mc☆alex♪'s Followers
ΩIbrahima Diolga1999
in my old 3ds xl i use to be wolfliker and now i'm back a better then ever. i love pokemon
Dominic hyperssonic
plz follow me i want to get to 1000 followers befor miiverse ends go follow these guys ( these are there username ) alexia533 and paperyoshi )
Bipper Btrayus
H-hey i'm foxy the pirate fox i work at freddy fazbear's pizza! crush: jeremy or springtrap dateing: mangle ▲ «illuminati i do dares and do them in real life i do cosplay of 5naf charecters, i'm a fnatic[fnaf fan] My rp charecters are: . sparky the dog . foxy .a yorkie named rascal .foxytrap .springtrap Hope we'll be great friends sometime bye! x3
sasuke 32a giorgio080808
salu je m'appelle giorgio j'ai 9 ans et j'aime parlé je remerci aussi mes aboner svp meter j'aime a mes publiquation
jonathan Crash279
Maxie LittleFurryMaxie
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Danny~★ Dannyastro29
◆Omega◆ Taco_Lover_Omega
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retroboy44 retroboy44
Greetings earthlings. I'm 18 and love to game. I love anime, metal music, and other fun activities. Feel free to friend me anytime you want and I'll accept. Not a big fan of the Xbox brand. Play Station and Nintendo are fine with me. I also love to LARP. I will also Wii U Chat anytime you want. I also want to go to Tokyo, Japan. I want my Switch. I got a new account Sonicbro69. Go check it out.
るーくん Haruna-0511Rui
Shoelacejr Lucario2083
Pokemon for life
ItzBoston ItzBoston
I am a banana
AMERICA714 americanaylen14
hola soy america
Kyle KyleJones123
Ready to make friends.
◆Air◆ 1Beach1Life
Hey, my real name is Aryn, Here are some things about me.. 1. I love to talk to Anyone! 2. I love DUBSTEP! 3 I love any shade of Blue! 4. I Love to go Rock Climbing! 5. I love the Beach and to SURF! 6. I'm also Dancer, tap is #1 Pointe is #2 7. I'm Single and 13! 8. I am super smart, and sweet! 9. I'm 5'7'' and a model! 10. I follow 4 follow! If I don't respond I will asap! Thanks! Bye!
anna ericka86
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ミックスキャンデイー reomarukun2
新潟県のたくわんです! よろしくお願いします! たくさんのフォローと共感お願いします!!
hugo draza barselo
Hαrrγ .·•★ Terrashock_YT245
Hey! Im a kid who turned 9 on the 23rd of June 2017! Lv 43 Spla2n2 I got the switch so if you find a name of: Harry, That's me xd I love to draw, It is my passion And Yea Boneless pizza for life for ever for in the name of memez Thx for 500+! Bye! #StopMiiverseFromShuttingDown ;^;
ßłαςτ★ Mrwyatt53
shak 245166
Scott SPSF sandyandkyle14
thanks for tapping my face, my name is Scott SPSF. i'm the leader of SPSF clan. i'm also a member of FURY clan. .14 .status: nope .5ft 8in tall .religion: nope .favorite music type: Heavy Metal or Metal .don't be afraid to talk to me. UNLESS you're a member of hydra from ice station z. .Pantera for life best friend Anmut~$PSF friends VANILLA Fastback-Z out of posts: {no}
BdayGirl 08636lol
It's only hours!!!!!! EEK!!! My Party is on at 2pm 12th August Irish/UK time feel free to join!!! My ACNL 1 is on at 5pm!!! Hi guys! Yvonne here! You can call me Eve! Here are my aims for my bday. 270 followers √ 250 followers√ Following 320 √ Be Happy√ 280 followers√ I do a thing called 'Shoutout For A Week' So please play. Free Shoutouts To: ☆DjStarboy SFWL=Shoutout for Week List Umaari
Ness a23wrtn89 name is Rui....welcome to my profile....i'm 12 years old (meh) OH BOI I CANT WAIT TO BOMB SOME DODAWNGOS
Polly KitCatMmmm
adam mayberry2013
I love to talk and sometimes weird things if you like to talk about weird things or regular things friend me and I don't mind very personal questions. Hello I like Mario. I play Super Mario Maker and Smash Brothers and I'm a youtube fanatic. Thank you for stoppin by! I don't wii u chat just messages please. Please follow ,Alyssa,Kebo™, SOPHIE§,and GhøstFrog.
