Users Kai Is Following
ゆきお(そら) sousorasora
Thank you Miiverse!Thank you everyone! 短い間でしたが、皆さんに出会えて良かったです(*´ω`*)ありがとうございました! 皆さんお元気で! 私は青いとりや支部にも出没中です。捕獲はG先生が手伝ってくれるかもしれない。 フォロワーさん皆が好きだ!! 11月7日 ゆきお Yukio
Rilee Rilee.s
Tim tum baller: floofyaxolotl Blue bird that tweets a lot: @FluffyAxolotl A deviant that does a lot of art: FluffyAxolotl
Αshaun Ashaun
Hi my name is Ashaun (or Ash for short), and I'm 18 years old. If you like my drawings, feel free to follow me; I follow back...sometimes. I don't accept random or blank friend request, sorry. I'm glad you checked out my profile, and have nice day you amazing people!
JroViens JroViens
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.
Roy Tri-force0612000
Hey! I'm Roy. I don't post here very often. I am more than willing to help anyone!!!
Cosette onisuu
◆▲I draw mainly LoZ arts!▲◆ Hi! I'm Cosette/onisuu and I love drawing as a hobby! I hope to share memorable moments from my gaming in picture form with you all! :D I am using a 3DS. Sometimes, I post time lapse videos of my drawings on youtube. new leaf dream address 4D00 0013 9804 town: Kakariko mayor: Onisuu [last updated: july 21th 2017]
Chris SuperChrisBros
Goodbye my dear friends & followers Tengo 21 años,hablo español y un poco de inglés y soy un gran fan de Super Mario y TLOZ Mis personajes favoritos son: 1)Super Mario★ 2)Pac-Man☆ 3)Sonic The Hedgehog★ 4)Kirby☆ 5)Link★ 6)Luigi☆ 7)Yoshi★ 8)Applejack♡ 9)Pinkie Pie♥ 10)Octavia Melody♡ 11)Meloetta♡ 12)Blinky★ 13)Mega Man☆ 14)Donkey Kong★ 15)Fluttershy☆ 16)Daisy♥ No WiiU Chat Sorry Everyone PAC IS BACK
Kellan Lame-chan0000
Genji Alex-Ich
See you space cowboys... I'll doing extra drawings/doodles in my alts Alt → NotGenji (TheDragonIsMe) 'Fire Emblem' Alt → Lord Leo I will miss you hard Jessy, Fatty and 8 bit guy!! never knew news about you :,(!!
KinTaMarny losb-s62
どうもKinTaMarnyです Miiverseサービス終了に伴い、 大規模なユーザーの移民が行われております 私もTwitterやpixivにアカウントを持っておりますので そちらに来られた際は、 どうぞよろしくお願いします
Michelle Twilight-Okami
Goodbye I loved being here. Thanks if you ever talked to me, yeahed any of my posts or followed me. Chances are you made my day. You pushed me to improve drawing and it was super fun spending time with you! Thanks for being amazing! Thanks for the memories! *Hugs* ‹3
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
Kimo★Chi Kimo-ChiP
★Hi! I love playing and drawing splatoon! ♥ →You can call me Mike, Kimo, or Soda ♥ →She/Her its ok, He/Him/His is better! ★tblr: Kimo-Chii ★dA/fA: Kimo-chi ★inst: kimo_chii ★twttr: sodachern
♪Kat♪ KoolKat77
I'm an aspiring artist who absolutely adores video games! I mostly spend my miiverse time in the Zelda community, but sometimes I'm in others. Things about me: I love Zelda and animals, I have too many favorite youtubers, I play the Sims (a lot), I'm in highschool and homeschooled, I'm 16, and no wiiu chat! Thanks, to all my followers! Be kind to others and have an amazing day! Goodbye Miiverse
Bao MoonlightZ
Whaddup whaddup. My name is Bao. -17 years old -Likes to draw. -Asian ( Vietnamese ) -Speaks French, English, Vietnamese, a bit of korean and spanish. Have a great day.
Austin NE_austin
I host a podcast and a Youtube show and stuff. NO MORE ROOM FOR FRIENDS. Please don't request. Sorry. :[
Brendan brendancorris
I'm a long time gamer who grew up with the NES and SNES. My favorite genre is 2D platformers such as Super Mario Bros, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Lost Vikings, Mega Man, Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, and loads more. I also like plenty of other genres, and I love The Legend of Zelda. I draw cartoons a lot. I love horror movies, video games, TMNT, everything 1980s and early 90s, and lots more.
Marco MarcoEnvy
Ana Grolbanana
dA: Cristella deVon Twooter: @camil_estelle (΅˙ˇ˙)/ Hullo! I'm a silly goose who loves to draw. Feel free to look through all my stuff; thank you for stopping by! All follows greatly appreciated! ♀ | 19 | Asexual | Taken You are a beautiful person and we're all here for a reason; love yourself and others. Pals: Sushi, Dank, Sasu, and Tin!♪
Somebody Zoruglitch
That devi ant thingie that's v green: Starry0Dragon I don't draw a lot (hopefully I will now? If I'm proud of my drawings idk) but feel free to talk w me or any other thing you want! I'm legally married to my bed
Caythena RedVelveet
WELCOME TO INIGO HELL I'LL BE UR GUIDE hi my name is caylee and i love fe:a and fe:if/f too much. particularly inigo. i also like to draw a lot.
