★dragon64★'s Followers
Kai☆ dmmdork
Austin ZodiacMaster101
Kaleb kalebdude
Hi, I'm Kaleb, Favorite Games: Pokémon, Animal Crossing , Minecraft, The Lego games, Mario, other (Pokémon is my favorite though) I'm a Shiny Pokémon Hunter
Max Shadow847
★☆July 16th, 2013 - November 7th, 2017☆★ This has been the best period of my life. You all have blessed me so much, and I couldn't ask for anything more in this world than what you all have given me. I can't ever thank you enough, but… Thank you SO much for all you guys have done for me. I love you all. Once again, thank you all for what you've done, and for the last time… …ƒarewell everyone.
Max Bass847
★☆July 16th, 2013 - November 7th, 2017☆★ This has been the best period of my life. You all have blessed me so much, and I couldn't ask for anything more in this world than what you all have given me. I can't ever thank you enough, but… Thank you SO much for all you guys have done for me. I love you all. Once again, thank you all for what you've done, and for the last time… …ƒarewell everyone.
Xerneas363 Xerneas363
Well. Its come to this. The final hours of Miiverse. I have so much to say, i've grown so strong here and experienced wonders in the making. But we should all remember, right?
ςέпi~ċhåη★ toykawaii1230
.·•ßiёпßепidοş αмi ρегƒiI•·. holiiiis !!! •apoyo para que no cierren miiverse >:( ♥ ♡ •practicamente mi vida se resume en una consola :v ♡♥ •practicamente una chica gamer •me gustan las lechugas si me sigues lechugas pa todos ewe •me encanta me fasina dibujar =3, amo los animales ♥ω♥ •espero caerles muy bien Øω<
d rabbitDaw1992
DareWolfΞ dareW0LF
oh hey i dont use this account much i do have a wii u account, (had) a 2ds account, and a 3ds XL account. If you really want to chat find me on piq its a pixel art site tho it can go down for weeks at a time XD. im really sad alot so that reflects in what i post sometimes. Im a drawquester if you a drawquester PLEASE TELL ME Thats about it boi!
COTBOY100$ ColtBoy4
i need some friends
JaMiE 473693
I'm a 13 year old who loves MLP, Steven Universe, is a great bud to hang with, funny, and am a loser. Well, so what? *I'm very talkative *I'm blunt *Love anime
Scub4St3v3 Scub4xSt3v3
Hey, I'm Derek and I'm 27. I grew up on nintendo and I'm a huge fan of Zelda and Super Mario. (I would pick Luigi over Mario any day of the week though) lol. I love the Wii U and I can't wait for them to make more awesome games for it. Friend request me if u want. I need friends to play with!
Jakpup Halloweenie1031
Hi, I'm Jakpup, an 11 year old male with Asperger's Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sorry if my drawings are sloppy, I am still learning. I also need another OC Also follow some of these amazing artists(you can find them in my following (Be happy ,munch on your chocolate bars, and just...relax) Aura demon Javier Yan☆Nyan♪ Evie Nualithe •☆Sugar☆•
SMV Karen KarenPrinces
Sin duda me diverti mucho aqui, pero veo que mañana desaparecera esta pequeña comunidad ....... ¡gracias Nintendo por esta increíble comunidad! Extrañare a estas sig. personas ★.●Nathan●. ☆Antia ♥Perla ♡ Luci Wolf ● a todos los Sans que me tope ♪Bon y lo único que quiero ahora es un abrazo de Antia y .●Nathan●. Adiós a todos :')
Fred★ Laurinaguerrieri
Profile comment hidden by admin.
JOJO Joss_zero
Holi hola!
VickyChan mebrianza
Hello random miiverse user! It’s me. VickyChan: I am 11 years old,i have a cat,im fugoshi Online.★ Ofline. Drawing in youtube comunity. Making a flipnote. Watching youtube. sleeping. Talking whit friends. I Love this youtubers!: SleepyKinq Drawing fan Birdie Scootaloo loves sans Kyutie Edd00chan. Kittydog I LOVE EDDSWORLD UNDERTALE MY LITTLE PONY POKÉMON DRAW Warrior Cats Popee the performer
Artifoxx cupcakes1595
Thank you for all the great memories for a huge chunk of my life. Thank you for letting me pass my 200+ follower goal! I'm gonna miss drawing for everyone! >n<; RIP Miiverse: 2013-2017
Jordan bml2372
hi im 'eh but you can call me jordan info about jordan: im awkward,nice,im a wolf trainer and im always bored to death what jordan likes: i like wolves and drawing i mostly like wolves but i like wolves as a family age: 13 what jordan likes to do: i like to be alone and watch anime i dont like undertale and cats and im a sycophancy loser Friends: lucas, jdogexe,kyla
★Maple★ emeraldstar2966
Admin comment hidden by profile. Probably... What up. I'm Maple. Thanks so so so much for 120+ follows! ^-^ Random info about Me/Maple: ~loves salmon ~and Big Band ~Hetrosexual fam ~likes me-mes ~loves anime ('ω') ~major kirby fan Alright, i can't think of any more social queues... Cya! "If your life has no problems, you're not really living it." ~Nigahiga/Ryan Higa
☆Silkena★ Silkena
Heya how it going if you want to learn facts about me[like the creeper u r] look below▼ [Crush]SODA CRUSH [Gender]. . . Kinda easy to know [BFFS]FF Sans,Kawaii Kat,RoseParis,Derp,Fresh,Kelis, Jessy Follow the people I follow their awsome!
