Users kiki Is Following
ユート yuto050421
upsidedown fanman1wv
i am 12 years old my favorite games are minecraft if you follow me i will follow you and you can friend me if you want to and have a good day
ブラックモンスター! uran0826
Shawn ethandust
Mr.LOGO Bombenman
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Siberia troublemaker10
Hi I am Siberia, I am an emo. Age:15 almost 16 Gender: Female emo teenager Single:Yes
☆#ARISU☆ buzz.2
どうも!ディズニーとスカイピース大好き♪☆#ARISU☆です![~ω~]主にマリオメーカーと、バッチとれ~るセンターをしていきます!気ままな時に投稿しますので、フォロワー1000人目指して頑張ります!※フォロー35億%返します!! 【自己紹介】 年齢・・・小学6年 身長・・・140~150cm 性別・・・♀ 好きなユーチューバー・・・スカイピース・フィッシャーズ・はじめしゃちょー・ちはや・ポッキー 好きなアーティスト・・・【HoneyWorks(ハニーワークス)】 好きな映画・・・スター・ウォーズ
Oscar oscar1022
ψ†Dwayz†ψ™ PokeBigFan
J'ai fais une rencontre il y a un peu Plus d'un an,rencontre INOUBLIABLE, rencontre FORMIDABLE, rencontre IMPROBABLE, qui aura été la plus belle de toutes les rencontres que j'ai faites ici, ta rencontre Evy ♪Je me souvient de l'année dernière, quand sur l.a on parlait pas encore vraiment et maintenant je pense à aujourd'hui tu es ma meilleur amie, une amie en or à toujours dans mon cœur ♪\\^o^//♪
Jessica Jayel5
The Master pat193rick
i am the master
Evan rollingstone65
Emily pat694rick
i want friends
Lpsy Flo Florian4711
Chan NordicWiiU7
Thank you for support to my profile! I am pleasure for having fun of Miiverse! Goodbye Miiverse forever. Merci pour votre soutien à mon profil ! Je suis content de m'amuser de Miiverse ! On ne revient plus au Miiverse. Goodbye forever Miiverse. My posts remaning for today: 1 Comment OPEN:
girlie ninwarz12
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Thomas.R thomasr455
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DusklightK BPK001
I Love Traveling anywhere that Interests Me and My Mother, for example, like going to Cafe on the Weekend.
Arvette Astral-Hikari
Welcome to my profile, peeps. I am Hikari, but not my real name. I am a huge fan of Link, BoTW Zelda and Ganondorf, 1st Account: Arvette/Ganondorf-Hikari Follow: chocolate♪
Mike rcmadiaxMike
Hi! I'm Mike from RCMADIAX LLC. My goal is to create games that anyone can enjoy and afford. Most of my games are under $3 and span a wide range of genres. Got a question? I'm here to answer any concerns you may have or feedback you'd like to give me. YEAH!
Nina Hypatia2004
Hallo ich heisse Nina bin 13 Jahre Alt Meine lieblings Youtuber sind Logo,Domtendo,Danny jesden,Concrafter,AviveHD. Meine Lieblingsgames sind Splatoon,The legend of Zelda breath of the wild,Minecraft.Mein zweiter acc heisst huggiremi.Ich zocke auch auf der Switch. Bye ^^
Nathan nathanda2006
Yo les potes, ça gaze, j'aurais 11 ans le 19 août. Je viens de France (Bourgogne Franche-Comté). Je parle français et un peu portugais. J'ai bientôt Minecraft et n'oublie pas de t'abonner ! Neymar JR. 11/08/2017
ChloeJadon chole118
Thanks Miiverse. For keeping my universe going. Special Thanks To Administration, For keeping miiverse friendly. Nick, For being the person there for me. Mike, For being a good brother. MemeSenpai, For keeping me going though the hardest times. Every Follower, For keeping me feeling like i matter. Jadon, For being a good cousin. And all you independent people. Thank You. I love you miiverse♥
Alyssa XMadQueenAlyssaX
♡Welcome to my Throne Room~! ♡ Status: Check my Fav Post to keep in touch~ Name: Alyssa Title: Mad Queen Age: 20 Likes: Roses, Tea, Loyalty, & Weapons. #TeamMadQueen.
Arian5,3 thisisarian2
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Chronium ChroniumCat4000
Give a John a Hancock every once a while.
Hi Guys! It's me ShadowNoah! I am actually connected to the ShadowNoah who has the Nintendo Network ID NOAHROCKS-2002. I only did this because my other 3DS broke down. :( But, I will be able to continue my posts on my NEW 3DS! So, yeah guys, if you following the ShadowNoah I mentioned above, plz follow me because I am the exact same person! Can't wait to hear from u guys!
Trevor TNV105
Naman naman-2015
I love sabrina-imen
ikermolon ikermolon2006
Soy Iker Edad:10 Cumpleaños:11-10 Color favorito:verde Juego favorito:Yokai Watch Tema favorito:El espacio,el mar... Mis idiomas:Español,English y Français. Asignatura favorita:C.Medio. Novia:Privado Hobi:Submarinismo baja mis seguidores los mejores
JefyFanboi jshore
Hi! Here r a few thingz about me. Favorite game series 2 play: Final Fantasy (mainly 7), Zelda, and Sonic. Game consles: Xbox 1 & 360, 3Ds, and N64. Favorite song: Panda If u want more fun & stuff follow me on Xbox my gamertag iz FierceDeity1738
Mr.Turner PacmanRules
Hello My name is Timmy's dad, I am the father of Timmy turner and sadly the neighbor of DINKLEBERG! Anyway, I love eggnog and I would put a trophy on my case........ IF I HAD ONE! I have a second account name bananagram. Joined miiverse 2013 retire from miiverse when miiverse ends Dinkleberg is B O N E L E S S
Ðάςΐюπ★ώ☆ wriewolvisx
♥Welcome To My Profile♥ ★☆Favorite Games☆★ ◆Splatoon ◆Super Smash Bros Wii u ◆Xenoblade X ◆Mario Kart 8 ◆Minecraft Wii U Edition ◆Pokemon Fancies ◆Tomodachi Life ◆Nintendo Land ◆Mario 3D World ●Life● ■Youtube ■Games ■Youtube Channle■ ▲Making One its for vlogs ▲Darion Games in progress Thank You =) ^˛^ ^_^ wut
Flashruns LeoLion27
hi I am like games
Hello my name is Kiki. I have a awesome personality. I love all animals. I have one guine pig a y...
Hello my name is Kiki. I have a awesome personality. I love all animals. I have one guine pig a yorky pup. My favoritecolors are PINK,TEAL,and PURPLE. My favriote TV show is HATERS BACK OFF by MIRANDA SINGS. She is also my favorite youtuber. I went to her concert. My favriote movie is BEDTIME STORIES and SOPHIA GRACE AND ROSIE'S ROYAL ADVENTURES. I love the book Marley and Me. I love ALL GAMES BYE