buster's Followers
Buster Brodiebrown146
Hi im a fan of pokemon my favs for 3ds pkmn rumble world pokémon moon x and or m&l dream team my favourites for Wii U splatoon ssb4 super mario maker minecraft terraria
Ash sachaboomboom
Salut tous le monde moi s'est Sacha mon jeu préféré est The Legende of Zelda Breath of the Wild Je fais parti de la team CS dans Ice Station Z ' ' ? ? ? ? ? BON JEU
WindowsXP Amber1345
If you have a Switch check my following list. Follow Jacob (richards9498) I love him with all of my heart. ♥ Words cannot explain how glad I am that I met him. I appreciate his presence in my life. It's people like him that make me realize how much I don't want Miiverse to end. Out of everyone I know on here, I'll miss him the most. Thank you Jake. :) May the odds be ever in your favor my d00ds.
Lindsey lindsey838
Hi! Welcome to my profile!!! I'm 17 years old, i love to draw. I love playing: Super smash bros. 4, Hyrule warriors, Splatoon and Mario kart 8 the most out of all my other wii u games... My top favorite game characters are Cloud Strife, Midna, Daisy and Callie. I don't accept ''BLANK'' friend requests, i also DON'T WII U CHAT!!! But you can message me :) have a great day my loves!!! :3♥♥♥
rara punkin83icloud83
i like minectaft ,rayman legends,i like to viedo chat sometimes ,i lke multiplayer games and more cant wait to meet every body :)
asriel henry1972
je suis asriel. je suis français et je vous adore.J'adore undertale!!!j'en suis fan. des fois, je parle anglais.desole s'il y a des fautes en anglais.
David chupiguai
hola peñaaaa soy david y me mola sonic y tambien me gusta mucho la palapalabra loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
RunneR rachelvb
Hey everyone! I currently still have no life, yet...AND I'M A CASUAL YET BIG FAN OF MARIO, KIRBY, AND MORE! I don't use Wii U chat, but feel free to friend or follow me if you want to (not gonna force you or anything!) MK8 Mains: Iggy, Ludwig (Races) and Lemmy, Larry (Battles) Smash Mains: Peach, Mario, Pit, Marth
↓∞freddy∞↓ DMarbs8
きょうりゅう oja.goya
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krish kriskanak123
I am seccond in command of Clan X I like pokemon shuffle,super smash bros,splatoon and many other games!
ssjgodgoku thebigA22
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chingun NOTIZN
Abdiel nick_match777
Hi everbothy,having fun.im Abdiel i have 14 years old i always play Minecraft,Super Mario Maker and Splatoon,i have 15 games but i only play 3 games.hablo español not english.sometmes im gana be on Miiverse for u guys.my favorite color is black.i have a GF and is Capt.Giuly my good GirlFriend,follow me and follow Capt.Giuly too,we can be happy if u follow us.i love Capt.Giuly so much *^,^*
knight knigth-sonic
Lets fight! Lets trade! Lets play! My games: -super smash bros 3DS -pokemon alpha sapphire -fire emblem fates -Animal crosing new leaf my manes in super smash bros are: littel mac, ryu, mewto, roy, palutena, meta knight, zelda and lucina :) my pokemon team: mewtwo, diance, latios, mawile, gardevoir and melloeta Pdt: I only can conect in the holidays and weekends, sorry :(
☆☆☆JAX☆☆☆ jaxcity
☆☆☆Video gamer all day☆☆☆ Hello everyone... My Number 1 Favorite Nintendo Character is Mario. My all time Favorite Mario Game is Super Mario 3D Word, and my 2 Favorite Classic Mario Games Is Super Mario Word and Mario All-Stars. My Number 1 Favorite Sega Character is Sonic. And Im also a PlayStation Gamer... #VideoGamingLife
ςqμειίηκί judesharp999
Salut, ABONNEZ VOUS ET JE FERAIS PAREIL!! J'essaie d'atteindre les 450 abo MERCI a mes 425 abo! Aller PEACE! ťώϊттёŕ: @squelinki Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale, Stranger Things <3 qu'est ce tu fais encore là twà? ^^ non mais vraiment '-'
Heyo! people of miiverese and this is my 2nd miiverese account so.... Few things about me I'm 10, l'm from England, and I speak English, I Wii U chat so don't be sad! My first account is land275, is that enough heard, yes? So enjoy my first profile land275 bye-bye!!!!!
