Users Dalila Is Following
§Mike§ Galaxywonders24
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, your gonna burn with the rest of us- Get Flamed..."Yo" -Mike Schmidt Deviantart: philpickel this is my main account heheheheheh icursetoomuchondeviantart
Kara Cash OokamiLegend4
Heyo! My name is Kara! 私の名前はカーラです! Favorite Anime: Mushishi 蟲師 Favorite music: Dubstep, Hard Rock, Vocaloid, and ONE OK ROCK. Favorite Games: Mostly visual novel games or games with Anime art style. English: Native language Japanese: Fluent... 私は日本語がじょうずではありません I like Utaite! まふまふ, そらる, kradness, れをる, びす 天月 I like HoneyWorks! HoneyWorksはすきです! I take requests if asked. ;)
Azula Kit10105
Hi! Azuza here. Also known as Azula. I draw random stuff.....and Zelda. the LoZ series are my absolute favourite games . ★I love drawing,but im complete trash at it~(·‘·)~. Hoping to improve my skills at it while I'm here. Thanks for the yeahs and support,everyone. : )
☆Manel☆ jacky-got7
yo mon ancien miiverse a ete efface par mon frere donc j'aimerai revoir mes anciens amis mais je sais que ce sera très difficile si possible sinon visiter mon miiverse comme bon vous semble si ca peut vous faire plaisir
videl liliana2236
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Amαηdα AmandaMandaPanda
My name is Am@nd@, but you can also call me M@nd@, it rhymes with P@nd@!☆⌒(≧▽° )@=a Thank you for everything Miiverse! This site made me feel both terrible and great about my art. I never thought I'd be capable of being sort of popular online. I appreciate it so much. I know I've had my moments, and I apologize. I hope to improve more elsewhere, hope to see some of you there! さようなら!
Nelly Nami1820
salut je m'appelle Nelly j'aime manger les manga rigoler le foot le violon et le judo. On me dit souvent que je suis bizarre , mais d'habitude les gens m'aiment bien car je suis "ouverte d'esprit" c se qu'ils disent j'espère que vous aimerais ma chaîne bisous !
Deerly awesomecheery
Hello, I am a living trash can that draws (¯˘¯)b Call me Deerly ☆\(`ˇ′)/ Thank you for stopping by!! Byeeee! ♥(˘ˇ˘) Take requests for fun but please only ones I have drawn already! :D
★NekoGeo★ AnimDude91
I'm AnimDude,but you can call me Anim. i'm just a 14 year old who makes terrible art. but anyway i like undertale and Roleplaying,so you don't like those,you won't like me Follow these people: ★ηεω~Dev★ (Senpai òωó) Anissa (sis) Mschievous (other sis) SuperMario (bro) Co-leader of the ηεω clan See you guys! ^^b
Tiramasui Tiramasui
Joined 12/20/15 WELL HELLO DERE! It me, Tiramasui. I am... A THING! Check out my friends please! They need love from more than just measly me. ♥~I am a follower of the way~♥ Hero is mah bab. Dun scaer hem. Am a smol arteest... And a parent to many, a-PARENT-ly!! AHH HA HA I'M SO FUNNY, HAAAA... Keep fighting the good fight, guys. *hugs to all* And DUN FORGET, I Luv U~♥
☆♪▼meow▼♪☆ lulusarina
People i'l remember Green me Derp ChloeClue JugaBee aurore awesommeee jack★★♪♪my star cinnamonroll me (LOL) Night Spade ANND MY FAVOURITE PERSON YOU *thanks 80 followers* description Yo what up my kawaii fam sadly kawaiiverse is..... Ending!!Its soooo sad :( I love you all shoutouts to all my peeps↑and yourself unfortunatly I will not be commenting or yeahs untill 5th November love yall bye!
Suuka angelev23
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M●●N SureyHaridian
————@@@@@ ———–@———–@———@@@@@ ———@————–@——@————@ ———–@————–@@@————@ ————@——————————@ ————–@——@@@@@————@ —–@@@@@–—@@@@@@———@ —@—————@@@@@@——@ –@—————@@@@@@@——@ –@—————@@@@@@@—@ –@—————@@@@@@—–@ —@—————@@@@@——–@ ——@@@@@————————@ ————@@————————–@ ————@—————————@ ————–@———–@@———@ —————–@—––@@—@@@ ——————–@–@ ———————@ Hello.
