Sam T's Friends
Celia CHartz01
beastmode! zayabeastmode
silver brandonsilver
Chess Chess09
farelgames KR4FTIX
bon joueur
Expalsitor roxasmanable
I've played Nintendo ever since I could hold a controller. My first game being Mario 3 on the NES. I love pretty much everything Nintendo, and I hope to meet some awesome people on here. P.S. I'm always down to smash. ;~)
Archer Cyberbrain30
Hello there, I'm currently doing a Metroid/Halo run. Let me know if there are other titles for Wii u, or Xbox One that are worth checking out.
Joey jpleonhart
Love old-school JRPG's, anime, and any good love story!
★GOR★ team-neptune1
Hey :) Friendly player here been playing too long rpg`s and racing mk8 Looking for new friends req. accepted :)
QrazyPhool QrazyPhool
I have been an avid gamer for many years and really enjoy sharing games with friends. Currently Playing: Super Mario Maker, Lego City Undercover, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Bayonetta. I'm always happy to add new friends or follow so don't be shy! :D
•Aidan•ツ AGamer1000
Returned 12/27/16 It's a me Aidan! Going to start drawing again in January so yep. My best friends are Liz, Came, Skulli, Alphonso, Chris, Jewels and Landon! Currently Playing: Super Smash Bros 4 too Kewl bruh I r8 it 8/8 m8 Also, feel free to Follow me!
Splicer Splicer83
Finally I can play my Wii games again! :D
Line Line_117
Die tausend Jahre voller Regen, welche mein Lied ruft, sind meine Tränen. Der Donner, welcher die Erde erbeben lässt, ist mein Zorn! „Aus dem Großen Meer bin ich nach Mittelerde gekommen. Hier werden ich und meine Erben sein bis ans Ende der Welt.“ Middle-Earth<3<3 I love Dragon's!
Tessie Roo CupcakeNinja822
I love gaming!
I'm not the most popular guy on Miiverse, but thanks for your support.
I played Duck Hunt at age...
I'm not the most popular guy on Miiverse, but thanks for your support.
I played Duck Hunt at age three, and supported the Super NES in the 16-bit war. So yeah, I'm a pretty big Nintendo fan.
I joined Miiverse on 11/20/12, two days after launch, and I've been active at every major game release since. Feel free to Yeah or comment on anything you see. Just remember, my art is mediocre at best.