I'm gonna miss you a lot Brett
★ßπεττ★'s Yeahs
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Goodbye miiverse. Im moving on, like a bird
More in the comments...see my latest post I yeahed too.

and my IG is pxesxnt . ill miss all of u, even if ur a randy reading this. safe travels, life will carry you all well!

This Is The Moment
Yeah. And this is a moment where WE ALL say a huge farewell to Miiverse after 5 straight years of it in existence. I know I just joined this year, but I've been br...

(My very last message) I predict that Nintendo will stop the Wii U online services when the Switch's ones become paying, January 2018 if I don't spell mistakes. I've come to the fact that Time Tria...

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
The community I’ve lost… The followers I’ve lost… Won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you? Nintendo played us like a ...

Adiós Miiverse, y gracias amigos!
La verdad desde que llegue siempre fue divertido estar aqui, conoci a personas increibles, muchos buenos amigos, gracias por todos los buenos momentos que pasamos...
ALT: barwiifan2.0
Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, ...
ALT: barwiifan2.0
Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, you know the drill. :)
Currently writing a Splatoon story! Click on my favorite post↑to check it out!
Leader of ηκ, Ninty Kings! Will have wars in Smash, Splatoon, and MK8. Talk to me for a trial in one or all of these games.
I'm also a Christian. I♥Jesus†