★ßπεττ★'s Followers
Sans Cheesecakelord55
Hey Kiddo's!Welcome to my miiverse page.Talk with me if you feel like it.I'll make as many puns as i can!
EvilGuy Darion06
Profile comment hidden by admin.
SEGA★Gil NinGilbert
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still gonna miss you all. At least I met new people on here like you guys just like IRL. RIP Miiverse: 2012-2017 You will truly be missed, in our favor, and we all know it.
Bendy geocaris
Food: DEVILDeggs Gender: ( demons hav no gender dummy) Cartoon: Hanted Hijinx a Joey Drew short Friends: Boris,Alice Angel Crush: i dont feel comortable saying this (alice) Song: Gospel of Dismay Game: BATIM I have strict sceduals for cartoons... welcome to my life
Lusy Kissa_2017
Willkommen auf meinem Profil!!!!!!!!!
Caris Stinkrott
Bryson I-dog-2005
i love zelda i grew up whith it, my favorite is wind walker other games i like animal crossing,metroid,tomadachi life,kirby,super smash bros,pokemon,and mario, other sytems i own wii,game boy advanced,DS,game cube, and of course 2DS I don't swear and i am nice( i am 12) hobbies I have other than video games : swimming dancing playing outside basketball whatching cartoons and singing
******** woodruff04
●—————————————————————● I'll miss talking to you guys. It's been fun. I hope we can see each other in the future. You guys are the reason why I'm here. Without you, I wouldn't have these awesome friends. I have moved to Switch♥ :) ★~ 7/09/14 ~ 11/07/17~★ ●————————————————————
t stephec15
(: my nam is travis 90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000$ ME SO SO SO COOL I LOVE HOCKEY i love cats and dogs 123355657686877 MONTRÉAL IS MY FAVORIT NHL TEAM I
Chlobox chlobox7
Hi I'm Chloe! 17 years old and from Ireland! Love Nintendo. Favourite characters in Mario - Pink Gold Peach, Metal Mario and Rosalina! Favourite games - Pokemon and Mario Big fan of miiverse drawings I got the Wii back in 2008. Wii Sports will always have a place in my heart. Nintendo DSi was my new addition back in 2011 After my DS lite in 2009! Leave a follow :)
Max MaskedMax
Hey everyone, I'm a long time Nintendo fan that has had history with many consoles. I find glitches sometimes and give help for certain parts of games and I like to draw sometimes. This is my third miiverse account.
Røÿ Kõòpâ RoyKoopas
× ☆ ♥ ~ W E L C O M E T O M Y P R O F I L E ! ~ ♥ ☆ × I'm Roy from the koopalings, and my owner is Preston. Roy's friends. ↓ — Ivan (Iggy) Cole (Ludwig) Monty (Lemmy) Ethan (Larry) — • [Name]: Preston Miller. • [Grade]: 5тн. • [Hobbies]: Video Games, Singing, Batmitin. • [Favorite Game]: Mario Kart Wii. • [Insterment]: Baritone. — ~ I'm a Monster... ROAR! Too Spoopy 4 U? ÓωÒ ~ Goodbye! ˙˘˙
Davon Davon17
Hello there m8s im Dave my fav games: smash 3ds/wiiu (yes i have both) animal crossing new leaf, and the splatoon series! i hope u like my post's! p.s. u dont have too
TheAlex AD.10.2006
Hey my name is Alex. Chicken and jacksepticeye are cool. Irish in school is bull. One day I will become a teacher. I have chronic migraines so if any else does please do tell me! I'm 11 years old and use miiverse on my phone! Shoutout to Julia and jac clow and really all of my followers. Hmph like we only have 2 months. I'll really miss this cringy but cool place
kristina kristina1970
$G★Ζα¢нαгу creeperboy365
What's up everyone this is Zаchary, I like to play Video Games, Watch TV, listen to music, and read Comic Books and also, I do Wii U Chat. I'm a fan of Shadow, Nintendo, Minecraft, and Segа! Don't forget to yeah my posts and follow me! I like to do pixel art in Minecraft. I ♥ you Sаrаh. ;) Gender: ♂ Age: 1З Clans: SG, PP, mςν, ΑЯ, RF, я¢м (as an ally) and more. See you lаter! ;)
Craigo(: craigo66
This user's profile comment is private.
NIN*TYLER™ gamecubedolphine
Hi my names Tyler. Im a huge Kaiju fan(pun intended). Im a retro game collector with 400+ games. I also do Death Battle pixel art for my friend Ozzy's Death Battles and other pixel art. NO RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS! A few awesome people! Antoni--waterblaster Mex--mex_024 Ozzy--ozzy129 Gojirito--AkuRyu9000 Andy 2.0--ShadowFan8675 Danio--Detendo45 ★Max★--beatunia Tyler--Crazy_Goomba_123
EpicZack Wolf766
Hi am EpicZack a 17 year old Youtuber i try to focus on all things Nintendo related and Nintendo gaming on my channel Currently playing my Nintendo Switch but still active on Miiverse! Currently playing Legend Of Zelda Breath Of the Wild,Mario Kart 8 Deluxe,Arms,Splatoon 2 on my Nintendo Switch! I don't play the Wii U anymore just my Nintendo Switch and Splatoon 2 Cuz its better and more fun!
