Users mc☆alex♪ Is Following
Santi 95 santifranco
I am an immature boyo dipstick that draws sometimes and makes quality memes. I also have a pupper named Oso and doggos need lotsa time and not spaghetti so I won't post as much. (•◆•) blarb
ΩIbrahima Diolga1999
in my old 3ds xl i use to be wolfliker and now i'm back a better then ever. i love pokemon
TheSamurai BungalowWizard
Young Jefe holmes! im like a sith with the stylus boi.
Cadence johnbob1903
Hello, I'm Cadence! Let me tell you a bit about me *Games I play: *FNAF (Five nights at freaddy's *Undertale *Minecraft *MK8 & MK7 (Mario Kart) *Pokémon *Super smash bros. *Ledend of Zelda *Fav. Colors: *#1. Fav. Light Blue *2nd Fav. Blue (regular) *3rd Fav. Pink *Bands I Like *FUN *Breaking Benjamin *Skillet *Linkin Park *Check out Katie she is in my *follower list
Chris.HTW HelpTheWretched
↓, ↑, ←, ←, A, →, ↓ I recommend that you do a web search for sound effects from The Legend of Zelda series.
barb1 barpoe
Hello! Welcome to my profile. My favourite game is Pokemon Shuffle! I also love to draw and paint. Ik ben nederlandstalig. Ma langue maternelle c'est le néerlandais (c'est ce qu'on parle aux Pays-bas, mais aussi en Belgique!) Je sais me débrouiller en français, mais je parle mieux l'anglais! :P I love knowing that the sun always shines, even if we don't see it!
Shoelacejr Lucario2083
Pokemon for life
Quan Triggaquan
Wassup people... I like playing pokemon so whoever else do then be my friend and we maybe able to play it
Bipper Btrayus
H-hey i'm foxy the pirate fox i work at freddy fazbear's pizza! crush: jeremy or springtrap dateing: mangle ▲ «illuminati i do dares and do them in real life i do cosplay of 5naf charecters, i'm a fnatic[fnaf fan] My rp charecters are: . sparky the dog . foxy .a yorkie named rascal .foxytrap .springtrap Hope we'll be great friends sometime bye! x3
Michael radioboy23
Hi everyone you should follow all my amazing friends and followers remember everyone is cool. Thanks for 1000+ followers!:)
vinny char65789
Hey evryone (:
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Mirel S. sarge1967
Hey everyone! I see you somehow ended up here! Im a fan of: -Bionicle -Five Nights at Freddy's (don't judge) -Transformers -Star Wars What i like to do: -Draw (though i dont do it often) -play video games -watch movies What ticks me off: -ignorant people -people who judge and dont care about someone else's opinion ok have fun lol
Ð^ Day_5th
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xLogan LoganTheGreat
Hey, I'm Logan. I'm a thirteen year old stubborn teenager. I'm bad at Super Smash Bros and I'm very competitive at Splatoon and Mario Kart 8. I also have a Nintendo Switch & 3DS. So feel free to send me friend requests! That's the basic intro of me. See ya!
Jake Himister
Hi I'm a big Pokemon fan All time favourite mon: Electrivire Favourite Mega: Mega Banette Favourite Legendary: Zekrom First Shiny: Wailmer Favourite Eeveeloution: Umbreon And finally favourite Starter: Typhlosion Proud Rebel of the Royal Family Long Live Ridley
derp mr.lol234
I want to be the very best like no one ever was! to catch them is my real test to train them is my cause! I will travel across the land searching far and wide! each pokemon to understand the power thats inside! POKEMON! (gotta catch 'em all) its you and me I know its my destiny! POKEMON! oh your my best friend in a world we must defend! POKEMON! (gotta catch em all) i cant type more :(
☆αυτυмη★ kittymeowmeow515
Sup, I'm kitty♪meow! My sister(luna) calls meh meow meow!I'm EXTREMELY friendly, so don't expect me to get mad at you! I'm pretty good at drawing anime, my specialty is Chibi! My goal for followers is 300! Plz help me! I'm an actress! Meh Friends: Luna Amir Charly Rose Queen Vamp Twin Foxy CaffyCat I'm a TOTAL Pokemon freak!I love new friends and I LOVE new followers! See ya later!
QueenVamp awsomelove07
★Hey I'm Fatima. Age:14 ''The vampire blood runs through my viens'' ‹kiki,troy,laylani,amir,yuhi,> Fav games: tomodachi life, batman, assassins creed, god of war, ect. Fav things: pizza, dark colors, books, writing, vampires, and playing sports. If you wanna know more about me, just ask! Btw I do follow 4 follow By3^•^ ...Stay loyal, cuz no one likes the fakes★
Peach Aaron-H2000
Hi I'm Aaron I like talking about mario party 10 and I like princess peach, daisy and rosalina she's my best friend's forever is seana she likes the mario and sonic rio 2016 olympic games on the wii u my favourite food is dominos pizza and my favourite drink is fruit shoot orange my favourite game is mario tennis ultra smash and I use wii u chat and i love mario games and friends bye ♥♥♥♥
Eclipse SuperTalonX2
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hugo draza barselo
thewalking acer011
hi im kaitlyn i love girls and boys
alex alexandre88140
Salut les amis, je mettrai principalement des messages sur la communauté de pokemon shuffle.
