Users Ryan Is Following
Aya-Senpai MitzeyBakura
Helloooo i am Mitzey Matsumoto i am a duelist from domino City! I'm a Christian and an anime artist. I like pasta and macrons and i hate bacon. ._. ..... Will i lose friends for that???? Anyway, here r the animes i watch Yugioh Digimon Sailor Moon Little witch academia Beyblade Hetalia Inuyasha Kaleidostar Naruto Fruits Basket Sonic X (sometimes) I hope my posts can make u smile :3
Great, now my face hurts... Anyway, hi! My name is MRB! Welcome to my profile! I have some sad news: Miiverse is ending soon. But I'll stick around and keep posting until then, so let's enjoy it while it lasts. I'll also accept friend requests if you want to continue playing together after the shutdown (except blank ones). I will greatly miss you all. #Miiverse2ForSwitch! P.S. I love Miis!
Robz TheRo212
My favorite video game series: Mega Man Mega Man X Sonic the Hedgehog Star Fox Style Savvy Super Mario
Kayla KMD0427
HI, plz follow me! im trying to get many followers before miiverse ends :( i have: miitopia tomodachi life Minecraft3ds mario kart7 acnl mario maker hhd i love playing with my friends, and btw, i post A LOT of stuff about miitopia lol (best game ever!) im really sad about miiverse closing, since on here i can talk to ppl about my favorite games.... NINTENDO DONT CLOSE MIIVERSE PLZ AND TY!!!
Foxtion Foxtion_YT
This Is My Official Account! My Birthday December 6 Hello! This my New 3DS XL account and please check out my Wii U account [Nickgamer101] Mmm k bye (^_^)
♪Katie♪ KatieSenseiDog
Hi my name is Katie and I love simulation games like ACNL and tomodachi life :]
autumskies AutmnCreeper
catch ya on the flip side! (›ωο)
Forestia Elcrestia
The final day to use Miiverse... Alot of good memories for using this site since late 2015, also a very helpful social media to look for help in games. Closing it down is really sad to see for a successful media to go away, but the company made it's choice, we can only accept... Will miss everyone in here, and hope the place will be revive by miracle someday...
ryan ganon01
likes: anime, zelda, lego, mario, dragon quest, 3ds, wii, wiiu, xbox 360, xbox one, yu-gi-oh, pokemon, cream soda, rootbeer, orange soda, juice, chocolate, Garfield shows, computer games, and people who doing great job. dislikes: people don't like it. favorite kind of games: adventure, shooting, action.
ACrossland AndrewCrossland
I am 30! My favourite game of all time is Xenoblade Chronicles! My other favourites are Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Another Code R, Golden Sun series, Disaster Day of Crisis, Metroid Other M and most Nintendo published games!
Master Krux627
Kingdom Hearts 3D's and Pokemon X are two of my favorite 3ds games.
Ava xXAva-chanXx
I'm just a tiny leetle 11 year-old Ava... My art is bad... ˘\_("/)_/˘ Oh well. Welcome to my profile, I guess...
Diarmuid18 Diarmuid18
Hello! I hope everyone is having a good day! Things to know about me: I'm 25 I'm Christian I love my family, animals, anime, writing, drawing, the internet and MIIVERSE! :D oh, one more thing. I don't do follow-for-follow. If you don't like my stuff, you don't have to follow me. I only want people to follow me if they enjoy my content. I'll really miss you guys :'( ....that's it ;P
Trent TrentFarrell
In Blackest Day In Brightest Night Beware your fears made into light Let those who try to stop what's right Burn like his power, Sinestro's might!
Bre Wolfry
Ey, it's Bre! I play games on the Wii U and 3DS, ranging from RPG to Platformer. I am a big fan of stuff like Pokémon, Sonic, Animal Crossing, Zelda, and other stuff like that, so naturally I post that stuff and more! Been gaming since the N64 and Gameboy era.
ZеrоМаsтеr Social_Medien
Michael MysteryGuy1412
This user's profile comment is private.
