Sam T's Followers
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
Sans taj1030
Darkspeed zairecool9
sup son!!! Darkspeed, im a BIG fan of yo boy sonic, I play ssb4 more than splatoon? but I like that game more. I eat chili dogs because of there goodness. I eat doritos also. im a BIG TIME GAMER and i buy amiibo every chances I get, if not your head go BOOM (jk) any way peace (^o^)
deadheadgg colinlee922
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らい 1210rai
iam.Calix™ saharaaa.28
T.V Host NintindoNews4U
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Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Davie★ĆŚŹ★ DAVIES-0p
hi my name is Davie and i was on miiverse when it first started..i had alot of followers and joined the 360 club to help kids with their problems...i helped 19 kids with very bad problems and dozens with smaller time i became the leader of the 360 club and am proud to help anyone who needs sweetheart ann is my one and only and i love her very much.old friends charlie,sana davy
blake Jaybird9577
my name is Blake I am 10
Randa SuperGamer0w0
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#Tom tom.bretagne.29
Salut,j'ai 12 ans et je parle Français.J'aime les commentaires . Et vous ? Si vous vous abonner je m'abonnerai a vous . Je suis un grand fan de manga ! *_* J'ai des poules et je fais du violon ! J'aime les conversations et je love jeux vidéo .Petite dedi a Mann et merci aux abos . on vise les 750 abos !Je fais parti de la team ŁŽĄ/Sχ/TDL.Bonne année!Bonne continuation sur MIIVERSE !!!!!!
Alex Allav866
Hey, everyone, this is Allav866! The 866 is necessary, but to save time, you can call me Alex! I'm hoping to make Let's Play videos in the not-too-distant future, but for now, you'll see me on Miiverse quite a bit!
Bowser Jr. eeb4321
Hi kids. Bowser Jr. here! Tomorrow, my mischievous Elf on the Shelf named Carol is coming back to my Dad's house, because I want to show her an early Christmas gift I got. (King Bowser said that it plays lots of music, and I have to practice it for 20 minutes a day!) And when it came to the castle, it was heavy to carry. But I still played lots of songs for my siblings before Christmas came by!
David valdavid
I'am David. I'am a really good at really hard games and i'am a fan of super mario.
tink Deshyrian
Hey everyone! I am 7 years old. I like to play scribble, mario cart and lego avengers. Follow me and I'll follow back!
Owen karlson15
Hey everyone. I have some bad news. Due to the Wii U not being Nintendos focus console anymore, Miiverse will be shutting down in early November. We have had some laughs on this page, and i want to thank all of my followers for sticking with me on this fun journey. I will continue to keep posting until the very end. Anyways, i will miss you all so much.Thank you. Keep Gaming!!! karlson15
yoshiko The_Yoshi888
I love Roblox/LBP/nintendo/inai inai baa/My family/capcom/sega favorite part of splatoon: splatting on a "turf war&ranked battle" morning game(s) pooyoos 1 & 2 my "phone word" "hello? yep!.......YEP! to you later!" favorite nintendo character: mario (hes popular now!) \(^o^)/ very first starred community: mes comptines
Omy Butterflygamer
★Welcome to my page!★ My name is Omayra love video games and yes I'm a girl.I play WoW,Nintendogs (Golden Retrever),Animal Crossing New Leaf,Animal Crossing Happy Home Design.Mario Bros.Ever Oasis.Also into lots of music♪. Would love it if people would ★follow me.Love making friends. And who ever follows me thank you so much for following me★ ☆★☆You Guys Rock★☆★ ★☆★Will miss Miiverse ☆★☆
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Sebastian Rene2456
Hi I Am Sebastian I Love Nintendo Games Like Animal Crossing New Leaf And Splatoon
cade unberto
Naminski naminski1a
lilmonster tannerspanky
Just love listening to music while playing Wii U, 3DS & Xbox One games.
Alex pYoshi05
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bat man bear_guy_2001
hello. i am scourge! but people call me bat man. i love star fox and sonic, i like to make my ion story, and my two best friend are tera fox and ilek selena. i love everybody!
