing slump… (Active/x) (Inactive/) (Switch/) ★ pearl's mah gurl.★ it was fun y'all Art and Ocs Amino: blubbimi
canelo gvoxrl
Davide Davide_293
ciao! io sono Davide. é ho 7 anni
natalia nuttieandchichi
hi guys!! its us, natalia and chiara! we are both gamer girls we are always up for a challenge (well at least chiara tries to be) we love watching/drawing anime and being the most stupid of them all. memes are just our number one thing if u have memes to share feel free to do what ever u want.(im running outta ideas.. O-O) oh, ya! feel free to play smash with us or splatoon. see you guys soon! bai
Haaayyy!! You didn't pocked my face for nothing, neeeeh?? nvm, I'm Stary, a great drawer!! I'm a girl, obviously, hehe... Mmmh... i wonder why nintendo is closing miiverse... We all gonna be sad, aren't we? I love anime!! Like : Noragami, Fairy tail, One piece, Log Horizon... I love animating too!! (i'm animating on flipnote studio on DSi) I really wanna reach 100 followers before it close...
Link Jugurtha14789
salut tous le monde je mapple jugurtha j ai une chaine youtube qui s appelle minecraft jugurtha et accepte les demande d amis j aime les jeu d aventure les jeu de combat et les jeu action comme les jeux the légende of zelda et jeu de tir comme splatoon abonner vous a moi je vais abonner être abonner a vous êtes pas obligé ok et mes amis *****matéo et youcef ***** et je suis sympa :-)
Manlyboy oink23
Welcome to my miiverse channel! Look For My Minecraft Tips, Seeds, And Trivia! I know English, and Sign Language! look for sign language tutorial discussions titled: SignItLikeABoss! You can request signs in any of my comments sections, and I will surely respond! Thanks! #SignItLikeABoss
ςέпi~ċhåη★ toykawaii1230
.·•ßiёпßепidοş αмi ρегƒiI•·. holiiiis !!! •apoyo para que no cierren miiverse >:( ♥ ♡ •practicamente mi vida se resume en una consola :v ♡♥ •practicamente una chica gamer •me gustan las lechugas si me sigues lechugas pa todos ewe •me encanta me fasina dibujar =3, amo los animales ♥ω♥ •espero caerles muy bien Øω<
Edward wolfdog800
Hi my name is Edward and I love pokemon and drawing. My favorite hobby is drawing pokemon and is nice to met you ^ w ^
david vi022271
i mostly like to play splatton and get some knockouts and no blank friend requests have a great day :-> have a good summer break (^-^) happy easter everyone!!!!!!!!!!!im freely ok if people follow me or friend me
Sansy McSplat
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sofia =3 sofiadan
hola X3 como les va con las matematicas XD quiero conseguir 900 seguidores (♥•♥) ser la mejor en lost reavers y comer helado infinito ♥•♥ y el que me siga tiene helado infinito y un seguidor ★.★ bueno chao -w-
¶SM¶●řεкτ● EDGY_Princess
Miiverse is gonna end ;((((((( IG:esther_milkyway Anime amino:▲°Strawberri milk°▲
G&K alex alex57910
Salut, moi c'est Alex, un fan de nintendo, de l'univers geek et de la pop culture Également passionné par l'univers Japonisant RIP Mr Iwata, merci pour tout votre travail accompli -Rip Miiverse et Rip les perles de #Ocoboy :')
Michelle Twilight-Okami
Goodbye I loved being here. Thanks if you ever talked to me, yeahed any of my posts or followed me. Chances are you made my day. You pushed me to improve drawing and it was super fun spending time with you! Thanks for being amazing! Thanks for the memories! *Hugs* ‹3
larilorie ThEoPGMdu41
cc les amis a partir du 30 l 10 l 17 je voudrais avoir plus dabobnements au mois 130 merci et merci si vous abonnerez je maboneree joyeux ...... méchante...
