Users blu42 Is Following
Lesuna´∀` Lesuna
※フレンドについて※ 遊ぶ機会が減っていますので募集していません。(I don't want to be friend! Friend request No Thanx!!>:-O) フォローの付け外しについては、ご自由にどうぞ! 時折、絵心教室スケッチで絵を描いております。コメントを頂けるのは大変嬉しいのですが、コメ欄にある"注意書き"を必ず読んで下さい。あと“一言や無関係なコメントや新作以外の投稿には返しません”のでご了承下さい。(I'm happy because you write a comment. But please read the attention picture in the first comment!)
★Shΐnεy★ Risenshiney
A 24 y/o who loves drawing, also Risenshiney @ tum. ☆★I only accept friend reqs if we've talked enough and if you're aged 16+. No blanks.★☆ Critique welcome, yeah bombs are fine~
Doug leaf-tail
*howdy* Ο ποιμήν ο καλός τήν ψυχήν αυτου τίθησιν υπέρ των προβάτων. -Ιησους ▲ ▲ ▲ (waiting for the next zelda) Thanks for visiting ;)
EvilCherry EvilCherry
Hi.I love games+living life.I'm always testing how far down the rabbit hole I can go, for you see,I'm quite mad.Please join me in a bit of fun. Name-April Age-14 Fav.Food-Cherries No chat.Want to know why I.M. me. Interests-Drawing/Art-Cartoons(old+new)Comics-History-Paleontology-Mythology/occult-HeavyMetal Games Splatoon-SmashBros-HyruleWarriors MarioKart-S.Mario3dWorld-Shantae games-ArtAcademy
Majon♪ strickmichel
Goodbye Miiverse :'-(
JUN remiodad
こんにちは! 好きなゲームはお気に入りコミュニティのゲームです。 投稿に共感、コメントくれる方ありがとうございます。 嬉しくて元気貰えます! Thanks for looking at my picture.
Lia LiaBia
Hi! (″˙ˇ˙) I go by Lia♡ Thanks for all the likes&follows♡♡♡ It means a lot to me ^-^) bunnyxwia
Will WDouglassII
Hello, I am Will. I am never any good at making online profiles, so I will just thank you for looking at my art! Take care and all the best.
Marmotte Mi-Marmotte
like to draw what i like like when everyone like like everyone else like it...i think Hi welcome to my profile, i guess one of my drawings lead you here but please take your time scrolling through my older posts. You won't regret it i think. Also check the people i'm following, most of them are magnificent artists. Sorry i dont take random friend request.(But you can follow me instead.)
たっきん♪/Taki mu-minku
はじめまして たっきん♪ です (^^) My name is たっきん♪ :) Please call me Taki o(^▽^)o お絵描き 好きです ☆フレンドは話しが合って楽しい方(❁´ω`❁) Dear friends. I'm sorry if you don't understand what I say, my English skills are really poor so I usually use automatic translation service.Thank you for your understanding :) がんたん村:たっきん村長 夢番地 3E00-000F-AEB8 スプラテゥーン, MH4G, でお会いしたら宜しくお願いしまぁ〜す(o^^o) 最近はマイクラでサバイバルしてます(o^∀^o)
miigan miiganrox
Slither Geedee is who i be, so don't go fallin in like with me. ill be drawing a lot so get ready. 640
ben benshefaun
Hello, here's a bit about me, I'm 16 years of age, A hardcore gamer, somewhat of a artist, Sometimes a bit of a O.C.D. i like almost all music, And im singing like 24/7 lol, and i snowbord a bit, well that all for now friends and fallows, I appreciate all your yeahs. Good nightU-U,goodmorning!Ö_Ö, to you good people of earth :D it's always morning somewhere and night someplace else.[('o')]/ [] \
321★ jl1682
»ÇPχ« CentralProjectX
My name is Charles (friends call me Charlie, Chuck, etc.) You can call me what you prefer my nickname to be. I play retro/modern gaming, and I'm a gamer myself. I owned a acoustic/electric guitar. I love playing my guitars. Also feel free to check out my drawings some of them have humor and others you might enjoy. Update: Switch:CPX Getting on DeviantArt soon. So, catch me there.
ronald triplededge
age: 19 Salutations everyone, I'm a longtime cartoon/game fan crash, spyro, megaman, and sonic are my fav characters ever. Drawing is my hobby. I also enjoy watching cartoons and playing platformers, 3d and 2d. dream for the future: majoring in game designing, I'll be soon working with double fine when I graduate. (No Friend Requests!)
Ed edwin_j64
My name is Ed (a.k.a Eddrawsany) -I enjoy drawing whatever comes to mind -Admire all who fallows the path of an artist -I like to chill and take naps lol -favorite video games zelda oot, the last of us... -Anyway thanks for checking out my drawings, have a great day ;) also play smash bros !