★Seaweed☆ evymbyr67
Im Nori, and this is my miiverse account. I work here with my old man and my son, Calamondin the orange tree. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing i've learned after 2 years- you never know what is gonna come through that miiverse feed. Don't expect me to post often, because I stop posting on miiverse for long periods of time. But when I do post on miiverse, I post A LOT.
Yuki loantonia2005
Hi! Nice to meet you! Hey! Please wait! Where are you going? If you're already here, you might be able to read more :) Name: Yuki Age: 11 B-Day: 15.12 BFF: Minda, Neo, lottie and Nicky ★ BFF: Peachy, Robin-64, Sunny and Roque Which animes has been looked at: Naruto, 30% Mirai Nikki ★Thanks for +950 follower★ ♥~Thank you ALL for suport me and for my friends~♥ That was my profile Bye
Jоςсаιγη Jossy13
*Inserts Pink Panther theme song* íηςíğħł ση мε °ιм ıэ ºí ισνε мųςíć ºтεαм Jαсσβ IM BACK ºí dгαω αιι τнε тiмε ºмγ ιíƒε íς мυςíс αηd αrт ºí ισνε τσ dσ сαιιígгαрнγ ºí αм α ςсσгρíσ ºƒσιισω мε í’ιι ƒσιισω γσυ ºгεмεмвεг τσ ςмíιε тσdαγ
Pan!Aςh :3 08akaa
★Request: Nopeh ★Art/O.C Trades: Sure ^ω^ ☆Hiiiii! Im Ashley!~ ★ 9 y.o ★Like to draw ★Im a ♀ girl ★My senpai: No one ★ I'm a furry fangirl? ★ Kawaii desu girl~ ★ My daughter: InkySempoi ★ My children: †Suƒƒαηs† ★Sister‛s Wσlf♀Frεsh Super best sis °.★Vero★.° Super mega sis Nerea ùwú☆ best sis ★•Chibi•★ The best sis~ azamira sis ★§×PăŤτק Great sis ★Brother‛s FF Sαηs bro Blµe★Pīκα kewl bro
AnItHa anita753
Roses Are Red Voilets Are Blue I Wanna Be Smol Now get out i cant rhyme .-. @manu/Commando-G is one beautiful meme potatoe\(•♡•)/ Follow me on I N S T A G R A M anitha753
Alaina Gibbons88
Hello welcome to my profile I am a avery big fan of the Titanic especially the movie with Rose and Jack. I also like gravity falls fairys elfs. My favourite game is runny egg it is very fun to play. here is some of the other games I like to play Pokémon Kiby I hope you like my drawings and play journal posts. I like skipping playing on my nintendo and jumping on a trampoline. Bye
Maddie ._. maddie237
Hello.... I'm Maddie and Im 15 years old. I love to draw (even though I'm terrible) If you need to talk to someone I'm here, shoot a friend request♥ I don't bite I promise Most of the time.... :p
slendersky SlenderSky2005
hello im skylar and i love games so follow me plz my favorite show's are rosaio+vampire Attack on Titan and Blue exorcist so i hope that you like my post and don't hate on my drawings plz and just don't leave mean comment's and be nice to me and my favorite video game's are....undertale fall out 4 oh and you should follow this person ♪roc♪ he dose rp and is super cool so go follow him plz
neko-chan justinee313
Hoi! je suis une passionné de manga, d équitation et de dessin j adore: Diabolik Lovers Vampire Knight Hatsukoi Monster Shugo Chara Kimi Ni Todoke Corpse Party Another Elfen lied mes vocaloid préféré: Teto Kasane Megurine Luka Gumi Rin et Len kagamin Meiko Kaito Kaai Yuki *ω* je fais un peu de japonais: watashi wa 14-sai-desu J ADORE UNDERTALE
Luna LunaDieVierte
Μειίśśα rainaasdfgh
Hi I'm Melissa...I'm 12 years old.I like to play pokémon.Nice to meet you guys.Do you all like Animes?I like Animes a lot/(οωο)\.If you like my drawing give 'YEAH'please and yes,follow me too lovely friends.Animes 4 life<3.
