Ryan's Followers
juancho holaasaaaaaaaaaa
hola me llamo juan y soy de colombia
Aya-Senpai MitzeyBakura
Helloooo i am Mitzey Matsumoto i am a duelist from domino City! I'm a Christian and an anime artist. I like pasta and macrons and i hate bacon. ._. ..... Will i lose friends for that???? Anyway, here r the animes i watch Yugioh Digimon Sailor Moon Little witch academia Beyblade Hetalia Inuyasha Kaleidostar Naruto Fruits Basket Sonic X (sometimes) I hope my posts can make u smile :3
Jojo Sumlilmadjoha
Kayla KMD0427
HI, plz follow me! im trying to get many followers before miiverse ends :( i have: miitopia tomodachi life Minecraft3ds mario kart7 acnl mario maker hhd i love playing with my friends, and btw, i post A LOT of stuff about miitopia lol (best game ever!) im really sad about miiverse closing, since on here i can talk to ppl about my favorite games.... NINTENDO DONT CLOSE MIIVERSE PLZ AND TY!!!
Foxtion Foxtion_YT
This Is My Official Account! My Birthday December 6 Hello! This my New 3DS XL account and please check out my Wii U account [Nickgamer101] Mmm k bye (^_^)
♪Katie♪ KatieSenseiDog
Hi my name is Katie and I love simulation games like ACNL and tomodachi life :]
autumskies AutmnCreeper
catch ya on the flip side! (›ωο)
Brenna Snowflake3017
Neko :3 Hobbies11
Well todays the last day .......ill miss you all and im so grateful for all my followers Happy Early Thanks Giving :3
ebta j armany001
jia.N jianaidu
hi l love miiverse and im really excited about having so many followers
☆Rosalina☆ hmhuerta
♪Hi!♪ ♪I am Hannah♪ ♪My profile comment is getting smaller and smaller… …♪ .·•☆I love Rosalina☆•·.
sexybettsy brooklynnlinton
hii im brooklynn im 12 and im a girl wanna chat yes no well if yes the coment i check them hope to meet you nyc gal outt
pikachu!!! ilovekirby67
Welcome, to my profile! I love Kirby, Pokemon, Pikmin & Mario! One of my favorite computer games is Animal Jam. Im twelve years old and I like dogs, cats, monkeys, pigs, ducks, and elephants XD. Some of my favorite pokemon are Pikachu, Ditto, Victini, Mew, Mimikyu, Pyukumuku, Cosmog and Hoopa. I have at least 150 pokemon cards, and im a hudge nintendo fan XD I hope you enjoy my posts thx! XD ^-^
‹{Mari}› holabbeee
me encanta jugar Ds
TheEpicPka TheLitLitten
Im a gamer boy.And I love anime.I like to draw A LOT.I like the Pokemon,Mario Bros,Minecraft and the Sims series.My hobbies is to draw and play video games.I like watching ,Markplier,and Jacksepticeye.Last but not least I watch pyrocinical and dank memes.I'll also do a daily trivia for either Markplier or Jacksepticye video. I'm also a Jehovah Witness. Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
dantdm adriankantola
Luke Lukrom
Hello my name is Luke I'm 12 years old and I'm a christian who loves video games cool people: Bindmendr Lilly Dragonflyz Ash kathren ☆☆belle☆☆☆ (and can i try to hit 500 followers before miiverse closes . thanks for 450+ followers) Clans i'm in: (member)→TSS (member)→#savemiiverse (member)→★★★ (leader)→ыоск
stacy stacy102678
i play alot of games and i am open any suggestions i love animal crossing to
Maruka-Des mamalove16
Facts about me:3 1) i would like to be a witch like bayonetta and be a galaxy princes like rosalina because of the lumas:3 2] My favorite game is Animal Crossing new leaf amiibo 3] I love horror movies that has no sexual scenes just pop out scaryness 4: I love smashing sometimes 5; i like Pinoy Drammas 6' I love k drammas too 7: Food is my life i dont need a relationship with a person, 8: Lazy
Baylee Bayleenoel01
i like unocorns
^-^ holden nyandogXD
hi i am Holden i love any kind of nintendo game i love anime plus I love the movie IT ( youll float too ) i love kirby my favorite games are,to much to say so bye!!!!! ^-^
Soul kidcreator9
Hey every body! its tama-ka. i usually go by either soul or tama in the titles i play. im a huge pokemon fenatic. i enjoy anime(iknow another weeb!). this is my second miiverse profile for 3ds.
sinnie sirenstone
Hi! I'm a happily married adult gamer! I LOVE playing my 3DSs! I mostly play AC(NL&HHD) Maisie: SkyHaven Sinnie: H~Town 5D00-0015-44AD Like my life, my towns kinda haphazard *shrug* Also like Miiverse, Badges, Stretchmo, Puzzles & Pinball. I really just enjoy playing to ease my mind, laugh & have a good time! :·) Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid ~John 14:27 :·) «sinnie»
Master Krux627
Kingdom Hearts 3D's and Pokemon X are two of my favorite 3ds games.
Trent TrentFarrell
In Blackest Day In Brightest Night Beware your fears made into light Let those who try to stop what's right Burn like his power, Sinestro's might!
mon Mason091208
ƒJosh JtheDuelist
Currently working on Downfall FES 2 __________________________ A bit about me: ● member of SDSW ƒluƒƒy clan (ƒ) ●Games I'm currently playing: Unison League and RPG Maker FES
goku ATT7L995T5
hi im goku from dragon ball z
Makayla R. ginger123mmm
Im makayla im 16 want a cookie follow the tracks……………………………………………cookie this way⇒……………………………………………good…………………………………………………●●●●●●●good job a bunch for uk
Kaelyn CooperIsACat
Kirito youuuwish
Greetings from Detroit... It's like Chernobyl here only populated =P
Sierra sierrabauer1999
Hi guys! It's swell too meet ya. Have fun browsing me (; Haha just kidding but, don't worry I'm not that cray cray. Have Fun. Play Awesome :) And also dont forget too hit that follow button! Just started so will post some pics soon (; I know what you were thinkin, ya little nasty xD Byyyee!!
Sophia Sophia10112
*I‛m bipolar *I love anime *I'm bisexual
Ink-Dub Mariobro4
If you're fortunate enough to like a post I did or just found me by chance. Then WOOMY! I mean Hi. You may not think it but you're awesome, don't forget it.
aiden BirdieBigTom
video games are so cool i love them read a book time to time be active but play some video games sometimes my friend gabe played 48 hours once at his friends house once he took breaks like for the bathroom and food and water but still it sounded sick! you know like awesome well today i bought chibi robo photo finder on nintendo eshop for 9.99
tyshanna Tausaya7
merwann merwannathem
bonjour je m'appelle merwann j'ai pokkén tournament injustice marvel battle super smash bros skylanders giants call of duty black ops 2 mario et sonic rio 2016 mario kart 8 et splatoon je veux au moins kirbendo en ami et se de mon école du chalet des roses et j'ai 10 ans et je suis en cm1.et je veut tou les youtubeur
Proto Proto-LW
Heya. I'm just your average cynical, trollish Nintendo fan. Really like Mario, Kirby, and Fire Emblem. This is actually my 2nd account, I used to be really active on the FE:Awakening Miiverse, so you may recognize me.
Sean 13-14 spydertum
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Buddy luckywanderb0y
Animal Crossing Dream Address: 5B00-00A3-7041 (please visit, thank you) gamer husband & dad to two young gamer kids friend requests welcome no chat act creepy or inappropriate & I will block you