blu42's Friends
Duke Bocks JukeboxDraw
Jukebox Draw Official Account Here lie the remains of Duke Bocks, once host of Jukebox Draw. He was killed by Nintendo for no good reason whatsoever. Final Round Details Judge : Good Vibes Artist : Hazy Song : Eternal Space Winner : Hawk Find the Deviant Artist Dj-Pickle for future rounds. for previous galleries see YouTube Sproductiongames Google Wiiuartz
Caramel Caramelian
Hi people, hope all is good feel free to add, always up for a friendly chat or game online will try to give a brief discripton of my intrests below check it out we may have something in common... or not... love you all piecee! Fav games: Earthbound, Xenoblade chronicles, Metroid Prime, Majora's mask Musical preference:I enjoy all kinds of music but currently really digging mushroomhead. out of..
Bob DeNiro JetFark
When I'm not on the mean streets hangin with my goodfellas, I am a taxi driver in cape fear. People try to analyze this and analyze that but at the end of the day when I need to avoid the heat I am at the casino chasing that big score like a true Godfather. I would not like to meet your parents, so don't ask. I will turn into a raging bull and hunt you like a deer if you do......
mac mcook3458
milkshake milkshaken
you may call me misha/mistake/milkshake/milk/mikhail i was born in trinidad and tobago
Ash DarkHunterDante
Francis Smokingspoon
Mst3k fanatic. I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings. Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon. I'm a huge fan of Metroid, StarFox, LoZ, Mother & also Fzero (keeping it to Nintendo). I preferred M:OM over Prime, deal with it. Metroid 0,2,3,4 are my favorite.
Tortolonch PatMan101
I play games.
Yoshiki Vearth
Starman Sephos
A puzzle/platform/rpg veteran, with acquired taste-aptitude as to what constitues a really good game. In short, I'm picky! Favorite things, in no particular order; dark comedy, yôkai, electronic music, language/culture studies, [traditional] animation, Naoki Urasawa, Yuasa Masaaki, Rebecca Sugar, Louis C.K. Honorary mentions; Gunpei Yokoi, Satoshi Kon. R.I.P.! With that, Keep it 'N' peeps!
jynx Tonylopez1992
Hello Everyone im jynx the pokemon and ill freeze you on the spot with my beautiful looks lmao i love jynx. I Can Say The Games I Want The Most Are.... Smash Bros Wii U, Smash Bros 3Ds , Mario Kart 8 , Bayonetta 2 , Pokemon X & Y
J-Ditty nightstar101
Adrian droponent
My name's Adrian I enjoy playing the guitar Eating noodles with chopsticks Drinking hot tea Playing videogames Questioning things Pitying fools Streaming Netflix Listening to music And growing old All matter is in a constant state of decay Everything & everyone, everywhere A sad fact of life But knowing this also makes things of beauty all the more miraculous Don't you think?
Sara EpicMyst
◆ Hello there! Thanks for coming by! ◆ I'm a happy Nintendo fan whose first love was the N64. Thanks for dropping by and enjoying my scribbles, guys and gals! From now on I will only accept friend requests from people I know or have chatted with. I also don't respond to personal messaging. Thanks! Current fav games: Journey, AC: New Leaf & Minecraft.
David DMn8ion
Rich RichII1981
Hello Miiverse. I don't get to draw as much as I'd like, but when I do, I like to draw Zelda, Futurama, Simpsons and Pikmin stuff, among others. Miiverse has been one of my favorite things on Nintendo ever, and with it being absent on the Switch, it will be missed! The art here is so diverse, amazing, funny and aesthetically appealing! Keep Miiverse going everyone!
DFDragoon DFDragoon
Dj-Pickle Dj-Pickle
Starting 8 November it's the big Giveaway... sign up for all manner of crazy shenanigans... Oh no that's right, Nintendo are pulling the plug...
El Sporko! mikeyvella
Hello I am here to play the video games!!! now I will tap OK.
Im Tyrone or TJ as people call me i love assassin's creed i am a complete AC fan i played all the assassin's creed games starting with AC1. i also love sonic the hedgehog, mario, and dragon ball z, and legend of zelda! * friend me so we can play AC3 multiplayer * :) also i don't do Wii U Chat sorry!
Duke Gahdrii
big-time nintendo nerd. love Zelda, played Pokemon since the beginning, hardcore Smash Bro smasher proudly own a 3DS
★$τагƒ♪я£★ Xdemon_darkraiX
†Hi It's ♡ςťāřƒΐяз♡ aka ★♪аии♪★ this is my other account. I was banned from the other and untill further inquiry& ban lift I will be here Rules on here are NO Video Calls with Anyone I haven't had multiple conversation with.♥ besides that im 22 a Proud Otaku.Pet lover.Dreamer.Artist.Gamer & free thinker welcome to making friends and chatting day or night msg friend or follow.♥followxxluma_kittyxx♥
Dusk jahdes04
hey im jah. i like playing disney infinity, lego games, pokemon games, Smash bros and other stuff! Come have fun with me.