BIG GAY. emilyanne123456
hi i'm really awkward and gay, i'm also a edgy 13 year old kid. oof how about them apples 3DS acc: @gay. okay im done here K E D A M O N O N O K A O W A
toast Spin2Fin
I'm normally browsing Miiverse on the website, since y'know, Splatoon 2, so I might take a while responding to any messages. Uh yeah
Zack ШÐ Swagger592
Hi I'm Zack I'm 16 if u have ANY questions feel free to ask If u follow I'll follow u back Part of the [ШÐ] clan Ť points:20
☆*ツナカン*☆ zaku-sei
やぁ~~(.~.)~ 僕の名前は☆*ツナ缶*☆ またの名前を☆°..NOWN..°☆と言う 好きな方で呼んでくれ。 プロフ↓? 高一だよ(・#・) 今までやってきたアニメは ほとんど見ている。(漫画も) まぁよろしくだ(・∀・)♭ え?性別?内緒だ(・#・)
dA is NNID officialchoco
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Midnight ♪ 15vw25x26gYy.ybe
Hi, I'm Midnight ♪.I like dark green and cats. I also like MLP and PPG. Last of all I like Pokémon and Five Nights at Freddys. My faves are Springtrap,Mangle, and Foxy.And I can draw them all. Plus I have a YouTube account and play Animal Jam :3 Shout outs Huge shout out to Maria ★★♪ Huge shout out to ηεκомαηdεŕ Huge shout out to KittyCat
NekoIsPan Neko1610
*h0i! Soy Neko-fun!(\(•ω•)/) Fandoms: Homestuck Osomatsu san RPG's Caravan Palace <|°_°|> FAKE TYPE Studio Killers Shawn Wasabi Vocaloid ♥Chupipandi+Team UTAU♥ Bff: ˙Θ•мего•Θ˙ *Please,do not copy my: Style|Art|Characters|Names 《♪~*Gypsy Bard*~♪》 MV:30/11/2015 "Aveces los que más sonríen son los que más han sufrido"~ ☆ *これから 一所懸命 がんばります!! ♪♥ 『*Lετ's hαvε α fυη dαу!☆』 *bOi Miiverse!! ♥
K.C.Cainen TsunaphonicSHOT
Bringin' out the dankest of memes for 14 years now. I'mma chill person that usually stays that way no matter the situation. I love music, drawing, video games and cartoons. I find that people might consider my taste in media 'childish', but ya know, that's totally fine with me. Who doesn't wanna be a kid for a while longer. P.S, I love conversations; don't be afraid to comment on my posts!
nii-chan SaradaUchiha3
Konichua!! οωοmi nombre NII-CHAN ›ω‹ BFF: Amira (te extraño 0n0 ) :'v soy un poco rara tengo 7 tornillos safados xDD, Cuando sea grande xDD kiero ser como FANTASMA- sensei:3 :3›ω‹ #HailGrasa xdxdxdd
Jakil jaja703
Hello everyone, my name is Jakil Day. I'm someone that wants to become the world's best successful person and a top-notch leader. I may be at the bottom, but when I'm at the top, My life will change into a whole new level. I care for everyone and that means you too, and try to support. The caring moments that people give me, i start loving. What will the world be without me. Jakil Forever!
Best part of life is the funny. Find that way to make yourself laugh and smile everyday :D Anime saved my life Zelda centers my soul ▲▼▲♥♥♥ Manga creator Smash Characters- Roy, Sonic, Link, ZeroSuit Samus, Lucina, ToonLink An Corrin♀ Hair changes color, red, blonde to brown 5' 11" Steel Blue eyes with golden amber ♂148lbs. Love Autumn, the colors an cool air I like to be Silly, not off putting :D
oh hey.
I didn't see you there
Stuff about me:
I'm 11 years old
I'm half Polish half Algerian bu...
oh hey.
I didn't see you there
Stuff about me:
I'm 11 years old
I'm half Polish half Algerian but I can't speak any of my native languages
I don't watch anime much but I read some manga, bc the art styles are decent
call me a little girl and I will vomit glitter on you
WAIT! Before you leave...
Follow meh brother, ‹вёăšłž›.
or not, that's great too :)