Willie williejr912
Santiago gamerpersona2015
Hello, World!! You'll find lots of old and new games on my profile! I love a lot of games and I'm a longtime Nintendo fan! My favorite game is hands down, Earthbound. I'm also a big fan of Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Paper Mario, Donkey Kong Country games, Animal Crossing, Pokémon Xenoblade, Splatoon and more! I'm always open to friend requests but no Wii U chats. Stay awesome!
Connor CyberMario096
Birthday: August 25,1996 ___________________________ Things I Like: RWBY (especially Ruby Rose & Yang Xiao Long!) Super Mario Series (3D & 2D Platformers) Mario Kart Sonic The Hedgehog Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends PIXAR Pan-Pizza's Pizza Party Podcast ___________________________ Nintendo Switch games i'm looking forward to - Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo Switch friend code: SW-1687-9304-4212
BeeBee BitzComms
Hi, It's your ol' pal Dylan! Guess what? I finally switched Miis! Meet Tini, a cute, tiny Mii gal with sick shades. She is 18 years old. She may be small, but she is a big prankster! Her birthday is April Fool's day, after all! Better stay on her good side... She's got plenty of Joy Buzzers! I am a caucasian male, I was born in 1993, and I love candy. Everyone does! Who doesn't? Ciao!
ShadowJay Jericho.H
Profile comment hidden by a Goat.What's that?Miiverse is ending?That's okay,I've might've wanted to leave this place but...yeah.
LlamaBread epicllama72
dont even bother looking at my stuff.... its horrible... k bi.
DiggidyDel Mrdelrio91
I'm DelRio, aka DiggidyDelRio. I like gaming, drawing and napping. I run a webcomic called George & Pin-Head. I want a hot dog.
Stepa lavashark5
Hello guys.I like to play action games . I like star wars and i like mine craft,fnaf, and other games. splash!Uh-Oh!
Sad Again! Liddy099
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cesar cesarwi
necesario tener mariomaker
Seanpvs101 Seaniepmc
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chiry27 cachufo
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TrueGamer chiry2
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Luna lunaYlyra
Hola me llamo Luna pero llamame,como ya sabes soy un fan de Mario.SI ACEPTO Wii U CHAT.Y ya cumpli 11 y me regalaron un telefono,peluche y otras cosas!Y fue en 19/enero/2017! :) :D Esto son los juegos que prefiero:) Mario[como tal mente todos los juegos de mario me gusta]Lego® y Splatoon,ect. NO SOY YOU TUBER bueno esto comensando Soy una niña ok I speak englich to Espero que sean mis amigos
Gus Gus173
hοια mi ηοмъге еs:Gustavo οcυραсiοη:Estudiar Y Ver Anime:3 αηime fαvоriτο:Boku No Hero Academia★ Hola como puedes ver solo soy un jugador mas que solo dibuja de vez en cuando ●ω● pero no dudes en invitarme a jugar siempre aceptare ^o^/ Sigueme:3 Gracias Por Seguirme ^^
Robertbray BobbieBray
Sup scrubs?
jorge pinajellybutter
#alexdorame #hatsunemikuchan #yanderechan #lucina #robin #corrin #peri #setsuna #kana #kanna #pieri #whodat #whodatlucina #whodatrobin #whodatcorrin #whodathatsunemikuchan #whodatyanderechan #whodatalexdorame #whodatperi #whodatsetsuna#whodatkana #whodatkanna #whodatpieri #mlgalexdorame #mlghatsunemikuchan #mlgyanderechan #mlglucina #mlgrobin #mlgcorrin #mlgperi #mlgsetsuna #mlgkana #mlgkanna
I'm not the most popular guy on Miiverse, but thanks for your support.
I played Duck Hunt at age...
I'm not the most popular guy on Miiverse, but thanks for your support.
I played Duck Hunt at age three, and supported the Super NES in the 16-bit war. So yeah, I'm a pretty big Nintendo fan.
I joined Miiverse on 11/20/12, two days after launch, and I've been active at every major game release since. Feel free to Yeah or comment on anything you see. Just remember, my art is mediocre at best.