2017 Lucas IceFusion14
I have a Nintendo Switch! Will be less active on here since i use "some other" app to talk to people. I'm also a co leader of msv
◆Bleach The_MkW_Josh
Loading... Hi Im Joshua your averaged candian boy My clans are EC2, ят, AV ,РĀ, R¢ andЪН And im 15 '_' and plz no wii u chats! ↓ thanks for 600 Followers and follow for follow Peace! oh and i might not play much because of highschool ok bye!
luis leoncillo5
Pirate★Fox Ekalfwons
♥~Шειсσмε τσ му ρлσƒίιε~♥ Other Profiles:Ninja★Paws, Agent★Pup, Snow◆Bunny Gender:♀ Age:9 B-day:SOON! lol Feb. 2nd Fav Food:Mac and cheese Fav Color: Pink! Fav Emoji::3 thx bye! Nothin' here! Still a no JK! here's what's down here... JK it's nothin'! Or is there... Meow :3!
Casianis CasianisProGamer
Hi Guys my name is Casianis,and i love Nintendo!!!my favourite games: minecraft,Legend of Zelda bread of the wild,mario.My favourite console:wii u,3ds,and Nintendo Switch(NX).My favourite color it's blue and red.Age:13,have fun in miverse!!!
Teacher: You now have a detention. You: Why Teacher: Cause of your attitude, what do you think? You: B**ch you got me fcked up! Teacher: Call your mother right now! You: ...She said ''Cash her outsid how bout dat'' Teacher: ...
pablo toad1440
hola XD edad 9 juegos mariokart8, super esmash bros, minecraft yoshiwoliworl, sonicbom, sonic al estar reacin,sonic delosworl,sawod,inwlis,cube aisland survive,esplaton demo. consolas wiiu, wii ,3DSXL, xbox360
οм¢☆Seb☆ supermariobash
Welcome to my profile! let's be best friends restrictions: 3 Follow me, i follow you! iam kind i use miiverse mostly. i like drawing Thx for stopping by.;) P.S. I do Wii U chat but no spam call plus, I am co leader of ом¢ Also, I am 13! Feel free to send a you know what!!!!! My favorite games are MC and COD:G I watch yt I play MC most. My dream is to make lots of friends! Have a good day!!!!
ληîмξĠαмεя AnimeGamer_AG
Ayy! Welcome :D Hey, I'm 14 and my name is Ronnie but I go the name by AnimeGamer! I post interesting simplistic pixel paint ,and random stuff. My friends are amazing. I play online Nintendo games and competitive Sm4sh. Come and talk to me, I love to meet you all (: Join the ■»Beard Gang«■ See you around! :D!!!
Max maxencegb
Âge:11ans Nom:Max Jeu favori:Supert Smash Bros & Pokémon X Y Personne:♀(♂) Console:WiiU,Nintendo 2DS et Nintendo Switch Pokémon favori:Mewtwo,Dracaufeu & Rayquaza Surtout n'hestiez pas à vous abonné à ma chaine je rends et surtout lâcher des gros Ouais!!!
msv★sa Moe649
†ιεοη† CryoxHD
#Nintendo4Life Hey Guys im a big nintendo fan♥ Add me and we can play together :) I'm from Germany← Thx for 200 Follower♥♥♥ ♪I listen to: Cloud Rap♪ ♡I love Japan♡ ☆My favourite food is Pizza☆ My favourite Games:MK8, TomoDachi Life, Splatoon Favourite Artist:£εα★Cro♪ H A V E A N I C E D A Y
DANNY Atleti2016
im a cool guy and i have 2 brother that are cool so yea
Brightlyn bduveneck
hi im kayley
Jen darling0420
KSF★Shadow landman05
hello l'm Austin i'm a competitive minecraft pvper I'm the leader of the KSF Clan ( Founder of the clan shadow 5-17-17) Recruiting members we have 7 atm and also if you wanna clan vs clan battles we will likely to Accept Record: 2-0 SG Tournament KSF vs TBF Semi Finals MK8 Clan: HG
aj phill3473
Ty TyAdkins
ALT: barwiifan2.0
Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, ...
ALT: barwiifan2.0
Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, you know the drill. :)
Currently writing a Splatoon story! Click on my favorite post↑to check it out!
Leader of ηκ, Ninty Kings! Will have wars in Smash, Splatoon, and MK8. Talk to me for a trial in one or all of these games.
I'm also a Christian. I♥Jesus†