Brian "Ed" FYI-Art-Studio
Art Academy Rules! Hi i'm Brian A.K.A. "Flathead Ed" I love drawing and sketching in my free time, if you'd like stop by and check out my work, I may not post as often as some people but i'll try to keep posting fresh content as soon as I get finished. Got a question, leave a comment and i'll try to answer as soon as possible. Thanks - "Flathead Ed"
kakamo kamo69carry
MHXXで集会所立てて遊んでいます。 龍歴院:カカモの部屋:設定なし :狩りチャ:のんびり:部屋パス六九九六 :ハンターネームはオレンジ ダブルクロスで一狩り行きましょう♪。 部屋主がマイペースで雑談好きな部屋なので、相互フォロワーさんでしたら気軽にどうぞ。夜の九時四十五分に立ててます。
Amy amy.louise
i draw characters with art academy and then post a million work in progress shots. i don't know what i'm doing okay.
Peach-Pit PeachyCupcake
Yes hello you are here for details ok here you go Blue Bird vvv Peachy_Pit Sunny D to the A vvv PinkArtistPeach dis[bjdnajsomegibberish]cord vvv #0456 YT vvv Same as my mii name I typed this at 4 am bye :)
Meta-chan DEVILMAN3
native Japanese speaker, posting drawings sometimes, no enough time to play too busy thx for hundreds of yeah, com n followin :) playin ResidentEvil (purple name by solo GSTB with rifle), Splatoon (Rank C- XD), Mario, Zelda, Bayonetta, MK8, SSB, and so on.. lookin forward to playin w you ;) *would not notice comments on my old posts *blank friend requests wouldn't be acceptable
あや♂ちん jacob-the-6horns
こんにちは。 筋肉、獣、怪物、メカ、おっさん、ファンタジー、SF、筋肉・・・そんなものが好きなあやちんです。 現在は主にスプラトゥーンをプレイ中。ラクガキは他所のSNSでやってます。 スパショ中や敵色インクを突き進むときに気持ち悪い動きをすることがありますが、決して煽っている訳ではありません!! コメントはできる限り返させて頂きます。・・・が、大分遅れがちです。返せない場合でもありがたく拝読させて頂いています。 フォロー・フォロー解除はご自由にどうぞ。 フォロー返しは自分と関連が深そうな方のみさせて頂いております。また、無理にフォロー返しを頂く必要はございません。 フレリクは相互フォローの方、スプラで何度かご一緒させて頂いた方であれば歓迎致します。 ボーイを愛でて毎日が楽しい・・・。 (2016.4.2更新)
WWB◆MrCube MrCube
"Rien ne sert de courir ; il faut partir à point." Hello and welcome. 30-year-old Nintendo fan and video game music addict, who draws occasionally. Thanks for all the yeahs, comments & follows.
Fishie NekoFishieRobot
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
Grim Monty Grim_Montrose
I am the illegitimate child of Waldorf and Stadtler, The projectionist on the satellite of love, A field researcher for the guide, an invader of the irken empire, and the vocalist hiding in Oogie's closet. I am all about playing games and trading art with the community, but I think it should be made clear I'm a grown man in a relationship with Bad JuJu. So behave children.
Yin Tsang YinShen
Hello. After many years, miiverse brought back the motivation to draw. I'm an amateur who seeks to share my passion about games while learning from the great artists found in this community. ~ Friends list is nearly full, so i will only be adding or accepting friend requests from people i've known for a while. Thank you. ~
Fgamer fgamer
i m an veteran player and my first console has a nes(good old times)love art,football,my favorite console has my dear nintendo64,nintendo fan,sega fan,hello to everyone in the world
Cyris curiousdakis
Welcome! Fan of: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Wars, Boba Fett, Flight of the Conchords, Depeche Mode, Flogging Molly, coffee, and many animated shows. I appreciate every response, yeah, follow, comment, et al. I can't keep up all the time, but I do what I can. Hope you enjoy my stuff! As for FR, I only accept from those I've gotten to know or played with. Feel welcome to follow!
area 52 robert64Usuck
area 51 is banned!
Bradical2 bdockeyeballs2
hi, im Bradical, but I got banned...
Gil Rated-G
Character animator, lover of all forms of visual media. I'm a huge fan of Rooster Teeth and Naughty Dog. Metroid is my favorite Nintendo franchise. I occasionally stream games from my PlayStation 4 at:
ZaiIу LaDemone
- Am a silly ? - Tardigrade - One year to being legal - Take art requests - Loves my Sonic/Naruto/Dinosaur - I am swag - I love Youuu - Marry me today. This has been my most unproductive year lol.
Duke Bocks JukeboxDraw
Jukebox Draw Official Account Here lie the remains of Duke Bocks, once host of Jukebox Draw. He was killed by Nintendo for no good reason whatsoever. Final Round Details Judge : Good Vibes Artist : Hazy Song : Eternal Space Winner : Hawk Find the Deviant Artist Dj-Pickle for future rounds. for previous galleries see YouTube Sproductiongames Google Wiiuartz
Art Rivals ArtRivals
Official Account of ART RIVALS Open to all artists on MiiVerse! ART RIVALS: Create a drawing in any community & leave a comment before the finish date for the month's theme in the entry post. All art software on WiiU and 3DS are welcome so be creative! ~mii created from miicharacters
I live in imagination and stay on creativity blvd.
creativity is a flower not grown in every gar...
I live in imagination and stay on creativity blvd.
creativity is a flower not grown in every garden. i'm happy to have at least a seed or two in mine.