Kai's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

~~~THE LEGEND OF ZELDA POLL~~~ What's your favorite Zelda game?

So, awhile ago, I have an idea for smash5. So, you know how smash has 3D graphics but the game is on a 2D plane? (You can only move left and right, you can't walk in a 3D plane) Well, for Smash5 ho...

I went to Walmart and overheard two kids arguing with each other. The argument went as followed: "You're a fidget spinner!" "No I'M NOT!" ....what happened to this generation of kids
Why,hello there!I'm just your averageOtakuwho is a huge fan of the Zelda series.I create fan-anim...
Why,hello there!I'm just your averageOtakuwho is a huge fan of the Zelda series.I create fan-animations, speed-art and
vocal covers of Nintendo games&Anime! I alsodoLet'sPlays!
I am the _TheOtakuArtist_
»I have 2Parakeets&4Dogs
»Beginner Animator(Flipnote3D&FireAlpaca)
»I draw on here!