Roboman RobomanV2.0
(READ: Forgive me for so much of the inactivity, hopefully Ill find the drive and time to become active again. Carry on my friends and thank you!) I like to draw things. I like to create things musically. I like to experience others' creations. Some call it art, I call it one of life's motivations for living. I love being alive. :-) ~Robo
ej Ejunior
Brood TheSecondBrood
——————————————————————————————————— ¦15, from Perth, and Puns, Oreos and Aphex Twin are my favourite things! ¦ ¦Also known as Balloon Boy. ¦ ¦All the Yeahs! belong to us ¦ ¦…actually, no thanks, I only draw for fun, but thanks if you give one also (obligatory follow me request bye) ¦Will be trying several drawing styles. ¦Fav games:Cave Story, Metal Slug ¦" ‹3 { ———————————————————————————————————
Matthew Sonicmario100
Hey what's up? Some of my hobbies are drawing, traveling, and playing video games! l'm half 日本語(Japanese) and half white. 18 years old l'm a big fan of both MARIO & SONIC!!!! And all the other Nintendo IPs too! Regardless of who U are, I'll accept everybody's friend requests RIP Miiverse you will truly be missed with all the wonderfully talented artists out there!
FrostyRazz dbar325
Hello everyone, my name is Sam (Though I may go as Devi Night) and welcome to my profile. I don't post too often so dont expect too much from me. :P
Kevbot Smarf9
This is not the profile you are looking for. ;) My favorite Nintendo franchises include Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda,Fire Emblem, Pokemon,and Professor Layton. Fire Emblem Echoes! Breath of the Wild I would like to be more active on Miiverse this summer. haha ♪Have an excellent day!♪
Nix Zelda_Midna
I'm a huge Legend of Zelda fan, I also love the Pokemon and Mario series, I guess that makes me your generic Nintendo obsessive ^_^
†Robbie† robbievz99
Hi everyone!I love drawing pokemon and other random things!!! Feel free to send friend requests! :) Currently playing Pokemon X and Y. Fav pokemon - Spheal I also love Monstercat. no video chat please! HAVE AN AWESOME GAMING DAY!!! In God we trust!
Anigh MofoEskimo
Cyris curiousdakis
Welcome! Fan of: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Wars, Boba Fett, Flight of the Conchords, Depeche Mode, Flogging Molly, coffee, and many animated shows. I appreciate every response, yeah, follow, comment, et al. I can't keep up all the time, but I do what I can. Hope you enjoy my stuff! As for FR, I only accept from those I've gotten to know or played with. Feel welcome to follow!
ajimal ajimal
born in 81, i love video games, art, music, ... all kinds of expression and curiosity. i don't have enough time to play on wi U and when i find it i'd rather chill and draw with you. keep drawing ! be creative all your life. oh and excuse my english ,)
t jet-widowmaker
Well, I finally hit the 200 + subscriber mark and I have many thanks to give to all those that have faithfully followed my art and appreciatively offered kind comments. I sincerely thank you all, with your continued supportive comments you help me to find the deeply buried driving engine within that keeps me churning away late at night trying to improve upon those scribbly lines! Thank you all!
VR32X 16bitBSTRD
I'm also on Switch and PS4 - I'm a 32 year old GNB Voc-Tech graduate and AF veteran. I love old metal (i.e. Dio), anime (i.e. Vampire Hunter D, Cowboy Bebop), DC Comics, my rabbits, my Virtual Boy, and hanging out with family. I was the Graphic Artist for the Chatsworth Times. I have my own comic in the works and I have published artwork, including Ripper Owens' BEYOND FEAR! NO REQUESTS FROM KIDS!
zackreed ZackReed
Favorite game: A Link to the Past Favorite Smash Bros Character: Link
るみ Rumi_jp
54yo. Been a gamer for 39 years. Played all the Zelda games at release. 54歳。ゲーマー歴39年。ゼルダ全タイトル予約買いでプレイ済み。 2014/6/12 Portfolio 2 *注意:初コメでタメ口は即ブロックです。タメ口は親しくなってから。常識ですよね。
$¥И£ЯΣŁŁΛ xXLuma_KittyXx
Hey I'm ★darla★ I'm 25 I♥playing video games I've played for 20+ yrs I'm Dedicated 2Nintendo Always! I'm a Juggalette, activist, rapper and artist. Friend or Follow :) *No Immidiate Calls &Put thought in friend requests.*♡Thanks4 all the yeahs♡>^¬^>♥ Keep Drawing&Gaming Nintendo Lovers!♥♪ιυмаьзацту♪†Much Wicked Clown Love†
Colgo13 Colgo13
Mario Kart 8 Eat Your Deluxe Greens: 5359-5217-0539 Hoping for rare drops in MH4U... Skidding on peels in Mario Kart 8... Defending my Splat Zone... Check out my brother's profile - NNID: Rikmeister []xxx[]-o-o-o-o-[]xxx[]
Dmck Dwillie
from Dwillie to Dmck, change had to be made!