Andrew FredBear-Gamer
Hello! I am Sir. NFC Amiibo and I commonly use miiverse on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I usually post on the Youtube community. This shows my FNAF pics or even ask if users want to see what they would look like in South Park! I've only been suspended once but Im behind that. Have fun Miiverse!
Tatiana Tatiana5534
Hi my name is Tatiana. I'm 14 years old. I wear a short skirt with a tain top and flats. my hair is straight. i dont like to block,or report people. I'M Smart,pretty and confident. like bad boys ,and dont like to brat but i hang out with cool tennegers,dont like to lie or people who pretend to be someone there not or someone they witch to be
dylan workerdcape
hello my name is dylan im 11 my favourite game is smash bros i watch alot of youtube including the easter egg hunter and JackSepticEye youtube dylan gorman #pitforsmash
Matt 123ndwr5yvtsrjrt
Hi I play pokemon and some other games and I like dragon ball z and drawing. And don't forget to donate money to the Rigby4SSB campaign (:
jd jd0215
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Santa xavsam
lego movie
あきら akira_0312
Phil phil54321
Heya, I'm Phil! I would just like to say that I have loved my time here and will miss it very much. I made some amazing friendships on this site which I hope we can carry over onto the Switch. Speaking of the Switch, you had better not look at the last 7 people who I am following ;)
Elias ghirahim911
Hello, welcome to my profile! I love Anime and video games, my favourite video game is Bayonetta!! My bae Bay is so badass but sexy at the same time xD And i love drawing too!! It's my hobby and i really enjoy it, i'll most likely post drawings related to Anime though I'd be happy to take requests (This might change later though...) And yeah, i hope you'll enjoy my profile, thank you!!
ΐυηα AnaRita15
Hello, I’m ΐυηα and I’m portuguese. I love my Nintendo 3DS XL and my Wii U It occupies some of my free time. I like play games like these : Pokemon Shuffle Super Mario 3D Land Sonic Boom : Shattered Crystal Mario Party : Island Tour I also have a Wii U to play some games. As these: Mario Kart 8 Splatoon I hope you follow me and see my new publications! ©Ana Rita™
maley jasonbutlercurry
I am 10 years old and im a expert at video games
Logar★;) bruh1230
Hey, Im logan. Im a rising highschooler. I guess im a pretty cool and chill person. I love Just Dance. That's my game right there lol. But yea, Follow my other account Peace★Love
zack 118118zackwallac
hello nice guy let met
Sam brent54
hallo ik ben sam hoe gaat het ik ben heel leuk maar ik speel graag call of duty zombie!! en roslena en luke en nog veel andere vrienden!!!!!
Erin Erinina
Well where do I start? My name is Erin and I am australian. My main language is English. I really enjoy playing video games. My favorite series would have to be: - Sonic The Hedgehog - Legend of Zelda - Banjo Kazooie - Animal Crossing I love to draw and share my sketches with the community and followers. My main interest is animals, hense why I draw alot of Sonic pictures. Sonamy♥♡♀♂
* ***** Tinytom5
Hi ^^ ①I Lσνε ƒσστβαll. ❷I нανε αη X-βσχ. ③I Ðση'τ мίίνεгςε dατε! ❹Friεηd rεqυεςτ me! (i doητ ьiτε!) ⑤I ωατсн γσυτμβε. ❻I lσvε ωჃlεz! αƒ R.i.p Really fun time!! ^^ Clan:сть ♬♬♬♬♬545+Followeяς ⓣⓗⓐⓝⓚⓨⓞⓤ♬♬♬♬♬ сγa! Ξ
mark FriendsU
Everything is awesome! favourite word awesome favourite 2nd word WEEGEE favourite pokemon rayquaz...
Everything is awesome! favourite word awesome favourite 2nd word WEEGEE favourite pokemon rayquaza most hated battle royale world axle B2F most favourite final boss dark rust most favourite mixed word SIWSSNINE most hated team battle in SUPER POKEMON RUMBLE team battle EX 5 game i need POKÉMON OMEGA RUBY most favourite FNAF2 freddy GOLDEN FREDDY Favourite phantom animatronic phantom puppet IM BACK