Vampre ForeverJoy
Artist, I try hard and for that I take pride in, But im not your average joe. Unfortunately I can't draw small anime-like characters, I have a different art style that I don't really know what to call. but hey, maybe I'll start practicing anime-like art soon. ps. Life is fast, don't miss it. ›~›
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham! beards_n_sketches
•April• Cesaryaluff
Yup, its me, April. All that I'm going to say right now comes from my ♥, so, here it comes. Thanks for all of the amazing support you guys gave to me in these wonderful 2 years I've been on Miiverse. I'll miss this place as much as you guys will, and I'm also going to miss U Well, if you wanna keep in contact, continue RPing with me, or still see my art! Google + = ANCYZ Pinterest: ANCYZ BYE ♥
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
Ishmael ishmael2007
Its Me *Ishmael★★★* I Got and error For Something i could not get my games back so sad. Games I Like [Roblox] [Make A Cake] Ok Bye Guys Have A Nice
Lu¢as 2.1 P1X3LB0MB
I hate badmins I won't be on this often Once I get a Switch, look for my Perma'd account Banned from [07/28/17] Banned till [??/??/??] Banned for [? weeks] Time left [?? Days] Permabanned [DELETED BY ADMINISTRATOR] I love my Иaomi <3 Riddle to find me---By the power of books, I shall use the first and last words of Unrelenting Force on your face Vague, but obvious
cajun puffle999
You can find me on Animal Jam, Club Penguin Rewritten, and Fantage. And also Minecraft: PC Edition if you have it. Animal Jam name: cajunlady39 Club Penguin Rewritten name: cajun888 Fantage name: cajun888 Minecraft PC Edition name: cajunpuffle I am usually on the server Minecats, I also occasionally go on the server, CozyCloud.
Selma Selma.caronie2
Le second compte de @Selma.caronie Inst@ : selma_caroni D.A : Selmacaroni Clo$ed/ver$e : Selma.caronie Oi$eau bl/eu : selma30102002 W@ttp@d : Daisynou (J'ouvrirai une discussion le dernier jour pour pouvoir parler à mes amis s'ils le souhaitent ^^)
Lit King LatinoKing129
Be Lit like me cuz when u are, life becomes lit LUV U ALL
michi michi9094
achorao elachorao
jose paula love
ethan ethanm3
vous êtes mon ami(e) à présent
♪Neko!Blu♪ toychica2016
h e y g u y s i t s m e, T o r d ? I am an Eddsworld, Asdf movie, tawog, dhmis, batim, undertale, sam and cat, pokemon, Popee, fnaf, splatoon, dantdm, Coraline fan! wut am i doing? ._. If i get a switch, I will still be Neko!Blu I ♥ marble soda meme shoutouts: Armelle/★~Μαяια~★ (bff) ★Pinkela★ (kawaii friend) SomeDrawer (♥) .ºEthanº. (kind and sweet) dsnorton (creative bff) Online[★] Offline[]
alias ananasiana
J'ADORE UNDERTALE!!! ET MON PERSONNAGE PRÉFÉRÉE DANS UNDERTALE C'EST CHARA!!!!!!!!!!! Mon c.a 3239-6730-9710. J'aime MINECRAFT. J'ai pictoposte. J'ai 13 ans (bientot 14 en janvier). Et mon animal pref c la CHAUVE-SOURIS!!!
Roger RoToVa
Hola I speak English hablo español et je parle Francais mi opinion sobre: pokemon★★★★★ kirby★★★★★ mario kart★★★★☆ Bff: Rosa(miiverse) seguidla please! Adios miiverse Inteligente Sagaz viviendo el ″ic et Nuc″
Huey SkyRaven12
Yo, this is Huey, I'm a paint can that lives in Port Prisma. • RF☆Raven is mah bestie. • I like video games. • I hate bullies. DON'T EAT YELLOW SNOW CHILDREN. PEOPLE MAKE OUR PATTIES. H A V E A N I C E DAY.
あみあみ 2y2o6u
どうも!とび森とぷよぷよ大好きでよくプレイしてるアミだよ!以後見知り置きをw スマブラもプレイしてるよ!よろしく! (過去にいじめを受けていたので言い争いはお控え願います) 昼3時~夜9時過ぎまでオンなれません!ご了承をw某定時制高校に通っている為(祝日・休日を除く) 好きなお菓子…ガトーショコラ、マシュマロ、パンケーキ、クレープなど 苦手な食べ物…ゴーヤ、骨多い小魚w 趣味…イラスト描く事、音楽鑑賞、ゲームだよ!w スマブラ応援コミュにも描いてますw 英語訳:Hi! My name is Amiami. I play Animal clossing and Puyopuyo! My hobby is drawing! Nice to meet you! おもしろ投稿をモットーにしています! kiyo_retosan←妹アカです! ミバ終了後は青鳥飼います!多分 <2017:11/4より>
o(σ▼σ)v V for victory its neko64 im 21 and i injoy drawing my oc's alot some more then others dep...
o(σ▼σ)v V for victory its neko64 im 21 and i injoy drawing my oc's alot some more then others depending on what im into at the moment i also really love Pokémon mostly dragon types mosty garchomp i also love anime like JoJo's bizarre adventures☆°•o(σ▼σ)o•°☆
i have dyslexia
sonic:cotton cody lady koda joker
dog:pom pom
and others