Say your farewells to miiverse!
They are closing miiverse on November 7th, So, We Will All miss miiverse
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Say your farewells to miiverse!
They are closing miiverse on November 7th, So, We Will All miss miiverse
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
2 out of my 20 breeded snivys are ♀, ugh! 10% of my snivys are female! and all i can say is 30% my behind! vent is now over!
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
has anyone had The infamous inner crack of death?
the inner hole of the cd, has a crack that makes the disc unreadable! anyone defeated this hydra?!
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Community
Is it worth the money?
I am indecisive on if i should get this... If it is open world, why should i get it? Let me know why this game is good, the last time that happened i gotta horrid ...
Miiverse, i will miss you!!!!