ale99's Followers
Tris Flashpoint15
I like fire emblem and pokemon mostly everything im also a artist.
Janana Jananas
Hi I'm Janana. I love cats (don't worry i like dogs too), Zelda, and video games in general! I really like Vocaloid. My favorite artist for Vocaloid is PinoccioP I also don't mind yeahbombs. I like drawing and I want to be an animator. . . . Okay you can go if you want.
noune noure-mazouni
Salut tout le monde je m'appelle Noure je vous laisse découvrir mon monde !! ABONNER VOUS je voudrais atteindre la barre des 100 ABONNER
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
OMORI cleionos
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♡ gustas de buenos dibujos destallados y un buen amigo, este es tu lugar podrás ver desde; -guias -concurso -dibujos sobre(anime,memes,serie,etc) -los mangas en el cual trabajo (/> w<)/ [la caza del buho malfestio] [viaje pokemon (tyrogue)] [Además puedes pedirme algún dibujo, el cual se colocará en la máquina de peluches. Donde se publican los sábados por la noche (°∀°)/☆
★Кαиdγ★ Kkandy105
Hoi!! U may call me Kandy. Thingz about me☆: I love anime(my fav is Yuri on Ice) Im a geek I love floof My favorite gamez are Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Fire Emblem I love drawing<3 Im left-handed i have dyslexia #ProtectLinkSquad i wouldnt be found after mv ends...I havent joined Mv as soon as i wouldve liked but nothing could explain how greatful i am for all the kindness and support!tysm
Avα ♪ PrincessEEVEE
★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*· My name is Ava, I'm 11 years old, 7th grade :) I like anime and nintendo and stuff and... yeah Thank you all so much for 200 follows! It really is too bad that miiverse is ending... but to all of my friends on here, know that I'll remember you all forever!! ★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·.˙★*·★*·.˙
double L lldanes1
thanks aeroidy i love the willu if you want follow me please follow me hello people my name is LANCE i love aeroidy
Ashlei-san cxrtar
yo, im Ashlei, im 1/2 thai, 1/4 south african and 1/4 german. i actually have purple hair but they dont have any colour options :(. im 15 from England. i love anime, music, reading, writing, dancing and going for walks. my fave animals are: wolves, crows, cave bears and lynx. my fave colours are: green and pink. i work in a cafe and i love it there. ich liebe du‹3.
per pclln9
Hi i am per i am cool (saut of) and if you dont know Miiverse is going to shut down and before that i atleast want to get 32 followers and if we can i want to be friends with all of yo pleas if we work together we can get loads of followers before Miiverse shuts down and one last thing thanks for all the support (especial you Manuel 10 and lilly if you are reading this) By.
Héloïse VIO7ETTE
Miiverse,miiverse, qu'est ce que tu nous fais là? Tu fais ami-ami avec nous, on devient fou amoureux de toi et pan tu nous met une balle dans notre dos... ...Faut penser a tes actes xD Ferme pas monsieur miiverse
Zernaab Sumairn
OMG OMG OMG YOU GUYS MADE MY DREAM COME TRUE. i have finally got wait for it wait for it 100 FOLLOWERS im sooooooooooooo happy! thank you all sooooooooooooooooooo very much! my new goal is to reach 150 followers. now you can enjoy my art - zernaab
Lismarie rolis4
˘nono˘ megamininouchet
Merci tous le monde pour les merveilleux moment que j'ai pu passer en votre compagnie sur miiverse, je ne vous oublirais jamais. Miiverse faisait parti de mon quotidien, je m'y connectais tous les soirs et ça va beaucoup me manquer. J'ai pu me faire de très beaux amis et parler avec pleins de super personnes. Mon seul regret sera de ne pas avoir pu en profiter plus longtemps. Merci Miiverse
Fatima FatimaUzumaki
Hi guys im fatima and i love watching all different types of anime like Naruto one piece death note fairy tail i kinda like dragon ball z kimi ni todoke studio ghibli film masamune kun no revenge And many more in my miiverse page you can see all these different anime drawings and post i also will be responding to most of the comments that are written to me so thats me and byyyyyyye :D!!!!!!!
della75e della75e
I like to play games on the wii u and wii and Nintendo 3ds systems. I also like Hey! Pikmin and Pikmin and Splatoon and Just Dance ect.