ƒJosh JtheDuelist
Currently working on Downfall FES 2 __________________________ A bit about me: ● member of SDSW ƒluƒƒy clan (ƒ) ●Games I'm currently playing: Unison League and RPG Maker FES
Cheryl victronix
R.I.P MV 2012-2017. It was the only place I could share My art. But I understand why its ending, cause of all the cringe and stuff. But I'll miss being able to talk to my friends an everyones amazing art and all the amazing posts, Shotout to: Bebe, Greg,Memesenpi Hero--Hero, QuietGhost and Calibeam. We've reached 100 Followers yay, well it was nice knowing you \(>з<)/<3
Natasha Piruetto
Greetings! About Me: I enjoy literature, culture, travel, music, film, casual gaming, & discussing interesting topics. I visit Japan at least once a year to visit friends, as well as attend concerts of my favorite musicians. マーガレット廣井さんからは本当に音楽に対する情熱を感じます。♡
Scott GoldTomahawk
Hey everybody! Welcome to my profile! My favorite YouTube Channels: Lordkronos100, BrawlBRSTMs3, MunchingOrange and SilentWeaponsIII.
Makayla R. ginger123mmm
Im makayla im 16 want a cookie follow the tracks……………………………………………cookie this way⇒……………………………………………good…………………………………………………●●●●●●●good job a bunch for uk
Sophia Sophia10112
*I‛m bipolar *I love anime *I'm bisexual
Kirito youuuwish
Greetings from Detroit... It's like Chernobyl here only populated =P
Calvawash Darkwing-Aoi
Zack Sonics2005
Welcome to my profile! I hope you enjoy what I have posted here and if you'd like, you can also follow me!
Buddy luckywanderb0y
Animal Crossing Dream Address: 5B00-00A3-7041 (please visit, thank you) gamer husband & dad to two young gamer kids friend requests welcome no chat act creepy or inappropriate & I will block you
ConCom Hope4WiiU
Hi every1! I am the alternate account 4 HopeInGod!, or as I'm more popularly known, **********. Should have called this account Asterisk Man X( ...Oh well. :)
Naruto Millsbro
Name: Matthew/Matt (>.o) Age: 16 Hobbies: Singing and playing video games. Thinking: Good things Favorie Food: Ramen #RamenLife Favorite Animal: Fox (>.<) Favorite Anime: Naruto. Duh!!! Thank you guys so much for all of your support and 400+ followers! Yeah my posts, and follow me for more. Nice meeting you!
Amaya amaya05marie
I thank all of my Followers for showing me so much fun and better times than in real life. I hope you all have wonderous times in your lives outside of Miiverse. Though I may have never met you, I feel like I know most of my Followers like I would my Family or Friends. I'll miss you all. Some shoutouts: Anissa waafles Ashdrake Preston Sammy★☆★ Thank you so much for staying with me. I love you al
nick lololol999
Hello :D.I love pokemon games, mario games, and zelda games. If you follow me, then I'll follow you back :)
Zero Alexc9199
hello I love megaman it is the best videogame series ever in my opinion it is my favorite game
Miku iluvmylilgrls
I'm Jane Doe and I'm Annynomous. (Don't worry I'm still Galaxy.)
Vegetafan3 warriordan
PLEASE STOP WITH RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS. Hello, I am DannyK and I bought my Wii U for the sole purpose of creating and playing extremely hard Mario Maker levels. I made one called The Holy Smokes Level 3 a while back, still my magnum opus. 9EDD-0000-01BF-8130 But Smash Bros. Wii U and Splatoon are fun too.;)
Jark57 invictuseddie
Hi! i'm Jude, also known as Jark57! I Joined miiverse only because I like competing with other people. now, let's get to me. I love video games, they are my only and favorite hobby. I also like action, adventure, and fighting games. Personally, my favorite video game is Terraria. I am 11, so don't judge me on what I like. If you want to, follow me! Look forward to my future posts!
Boss Baby theman2356
liluzivert liluzivert2008
yammy xox seterer
Profile comment hidden by admin.
johnson isaiahjohnson126
goodbye wii u
しょーなん 113 310244w
↓田園の中を走る JR113系(湘南色)です 主に、「今日の一枚」「プレイ中に起きたできごと」などを投稿している。気が向いたときに ちまちまとミーバースに投稿している模様。…
Uncle Dale UncleDale
-I've been playing video games since the late 70s. -Generally, I am a completionist, especially if the game is fun--tenacious, and will keep trying until the challenge is complete.
Sans NateWA12
heya. im sans. sans the skeleton. anyways... il play games [most are in my favorites list] and il sometimes post rp or other discusions and often times quizzes! i like sr.pelo. also IL BLOCK OUT THE HATERS!!! NEWS: im gonna be here until my next bday or KIMAH!!! also im only gonna be on the nslu comunity! ok you can leave now... well ok then
pie hvacco78
hi guys please follow me and Zachary and i will follow you THANK YOU BYE PUG★★★★★★★★★★★
Mas Kjode MasKjode
zelda breath of the wild
trav toughlolol