Users buster Is Following
Papyrus sonicjakehall
papyrus is a skeleton brother of sans the skeleton loves helping people and his dream is capturing a human and becoming captain of the royal gaurd
Lenny Face djloehr
I'm a fan of Mega Man, and I'm a logo enthusiast. Logos that are lost and must be found: - Spitfire Records (2000s) - WQLN (1978-1984) - High (2000s-2007?) - Thames Video Collection (US, 1988-1992) - Carlton Television (pre-launch, 1991-1992) - Rediffusion (several logos) - Wales West North TV/Teledu Cymru (1962-1963) - T.A.T. Communications Company (OF COURSE.) There's too many to name.
Buster Brodiebrown146
Hi im a fan of pokemon my favs for 3ds pkmn rumble world pokémon moon x and or m&l dream team my favourites for Wii U splatoon ssb4 super mario maker minecraft terraria
Ash sachaboomboom
Salut tous le monde moi s'est Sacha mon jeu préféré est The Legende of Zelda Breath of the Wild Je fais parti de la team CS dans Ice Station Z ' ' ? ? ? ? ? BON JEU
clé clé alilinana
salut,je suis nouvelle sur miiverse et j'aimerais me faire de nouveau amis (quelqun est belge ou francais?)
Lindsey lindsey838
Hi! Welcome to my profile!!! I'm 17 years old, i love to draw. I love playing: Super smash bros. 4, Hyrule warriors, Splatoon and Mario kart 8 the most out of all my other wii u games... My top favorite game characters are Cloud Strife, Midna, Daisy and Callie. I don't accept ''BLANK'' friend requests, i also DON'T WII U CHAT!!! But you can message me :) have a great day my loves!!! :3♥♥♥
David chupiguai
hola peñaaaa soy david y me mola sonic y tambien me gusta mucho la palapalabra loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
RunneR rachelvb
Hey everyone! I currently still have no life, yet...AND I'M A CASUAL YET BIG FAN OF MARIO, KIRBY, AND MORE! I don't use Wii U chat, but feel free to friend or follow me if you want to (not gonna force you or anything!) MK8 Mains: Iggy, Ludwig (Races) and Lemmy, Larry (Battles) Smash Mains: Peach, Mario, Pit, Marth
a skeleton Clownacy
asriel henry1972
je suis asriel. je suis français et je vous adore.J'adore undertale!!!j'en suis fan. des fois, je parle anglais.desole s'il y a des fautes en anglais.
↓∞freddy∞↓ DMarbs8
きょうりゅう oja.goya
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∞Aσ∞Jyugo☆ ElizabethMidford
Hi! Im Ciela Phantomhive! ♥ Welcome to my page! mon deuxième compte est ★¶Pinkie¶★
krish kriskanak123
I am seccond in command of Clan X I like pokemon shuffle,super smash bros,splatoon and many other games!
BlueSquid Aaronskibeat
Hello! I like Nintendo a LOT, but two other companies also have a special place in my heart: CAPCOM and Yacht Club Games, as two of my favourite franchises belong to them (Monster Hunter and Shovel Knight respectively). My other two favourite franchises are The Legend of Zelda and Pokémon, although Splatoon, Metroid and Mario are good as well. Happy Gaming!
ssjgodgoku thebigA22
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chingun NOTIZN
Abdiel nick_match777
Hi everbothy,having Abdiel i have 14 years old i always play Minecraft,Super Mario Maker and Splatoon,i have 15 games but i only play 3 games.hablo español not english.sometmes im gana be on Miiverse for u favorite color is black.i have a GF and is Capt.Giuly my good GirlFriend,follow me and follow Capt.Giuly too,we can be happy if u follow us.i love Capt.Giuly so much *^,^*
knight knigth-sonic
Lets fight! Lets trade! Lets play! My games: -super smash bros 3DS -pokemon alpha sapphire -fire emblem fates -Animal crosing new leaf my manes in super smash bros are: littel mac, ryu, mewto, roy, palutena, meta knight, zelda and lucina :) my pokemon team: mewtwo, diance, latios, mawile, gardevoir and melloeta Pdt: I only can conect in the holidays and weekends, sorry :(
ςqμειίηκί judesharp999
Salut, ABONNEZ VOUS ET JE FERAIS PAREIL!! J'essaie d'atteindre les 450 abo MERCI a mes 425 abo! Aller PEACE! ťώϊттёŕ: @squelinki Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale, Stranger Things <3 qu'est ce tu fais encore là twà? ^^ non mais vraiment '-'
Mr Eyepopp finbox968
Nintendo Switch!