Keeley happyspaceemoji9
Will anybody tell me how to take a selfie on the wii u
★Aylin★ 4Dulces
Quieren ser mis amigos los quiero a tod@ #AmigosdeAylin.
I love drawing
ρς★ρR John familyforce10
♪It's hard to, walk away from the best of days. But if it has to end, I'm glad that you have been my friend in the time of our lives...♪
★Мαδε Jġβ★ 20-87-04
Matthew Matthew105
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sniper1 snipper9
#Memeverse PikaPalNerd
pRoFiLe CoMmEnT HiDdEn By AdMiN It's your average 16-year old meme machine I sometimes doodle my dum characters's and other trash Thanks for everything guys. I'm gonna miss you all so much. ,_, ★Check my Favorite Post for details on where else to find me I'm seriously gonna miss this beautiful garbage of a site oh my gåwd I have too many memories & friends here oh noo @o@ hecc I'm crying now.
Kain Mogwai9
Yo. im Kain i like obscure and old stuff...Im just odd like that. I like Games,Movies,Books,Music. My favorite shows are, Gurren Lagaan, Red Vs. Blue and RWBY. I have a SNES,PS1,Gamecube,GBA SP,PSP,3DS,Nook HD and a Acer, i passed Super Mario 2(lost levels).
☆Valerie☆ brutaldemonsoul
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!ηøødαrυ! iloveblocks
"Sometimes great things come in big packages. I arrived in a FedEx crate!" ♥Smol Bean♥ Guitarist/Singer ♡ ßφω dφωη τφ γφυr qυεεη ♡ I dare I care But if you make me mad You beware (IRL ME: 2D is my husband... I know, I'm cringey. -_- ) I will P R O T E C T Toochie! >:3
~★pandi★~ ignalvarado
howdy^^ welcome...well i don't have soo much stuf.. but this is all i got... crush: \personal/ fav color:green or black(i now black is not a color but anyway...) best friend♀:info-chan★,cessa1 y vali thing that i like: draw,sing,play videogames,play whit ponys...(i don't care if people think thats weird...) and make new friends,steven universe and DBS... ok... bye^^
Daniel Dlopez49
Hi there, im Daniel, 22 a friendly introvert and trustworthy human The Beatles are my favorite band I hope to catch up with my old friends, are you all well and great at drawing!? :J games i love include darksouls, legend of zelda, banjo kazooie, halo, and For honor recently fell in love.. with the berserk manga. :3 on xbox most the time now, MEXIcAnBnR [Beans n rice yum] ig:dan_the_slacker
イロハ ayapon-zz
ありがとうございました。楽しい時間をありがとう。絡んでた方は失踪してる間にほとんどがやめてしまって最後の方は前に絡んでた方とも全然からまなくなってしまってもう少し出没してれば良かったと思いましたw またどこかでお会いできることを楽しみにしております。 失踪してた時期を除いて約半年間、本当にありがとうございました。
Ashley ChibiXAnimeXGirl
Hello! Well there isn't much to say about me, but I'm 21, and currently in college. I love anime, video games, listening to various types of music, and drawing. :) Gaming during my free time is my life. ≧∇≦
りなです。よろしくお願いします(^ω^) ・高校1年ですん ・まりもの民です ー好きなジャンルなどー ・東方 ・実況主 ・歌い手 ・ボカロ ・ヘタリア ・ポケモンなどです。 ・MSSP、レトルト、最俺、TAKOS、えんもちなど好きです! ・ヘタリアはまってます。米領です([∂]ω[∂])でもみんな好きw ・コミュ障ですが絡まれると嬉しいです(υωυ)どんどん話しかけてやってください…!