Zoey Khirstie
Rýύto☆GENE H456A85
♥I love RYUTO onlyé∀è♥ 低めでセクシー声が大好き♥ ニカッて笑う顔が超可愛い♥ 歌ってる時も超カッコいい♥ 音楽&けん玉&野球大好き♥ メガネかけてもカッコいい♥ 龍友の照れPPAPキュン死♥ 下ネタ言っても全然許せる♥ 龍友だけは愛し続けれます♥ 一生懸けて追い続けます♥ 怪我・病気はしないでね♥ ♥I love RYUTO onlyé∀è♥ ・『手、握りたいでしょ?僕の手大きいよ!』 ・『連れて帰りたいでしょ??なんつって(笑)』 ラジオ収録二日酔いとか(笑)(笑) 2017GENEカレンダーずっと龍友の9月 インスタ→ryuto=ayane 受験→超超低浮上(笑) フォローは来たとき必ず返す!
TheSamurai BungalowWizard
Young Jefe holmes! im like a sith with the stylus boi.
QueenVamp awsomelove07
★Hey I'm Fatima. Age:14 ''The vampire blood runs through my viens'' ‹kiki,troy,laylani,amir,yuhi,> Fav games: tomodachi life, batman, assassins creed, god of war, ect. Fav things: pizza, dark colors, books, writing, vampires, and playing sports. If you wanna know more about me, just ask! Btw I do follow 4 follow By3^•^ ...Stay loyal, cuz no one likes the fakes★
Mackay700 asphaltgamer1688
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Cadence johnbob1903
Hello, I'm Cadence! Let me tell you a bit about me *Games I play: *FNAF (Five nights at freaddy's *Undertale *Minecraft *MK8 & MK7 (Mario Kart) *Pokémon *Super smash bros. *Ledend of Zelda *Fav. Colors: *#1. Fav. Light Blue *2nd Fav. Blue (regular) *3rd Fav. Pink *Bands I Like *FUN *Breaking Benjamin *Skillet *Linkin Park *Check out Katie she is in my *follower list
zach blincs101
i have played games for all my lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Jacob Usyk baseballfever
hi lol awesome
xLogan LoganTheGreat
Hey, I'm Logan. I'm a thirteen year old stubborn teenager. I'm bad at Super Smash Bros and I'm very competitive at Splatoon and Mario Kart 8. I also have a Nintendo Switch & 3DS. So feel free to send me friend requests! That's the basic intro of me. See ya!
Jake Himister
Hi I'm a big Pokemon fan All time favourite mon: Electrivire Favourite Mega: Mega Banette Favourite Legendary: Zekrom First Shiny: Wailmer Favourite Eeveeloution: Umbreon And finally favourite Starter: Typhlosion Proud Rebel of the Royal Family Long Live Ridley
♪GUSTAVO♪ gusito000
hola soy gusi como estan este es mi perfil me encantan sonic y mario bueno aun que aunque sean enemigos tengo 7 años me gusta jugar mario party veo en youtube mario vs sonic espero que les haya gustado mi perfil gracias
vinny char65789
Hey evryone (:
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Peach Aaron-H2000
Hi I'm Aaron I like talking about mario party 10 and I like princess peach, daisy and rosalina she's my best friend's forever is seana she likes the mario and sonic rio 2016 olympic games on the wii u my favourite food is dominos pizza and my favourite drink is fruit shoot orange my favourite game is mario tennis ultra smash and I use wii u chat and i love mario games and friends bye ♥♥♥♥
yo names alex
fav games: fnaf pkmn shuffle/ rumble world, any lego games and many more to come
yo names alex
fav games: fnaf pkmn shuffle/ rumble world, any lego games and many more to come
clan: EG = the best clan
p.s i do follow 4 follow