kiki's Followers
Hunter hunterb0510
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Link linka6
Eehee..... i like noodles .-. Things i like: Noodles The Legend of Zelda (its Freakin Awesome) Pikmin 3 Noodles PepperMint Tea Noodles.... Eearthbound Things i dont like: Nightmares Onions Onions Onions So my life is a noodle-zelda liking fan that hates onions! This Not my original account but im gonna use this More often! ..... ok? k
тЯ◆NAOKI Fdtggtr
どうもNAOKIでやす。 おもにファミスタ、バスターズを やりまっせ。小6でやんす。 遅いがマリカー7買うでやす。 へふめねする?ぬすしひみへせけつみめねすにむねすくけてふよめてくたにむへそくさちみ!れへぬちちちち!! よろしくでやんす。 1月3日現在忙しいので、 投稿控えてやす。
********** andrei2406
H e l l o ! ♥ I'm l o v e: C o o k i e s , S p l a t o o n a n d m o r e … I' m b i t s o h a p p y !!! @ I' m 8 J e a r s o l d . W a n n a b e l o s t . Splatoon: Level 50 Rank: B+,record:A or A- Languages: Italian:★★★★★ Ruman:☆★★★★ English:☆☆★★★ I'm learning Japanese:☆☆☆☆★ I'm learning Spanish:☆☆☆☆★ I'm learning German:★★★★★ ♥ ♥bye,bye
Smokey SmokeyJenkins2
Sup peeps, I'm Smokey! Just a try-hard kid gamer. My favorite games are anything Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, or Smash Bros. related! I also like racing games. Thanks for viewing my profile, almost 30 followers, STAY FABULOUS FOREVER, and most importantly, game on!!! (:D)
savage☆ daniaarias
add me
Maé MaeCroft2
Hey c'est Maé tu peux t'abo c'est gratuit :)
coolkid101 CoolKid714
hello thanks for all the great memories on Miiverse i made lots of good friendships and memories in this place! R.I.P miiverse 2012-2017. thanks to my best friends cheesybrain5656 curlsonsusan and speedyturtle07
Derick derick2536
hi guys i play splatoon smash bros. en mario 64 ♥♥♥♥★★★★★ be my friend if you want but hey it's your choice ok
ユート yuto050421
upsidedown fanman1wv
i am 12 years old my favorite games are minecraft if you follow me i will follow you and you can friend me if you want to and have a good day
Shawn ethandust
ブラックモンスター! uran0826
Mr.LOGO Bombenman
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Moon isela9
sup, you're on a loser's page. ,.,
Siberia troublemaker10
Hi I am Siberia, I am an emo. Age:15 almost 16 Gender: Female emo teenager Single:Yes
Sakura wiiufun11
hi everyone im Sakura/Blossom,im open for friend request(I dont do wii u chat) Im a huge sonic and shadow fan,and i absolutely love them my favorite colors are mint and blue my fav characters are shadow,sonic,silver and knuckles i'm a type 1 diabetic(look it up if confused) i take request im a very big christen Jesus loves you all,bye don't bully my friends,or you've crosed the line!
ve velanCIAM.STARR
hey let play mario cart wii guys
☆#ARISU☆ buzz.2
どうも!ディズニーとスカイピース大好き♪☆#ARISU☆です![~ω~]主にマリオメーカーと、バッチとれ~るセンターをしていきます!気ままな時に投稿しますので、フォロワー1000人目指して頑張ります!※フォロー35億%返します!! 【自己紹介】 年齢・・・小学6年 身長・・・140~150cm 性別・・・♀ 好きなユーチューバー・・・スカイピース・フィッシャーズ・はじめしゃちょー・ちはや・ポッキー 好きなアーティスト・・・【HoneyWorks(ハニーワークス)】 好きな映画・・・スター・ウォーズ
Oscar oscar1022
Jessica Jayel5
coolcat$$$ queenmikkdee
my name is infinadi and i love video games my favorite game is mario games because i love adventures in his original world and 3D world and i beated all the the game most of them really
Jσηαłhαη holajonathan
Hola me llamo Jonathan Alfaro tengo 13 años me gusta tener amigos. mi comida favorita es la pizza, mis juegos favoritos son: Mario Kart 7, new super mario bros 2, super mario 3D land super mario 3D maker, mi canal de television favorito es:cartoon network y sus show bueno espero agradarles mucho y ser amigo de todos. BAY adios AH no olviden segirme por que si me sigen yo los segure
.·★Hai Miiverse★·. I'm Youtuber _Pro_,this is my 3DS Main account! ^_^ 1st:99999 VR 2nd:42000 VR Clans: NαG:Leader λJ:Co-leader (R.I.P) Mςν:Co-leader SZ:Member ΛΘ:Co-leader λV:Member ØP:Member ČL:Member Thanks for 3.7 Million Subs!^ <3 I have Many friends so i cant list em here x3 Rudeness is auto-block -_- Im Now Open to Frs! ^.^ I Speak French,English,Portugese Alt:*Charles_D8 use it to post
trinity tyberfrost123
ello. my name is triniy and you r welcome to browse. any questions. text me on here
Emily pat694rick
i want friends
Evan rollingstone65
Darion wriewolvis3D
Welcome To My Profile ★ ☆ ▲ ★ ◆ ● My Goal For Miivers is to Hit 1,000 Followers ● ● ■ ▲ ★ ★ ★ ☆▼ ▲▲ ■■ ◆▲ ▲Favorite▼Games▲ Mario Series Splatoon PokemonSeries AnimalCrossing MegaManSeries Legend Of Zelda Series and Much More ★★ ☆☆ ▼▼ ▲▼ ■● ★◆ ◆☆ ☆★★ ◆▲■ ●◆■ ◆◆■ Other Nitntendo ID Profiles DW=Don't Work My First One (wriewolvis)DW My Second One (wriewolvisx)DW The One im Using (wriewolvis3D)
The Master pat193rick
i am the master
BetaMix432 17Drewboy
Hi, I am Andrew. Most know me as ★Durandal★, New Jerseys best Roy player. I must ask you all to get me to 100 followers on here. I promise to end my last days with fresh new memes if so.
Lpsy Flo Florian4711
Thomas.R thomasr455
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girlie ninwarz12
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Arvette Astral-Hikari
Welcome to my profile, peeps. I am Hikari, but not my real name. I am a huge fan of Link, BoTW Zelda and Ganondorf, 1st Account: Arvette/Ganondorf-Hikari Follow: chocolate♪
Dave MicrosoftInc
Hello! My name is Dave or David, from Microsoft! I love playing with friends or just hanging around in Minecraft Mini battle! I will try respond to any comments as soon as possible!
Jamie MicrosoftInc2
Hello! I am Jamie. I came to visit the wonderful Nintendo games. You might've heard of my friend Dave that is on Miiverse just like me. We both work for Microsoft and we're coming to Miiverse to entertain everyone with our experience in Nintendo games! Hope everyone is having a great day! I also do love to doodle! :)
Hello my name is Kiki. I have a awesome personality. I love all animals. I have one guine pig a y...
Hello my name is Kiki. I have a awesome personality. I love all animals. I have one guine pig a yorky pup. My favoritecolors are PINK,TEAL,and PURPLE. My favriote TV show is HATERS BACK OFF by MIRANDA SINGS. She is also my favorite youtuber. I went to her concert. My favriote movie is BEDTIME STORIES and SOPHIA GRACE AND ROSIE'S ROYAL ADVENTURES. I love the book Marley and Me. I love ALL GAMES BYE