Okii sounds good!! c: Do you have Kik by any chance ?
ale99's Yeahs

I can’t stand Frozen! I saw it three times and I disliked it more with each time I watched it xD and ah ok!! No stop your handwriting isn’t bad at all!! I just wanted to make sure it was an A or an...

I know right! I’m not a fan of the current Disney movies. I thought Frozen was completely overrated too :L and of course Joker, my love ;D btw what does your insta user drawing say? “Doninilml”?

Read Please: my info
Since miiverse is ending: To find me on Amino, I am on the Hetalia~ community by the name Maple & NASA. For the non-Hetalia fans, I am on theDviantArt/Artists Amin...

I know right? Ahh :( but yep you guessed it! Haha. I love me some Persona. And ooo hmm I like drama and comedy I guess haha. What about you? I don’t really watch too many movies tbh

Idk anymore- it just shows you how young and immature most of the people on here were -__- but Miiverse closes at midnight for me! What time for you? Would it be at 3:00am? And I’m currently just ...
Adios para siempre Miiverse , ¡hola! si estas leyendo esto, queria agradecer por aca a todos uste...
Adios para siempre Miiverse , ¡hola! si estas leyendo esto, queria agradecer por aca a todos ustedes, he conocido a miles de artistas y personas bacanes y asombrosas , gracias por todo, la he pasado muy bien,nunca habia compartido tanto arte ,gracias por todos los aprecios estoy muy agradecida , algun dia acabaria esto.. no todo dura para siempre asi que gracias y gracias si leiste todo.Adios :')