camu camu's Friends
kaleb kalebboy1
Tony TonySantana0
ashton XxRabbidxX
Dasch DogForFun
What's up guys! I'm Houndred, a dog/videogame/books-loving person! What can I say about me? Well, I'm 24 years old, I'm from Brazil and... I don't know, I thinks that's it Have fun playing! Because games are there for this / Divirta-se jogando! Pois os jogos estão aí para isso ;) Thanks for the memories Miiverse! It was fun!
Nathan Gleeclubbers
I like playing smash bros but im not the best. I'll accept almost any friend requests i get. My favorite show is Steven Universe Like: Big Hero 6, No wii u chat. If ur still here then i have two other accounts NathanX (mickey886) and NathanEX havent made NathanEX yet but he will come when needed and starting every school year i do not post during the week cause of school. Bye!!
jeremycobb jeremycobb11
i'm 16 not taken follow one of my many friend Lolkat8 black ops 2 clan leader of xPCx and the founder is little49guy thx to all that following me
Bits laymoon
Hello and welcome to a random persons profile, what do you want to know ?? Age : 16 Gender : potato (Is it potato or potato ??) Well obviously i like nintendo Favorite Smash player : That pink sucking ball with the arms thingy ..... Mario Kart : More like Shy Guy Kart :3 Favorite game : Legend Of Zelda all the way :D
Miiverse, i will miss you!!!!