Loïc Lolo67640
_PROFILE_ Loïc, Alsace, 17 ans|years. Abonne-toi maggle! \^O^/ |Follow me! \^O^/ Marketing de carbonaras pour Sylvester Van Dame, et serviteur d'alligot pour Itchy&Schratchy! :D Ma passion... Créer! \^o^ Ah et n'hésitez pas à me prévenir lorsque vous avez votre anniversaire! \^o^ [Wii U formatée] MiiverseForeverInMyHeart
TyVξ liltyson318
Trying to think of something interesting to say about myself. Will update eventually. Vξ Member. Team Galactic Member. Next Stop.... Dragma Member (This will take a while). IGN Sun/Moon: Ty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
qthunderTP qthunder
TEAM PHOTON LEADER @mino: team photon leader qthunder EXPERIENCED BATTLER WILL TRADE UPON REQUEST online [★] offline [] inactively online[] no more posts []
★Dr.Mario☆ Mari0AmyBlaze
Mario: Hello. It's-a me, Mario. They are Amy Rose and Blaze The Cat. Blaze & Amy: Hi. Mario: Here are the things we like: Games: M&S A T O.G, O.W.G, LONDON 2012 O.G, SOCHI 2014 O.W.G & Rio 2016 O.G MK8D Mario Sports Mix Super Mario Odyssey Mario Super Sluggers Super Mario Run SJF M+RKB C3 S&tBK SSB SRZG MP9 & 10 NFSMWU SBRoL Couple: BlazAmy Show: SB, TG, TGT Team: Fire Hammer Fighters
Kimi Nin10dohGal
Hey. What's up?
Aaron BassSinger313
List of all-time favorite video game series: Legend of Zelda Persona Bayonetta Assassin's Creed Uncharted Fire Emblem Mario Megaman Soul Calibur Sonic Call of Duty Tekken Street Fighter Tales Smash Bros. Perfect Dark Kirby LittleBigPlanet Pokémon Phoenix Wright Lolipop Chainsaw Metal Gear No More Heroes King of Fighters Banjo-Kazooie Minecraft Dead or Alive Ninja Gaiden Batman Arkham Dead Rising
Dany dany510smash5
Hi my name is Daniel and I like fighting and action games like Super Smash Bros. My favorite characters are Mario,Link,Zelda,Toon Link,Samus,Palutena,Lucas,Roy,Cloud and Corrin. I also play with my 3 dogs every now and then. My two favorite hobbies are playing video games and running. I also speak english and spanish. I'm 16 years old.
Devin 2.0 Montana1384
Hello I'm Devin. Age:??? B~Day:??? I'm Sonic's BIGGEST Fan I've Made SEVEN O.C' ULTIMATE Goal:9,000 Follwers Keep The Follows Coming.Bye!!! Why Are U Still Here? U Read My Profile,Now Go! CAN A MAN HAVE HIS PRIVACY????!!!!! *Annoying Him Fills U With Determination? Fine,U Can Stay.:)
E●T. Steve RedstoneMaster21
Hoi!! I am Tristan and I hope you have a great day. LIKES: Minecraft, Undertale, MEMES, Mario & Sonic Games ect. [online*] [offline] [idle] Have a free cake #,^ILLUMINATI^,# I like to role play!!! MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR GODS OR I'LL MAKE PIECES OF YOU!!!
{Kc}★Pichu Geoff_944
♥Thanks for 400 Followers!♡ Hi. I like RPs and hugs. I'm also a Pichu. *gives cookie*
C.Spoofy Xx_Veniom_xX
'Guys, we're out of food'- Me apparently, 2017. 1 Part of the Miiverse Movie. Rowlet is best starter R.I.P Edd Gould. 1988-2012 No wii u chat please? thanks. Hello, i'm ya boi Guzma. A Pokémon freak who loves Eddsworld (TOMMATT) and memes. Altyboopboopboop (honk) is my 3ds. Pizza daughter i gotta believe Irl name is Venice
Colin Zap_Shinx
Hi! Here are some of the games I have if you would like to play or something. Mario Kart 7 and 8 Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS Pokemon Y and Pokemon Ωmega Ruby Pokemon Sun I'll add some more stuff later. Feel free to say hi or friend me. I honestly don't know what to put here though. Lol
Antonio skybear48
What are you doing here? you should be packaging your posts and stuff, close the door when you leave :^) ¿Qué haces aquí?, deberías estar empacando tus posts y cosas, cierra la puerta cuando te vayas :^)
ninja ninjaloganray
love undertale TEM IS BEST
Polly KitCatMmmm
Ness a23wrtn89 name is Rui....welcome to my profile....i'm 12 years old (meh) OH BOI I CANT WAIT TO BOMB SOME DODAWNGOS
G400 ByggeGaming341
Hello! Let me tell you a little about myself, I like Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, ETC. My favourite Pokémon is Gallade. My favourite Legendary Pokémon is Solgaleo. My favourite Pokémon game is Emerald. My favourite Zelda game is The Wind Waker. And my favourite colour is white. Miiverse is closing, and after that you may never hear from me again.
★★Andrea★★ Dragovelox
Jam Jamesroberts1
Hi, my name is James,but you can call me jam!I want to play loads of great games and follow great people.I live in Wales and have a craving for adventure, action and sometimes strategy games like pokemon and chess.I am 11 years old and play loads of pokemon! P.S. When and if I reach 30 followers I will post more often!(every 2 days)
yo names alex
fav games: fnaf pkmn shuffle/ rumble world, any lego games and many more to come
yo names alex
fav games: fnaf pkmn shuffle/ rumble world, any lego games and many more to come
clan: EG = the best clan
p.s i do follow 4 follow