Andrew FredBear-Gamer
Hello! I am Sir. NFC Amiibo and I commonly use miiverse on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I usually post on the Youtube community. This shows my FNAF pics or even ask if users want to see what they would look like in South Park! I've only been suspended once but Im behind that. Have fun Miiverse!
Tatiana Tatiana5534
Hi my name is Tatiana. I'm 14 years old. I wear a short skirt with a tain top and flats. my hair is straight. i dont like to block,or report people. I'M Smart,pretty and confident. like bad boys ,and dont like to brat but i hang out with cool tennegers,dont like to lie or people who pretend to be someone there not or someone they witch to be
dylan workerdcape
hello my name is dylan im 11 my favourite game is smash bros i watch alot of youtube including the easter egg hunter and JackSepticEye youtube dylan gorman #pitforsmash
Ace mick34
been big nintendo fan, since i was 6 or 7. have always owned a nintendo system since. when it comes, to first rate quality games... nintendo is always a winner!
Luke N2O Tilucas76
Welcome to my Miiverse page! I update my profile content every month. So make sure to keep a look out for that! Here are some things I like and have: -Car related games, movies and series. -A Toyota MR2 Mk.2 (My brother's). -A few GTA games. -Music (Especially Hard-Rock, Nightcore and Eurobeat). -A two stories house with a garage in the hills. -Few firearms (Property of my dad). See you! \(^v^\)
Dα®k loligant
Hallo leute wenn ihr mir eine anfrage stellt nehme ich sie auch gerne an solange ihr deutsch seid . Wenn ihr mir yeah`s gebt hab ich auch nichts dagegen XD wer mir folgt dem folge ich auch
* ***** Tinytom5
Hi ^^ ①I Lσνε ƒσστβαll. ❷I нανε αη X-βσχ. ③I Ðση'τ мίίνεгςε dατε! ❹Friεηd rεqυεςτ me! (i doητ ьiτε!) ⑤I ωατсн γσυτμβε. ❻I lσvε ωჃlεz! αƒ R.i.p Really fun time!! ^^ Clan:сть ♬♬♬♬♬545+Followeяς ⓣⓗⓐⓝⓚⓨⓞⓤ♬♬♬♬♬ сγa! Ξ
ILIANX99 ilianX99
Jàke adam2k12
Hello, Interneters. This page is run by the ulimate loser, Jàke Iéro Wày! I fequently post about The legend of Zelda and Mario kart 8. Enter the rainbow.
ζăçķγþąňδα parkiekids
Hello internet and gamers im Zac on my account i show many glitches tricks tips funny snapshots and more please follow me for it is appreciated alot and alsp if u like the stuff u see be sure to YEAH it. Thank you to all my friends and followers have a nice time and Love PANDAS 0–0
Annaxrose bobothecat12
i dont know what to write so ill just put this I play minecraft the most , so , expect only minecraft stuff on here PS- if u ride bmx or skate or scoot tell me by commenting on my pictures. lol
Matt 86b86b
My favourite game is Super Mario 3D Land!!!! Follow me and i will follow you. My favourite food is sweets.
king king7820
Hallo ich bin 13 jahre alt und spiele sehr gerne MINECRAFT und auch MOVIESTARPLANET wen ihr es hab dannn schreibt mich an oder rut mich an oder wen ihr fragen hab aber nehme jeder freundschaftlich fa an danke eucher king7820
Pierce02 Pierce02
Hello Everyone My Name Is Pierce If You Want To Play Any Games I Have Fifa 13 Madden NFL 13 Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros. 2 Call of Duty Black Ops II Clan : sKiL Thanks all of my friends and followers you are all the best!!!
JoYstiK winstonk
Everything is awesome! favourite word awesome favourite 2nd word WEEGEE favourite pokemon rayquaz...
Everything is awesome! favourite word awesome favourite 2nd word WEEGEE favourite pokemon rayquaza most hated battle royale world axle B2F most favourite final boss dark rust most favourite mixed word SIWSSNINE most hated team battle in SUPER POKEMON RUMBLE team battle EX 5 game i need POKÉMON OMEGA RUBY most favourite FNAF2 freddy GOLDEN FREDDY Favourite phantom animatronic phantom puppet IM BACK