leila leilabenahmed
Nome:Leila☆ Età:14 CLICCA SEGUI Sesso:♀ partecipare alle mie sfide e alle mie avventure NON SCENDERE SOTTO CLICCA (segui) TORNA SÚ ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ la mie migliori amiche sono ☆raffy☆ e ★Gattina★ chat:mary troppo lontano cmq buonanotte
Kara Cash OokamiLegend4
Heyo! My name is Kara! 私の名前はカーラです! Favorite Anime: Mushishi 蟲師 Favorite music: Dubstep, Hard Rock, Vocaloid, and ONE OK ROCK. Favorite Games: Mostly visual novel games or games with Anime art style. English: Native language Japanese: Fluent... 私は日本語がじょうずではありません I like Utaite! まふまふ, そらる, kradness, れをる, びす 天月 I like HoneyWorks! HoneyWorksはすきです! I take requests if asked. ;)
☆Manel☆ jacky-got7
yo mon ancien miiverse a ete efface par mon frere donc j'aimerai revoir mes anciens amis mais je sais que ce sera très difficile si possible sinon visiter mon miiverse comme bon vous semble si ca peut vous faire plaisir
Azula Kit10105
Hi! Azuza here. Also known as Azula. I draw random stuff.....and Zelda. the LoZ series are my absolute favourite games . ★I love drawing,but im complete trash at it~(·‘·)~. Hoping to improve my skills at it while I'm here. Thanks for the yeahs and support,everyone. : )
videl liliana2236
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Nelly Nami1820
salut je m'appelle Nelly j'aime manger les manga rigoler le foot le violon et le judo. On me dit souvent que je suis bizarre , mais d'habitude les gens m'aiment bien car je suis "ouverte d'esprit" c se qu'ils disent j'espère que vous aimerais ma chaîne bisous !
Tiramasui Tiramasui
Joined 12/20/15 WELL HELLO DERE! It me, Tiramasui. I am... A THING! Check out my friends please! They need love from more than just measly me. ♥~I am a follower of the way~♥ Hero is mah bab. Dun scaer hem. Am a smol arteest... And a parent to many, a-PARENT-ly!! AHH HA HA I'M SO FUNNY, HAAAA... Keep fighting the good fight, guys. *hugs to all* And DUN FORGET, I Luv U~♥
★NekoGeo★ AnimDude91
I'm AnimDude,but you can call me Anim. i'm just a 14 year old who makes terrible art. but anyway i like undertale and Roleplaying,so you don't like those,you won't like me Follow these people: ★ηεω~Dev★ (Senpai òωó) Anissa (sis) Mschievous (other sis) SuperMario (bro) Co-leader of the ηεω clan See you guys! ^^b
Suuka angelev23
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★Seaweed☆ evymbyr67
Im Nori, and this is my miiverse account. I work here with my old man and my son, Calamondin the orange tree. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing i've learned after 2 years- you never know what is gonna come through that miiverse feed. Don't expect me to post often, because I stop posting on miiverse for long periods of time. But when I do post on miiverse, I post A LOT.
trinity Lally2112
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Jоςсаιγη Jossy13
*Inserts Pink Panther theme song* íηςíğħł ση мε °ιм ıэ ºí ισνε мųςíć ºтεαм Jαсσβ IM BACK ºí dгαω αιι τнε тiмε ºмγ ιíƒε íς мυςíс αηd αrт ºí ισνε τσ dσ сαιιígгαрнγ ºí αм α ςсσгρíσ ºƒσιισω мε í’ιι ƒσιισω γσυ ºгεмεмвεг τσ ςмíιε тσdαγ
slendersky SlenderSky2005
hello im skylar and i love games so follow me plz my favorite show's are rosaio+vampire Attack on Titan and Blue exorcist so i hope that you like my post and don't hate on my drawings plz and just don't leave mean comment's and be nice to me and my favorite video game's are....undertale fall out 4 oh and you should follow this person ♪roc♪ he dose rp and is super cool so go follow him plz
αγακσ~♪ jadelepoisson
Heya !~I'm αγακσ,the cat !~ .·•I love: -MIITOPIA !!! - hot chocolate -ice cream -cake and biscuits -Warrior cats -MONEY $$ XD -Sayuu -Chi-san -Cέcιlε P.L .·•And I dislike : -The haters -coconut •••go to follow : ∞Lucie∞ (ID:lucillemdr) Kiyane(ID :kiyanette) Sayuu Espriz ²tam -Cέcιlε P.L -Chi-san sorry for the bad English To sad for the end of miiverse...;^; ToT ;^; ToT
oh hey.
I didn't see you there
Stuff about me:
I'm 11 years old
I'm half Polish half Algerian bu...
oh hey.
I didn't see you there
Stuff about me:
I'm 11 years old
I'm half Polish half Algerian but I can't speak any of my native languages
I don't watch anime much but I read some manga, bc the art styles are decent
call me a little girl and I will vomit glitter on you
WAIT! Before you leave...
Follow meh brother, ‹вёăšłž›.
or not, that's great too :)