Diarmuid18 Diarmuid18
Hello! I hope everyone is having a good day! Things to know about me: I'm 25 I'm Christian I love my family, animals, anime, writing, drawing, the internet and MIIVERSE! :D oh, one more thing. I don't do follow-for-follow. If you don't like my stuff, you don't have to follow me. I only want people to follow me if they enjoy my content. I'll really miss you guys :'( ....that's it ;P
mariana witcher83
hello im a human yay! fav food:tacos fav games:minecraft,undertale,tomodachi life fav color:blue (^-^)
TheAwesome AwesomeTesla
I'm so awesome! Like, really awesome. I love it when people comment on my posts! So comment, please! My favorite superheroes are Iron Man, Thor, and Batman. My favorite non-heroes are Loki, Yondu, and The Joker. I'll try to post a snapshot from Smash Bros each day!
アノイル(=ω=) ithimatsu
顔ポチGrazie! No.1アニメ&マンガ>>ヘタリア(世界領から英領になったよ!アーサー!!!) 好きなアニメ>おそ松さん、カゲプロ、東京喰種、サーヴァンプ、夏目友人帳、僕のヒーローアカデミア、刀剣乱舞、銀魂、斉木楠雄のψ難 好きなキャラクター ヘタリア>上に描いてある通りです おそ松さん>色松 カゲプロ>カノ ヒロアカ>轟君 東京喰種>ウタさん 夏目友人帳>夏目君 銀魂>沖田君、土方さん、山崎君 サーヴァンプ>強欲組、クロ 刀剣乱舞>山姥切国広 斉木楠雄のψ難>斉木君 好きな実況者さん>>ポッキーさん 無言フォロー構いませんが、急にはずされるのは・・・うん。あまりやってほしくないわ。結構びっくりするからさ! ( 言∀言)⊃ー☆>>ほあた☆ (言_言) (廿_廿†)ゞ (・^・) wデ`・∀・)そーけ! (モ´∀`イ) (回言回) (=ω=) (=`△=)
2016年5月頃 ミバ登録(放置) 2017年6月17日 やり方を理解 ミバ開始 8月14日 フォロワー150ありがとうございます 24日 フォロワー200ありがとうございます 11月7日 復帰!!((←← 8日 ミバ終了 テスト終わったので、ニココミュにてイラストを出します。 よく絡んでくださった方、個人的に尊敬していた方…など、コメントにて挨拶したいなと。 ありがとうございました。 青い鳥で出会ったら、またよろしくお願いします(^^*
Puppy! AskMaple63
I love anime, my favorite anime is Hetalia. I like to draw. I will follow any Hetalia fan I find... My follow list is filled with 700+ Hetalians you should follow (most are great drawers :3 ). Now I sound like a advertiser... I don't have a religion. Lord Hima saved us all! Bask in his glory!!!
Clawai XD Claudia0207
holix amigis soy Claudin tengo 10 años me gusta steven universe, hora de aventura y también graviti falls un verano de misterios una amiga que jamas pero jamas los olvidara soy yo★☆★☆★ gracias c:cool l:lol a:amiga u:una gamer increíble d:divertida i:intrépida a:ayudar
Adios para siempre Miiverse , ¡hola! si estas leyendo esto, queria agradecer por aca a todos uste...
Adios para siempre Miiverse , ¡hola! si estas leyendo esto, queria agradecer por aca a todos ustedes, he conocido a miles de artistas y personas bacanes y asombrosas , gracias por todo, la he pasado muy bien,nunca habia compartido tanto arte ,gracias por todos los aprecios estoy muy agradecida , algun dia acabaria esto.. no todo dura para siempre asi que gracias y gracias si leiste todo.Adios :')