Lylatroid Lylatroid
Thank all so much for visiting and for the follow. It means so much to me. I feel right at home here enjoying playing games, post art, and having a blast with laughter. Sadly, it’s ending soon. It is an honor to be with you all and I hope to see you guys in other places. Peace out! To Nintendo, thank you for this wonderful experience. You made me smile everyday!
R-gal ruba22
♪~Hoi~♪ ☆ I am R-Gal☆ « Hobbies include: » ¤ Zelda ¤ Drawing ¤ Reading ¤ Living( I do this best ) ¤ Making new friends ¤ Making lyrics ( sometimes) ¤ Zelda ¤ Playing the violin ¤ Arts and crafts ¤ Thinking ¤ And also, Zelda *Thanks for 700+ Followers, I really appreciate it. * Remember to put your feet in other's shoes before you judge them. «««« See ya »»»»
Areane VirtualGameGal
Greetings, love! I'm Areane, known as "The Shadowligt Archangel" because of my wings! Call me anything charming, love. I'll accept it! I do appreciate every aspect of everyone I meet, including you! Feel free to follow me and like my posts! Please don't be rude on my posts or to anyone else in the comments on my posts or you will get blocked... You've been warned... Cheers, love!
BlackStar DarkZ2002
This is My Drawing Page. I'll mostly Draw ShadowZPA, Sarah, and maybe Pikachu. Btw my Pixel Art, I learn from thesxeone-35 He's my Teacher tbh. Please follow him. Our Friendship shall shine on and never fade.
Акаиε Akane_Doragon
Akane |♀|16| ~Artist|Musican|Otaku ~Cat Lover ———————————————— ~I will take requests but i may not post them right away due to school and band ~My irl friend is HelloKitty|Go check out her profile she does amazing work ———————————————— ~Feel free to comment|yeah my posts|follow me ~Thnx you|Have a nice day
KirbyGamer KirbyTheGamer
I am A kirby and terraria Fanatic! I love hanging out with friends, Drawing Cool Pictures, racing in mario kart, and listening to video game music! Clans: The Green Cult (Leader) Besties: Wolfy, WaddleDee, Teeny, Turkey, LuigiGS, Squiddles, UnicornWizard, and MigSans Goodbye Miiverse! It's Been Fun!!! PS: Please Don't Make Me Sad...Okay? Because It Really Hurts...
JonRetro retrog97
† Welcome to my profile! Not much time is left for Miiverse... So let's the most of these last days!
Final Tin SilvaK
.·•*★hi!★*•·. ( ☎ ^☎)ノ♪ I am Tin. I draw the pretty ladies. ★All my beloved Followers get a Snowman~★ ☃← There you go~♪
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
Ðαηīει.Δ Dannekid
Hi, I'm Daniel. I'm 13 and I like video games, music, and drawing. I speak Swedish, Spanish and (obviously) English. My favourite game series is The Legend of Zelda. You will usually find me in the Zelda community except when i'm in the NSLU community posting random stuff. That's all... Have some smileys ^-^ ●-● ^•^ (It's dangerous to go alone, click 'Follow'!)
☆★Stэff★☆ Steffi96
Garret NostalgiaLad
Thank you all for the support, comments, and fun over the years! It means so flipping much to me. :) I'm alive and kicking elsewhere, so the show's not over. Just search for NostalgiaLad2, he's out there... Somewhere. Take care guys, and happy gaming!
Martin MartinIsAwesomeR
Hoi, everyone! I'm Martin, I'm from the UK, and I make T-Shirt designs based on video games! I love games of all different genres, but I especially love Zelda and anything by WayForward - especially Mighy Switch Force! Thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoy my drawings! ~Martin (Sorry, but I don't accept Friend Requests from people I barely know.)
Siddiata Diana61
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean i'll miss you untill we meet again.
Izzy ^υ^ Pups_adore_you
Hey everyone! I just want to thank you for my wonderful, crazy, weird, and overall grateful experience here on Miiverse… I never thought I would grow so attached here… I met some awesome people that would lead me to be who I am today… This is where I started. This was the place where who I wanted to be… I can't be more grateful than now… ♥I love you all ~ Izzy♥ 12/25/13 - 11/07/17
Why,hello there!I'm just your averageOtakuwho is a huge fan of the Zelda series.I create fan-anim...
Why,hello there!I'm just your averageOtakuwho is a huge fan of the Zelda series.I create fan-animations, speed-art and
vocal covers of Nintendo games&Anime! I alsodoLet'sPlays!
I am the _TheOtakuArtist_
»I have 2Parakeets&4Dogs
»Beginner Animator(Flipnote3D&FireAlpaca)
»I draw on here!