Young Joe Young_Joe
If you're reading this, chances are you're interested in at least one of my posts. Great! Welcome aboard! Feel free to make yourself at home, maybe drop a comment, leave a yeah, or just poke around out of sheer curiosity. Who's going to stop you anyway? I know I won't!
shaneypoo stillsane
Born in the year of everyones' favorite plumber i have been playing from the NES and up. I love Nintendo, and i appreciate all the time and effort they put into our favorite pastimes. Thanks Nintendo :)
Clone DakotaBonez
Yo Wazzaup!?! I'm a Wannabe Programmer! ■■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■
Bonnie caromellita
Mark GingerGamer
Jazz hands all day everyday!
Ty Fly_Ty
SuperJDkun SupaDragonYoshi
SUPA DRAGON YOSHI!!!! Every day of life is a day to make a positive impact on others! I cannot accept BLIND friend requests so please follow if you want. I love Nintendo games and more! (Especially Yoshi's Island!) I also enjoy drawing many pictures as well as admiring others! I wish to become a game developer in Nintendo someday...Did I mention I LOVE Yoshies? p.s. I do not use Wii u chat.
Hincaru Hincaru
Hello everyone! You'll see here that I mostly draw. :3 I love to write, draw, play video games, and roll around on the floor complaining that I have no inspiration. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Momentai ~
RDS RDSboy_504
Enjoy life when YOU can people!
Cory RedBurst90
I've been gaming for almost 20 years now and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. While I'm not very social, I try to be an all-around good guy. Anybody who shares my passion for gaming, I'm willing to consider a friend request. Just be sure you have at least 1 game that I do.
mandy mandyjoy
Nintendo SuperFan for life NES 85'- Wii Ü & Gameboy - 3DS Collector of all things Nintendo! Fav games Mario,Zelda,Metroid,Kirby,Donkey Kong,Pokemon,Pikmin,Kid Icarus, etc.... Love classic games too!!
Jeff prodigy18
Tyrell romy44
Artist, monster hunter, Nintendo enthusiast, and captain of the wonderous airship, the Araceli Xavia. Come join an epic adventure! Enjoying all the drawings everyone!
Kool C KoolC357
Hello! I've been a gamer since the days of Atari. Yes, I'm old (ha,ha). I love a variety games. My favorites are rpgs, and action adventure. Some of my favorite franchises are Zelda and Metroid. Also, I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about what's going on in the video game community. Anyhow, nice meeting everyone. Game on!
Azu AzuGamerChick
Welcome to my oddities dear friends and followers ( ^ω^ ) "Every artist was first an amateur" -Ralph Waldo Emerson. "Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - The Dulbert Principle がんばてねみなさん
RazoE Ma70power
Just your average 30 year old dude. I love my cars, and cars I cant afford. I doodle on the side, but nothing elaborate. I speak Spanish, but suck at writing it. I speak some French, but don't expect much. I DO NOT WII CHAT, PLEASE DON'T ASK. THANK YOU.
CJ sirus88
Vehntus Vehntus
I'm just Canadian Gamerboy who loves Zelda and Metroid! Add me and lets play games :D
I can't believe how much FUN the WiiU is. Half my time is playing & the other half is in the Miiverse while STILL in game! *Note*: Generic Friend Requests will be rejected ie:"Lets be friends" Put some thought into it. Make it more personable. Thank You REAL Gamers! :)
Matt DGraphics
Welcome to my all original comics & art profile. The title of my profile picture is "Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously" - A Triple Self Portrait. This is a remake of a drawing I originally made in college years ago which combined Norman Rockwell, Vincent Van Gogh & my cartoony style. Make sure to check comments on my Splatoon ART GALLERY 1 & 2 posts & please join in the fun if you have Splatoon!
Roswell Allemando711
Live long, play hard!!
Josh vuldin
Where's the WiiU Pokemon game?
black Blackula305
Im 34 I write video game music + draw comics. Achievements: DK Jr kill screen (save points). Lv16 on GB Tetris-168 lines. Beat FZeroGX story mode. Worldwide Rankings:F-Zero AX #1 in Canada Fat Princess 59/228 571 Rayman Legends 91/626 440 GOTF:MegaMan2SuperMetroidALTTPRERemakeRE4FatPrincessFZeroGXMarioKartDSMGS1TetrisNESDemonsSoulsMetalCombatFalconsRevengeDemonsCrestShadowrunSNESBrainAgeWiiFitDKJr
Rawng akdub84
I've been gaming, drawing and making music almost as long as I can remember. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series & at this point I really only pay attention to Nintendo in the gaming world. I ♥ Art Academy & its Miiverse! It's a very creative & supportive place with a lot of great artists. Feel free to check out my drawings & I welcome feedback. Don't act a fool & I'm sure we can be buds :)
I live in imagination and stay on creativity blvd.
creativity is a flower not grown in every gar...
I live in imagination and stay on creativity blvd.
creativity is a flower not grown in every garden. i'm happy to have at least a seed or two in mine.