Users ★dragon64★ Is Following
Samira jpachecojr
♥♡♥Hi There!! Thx For Poking On My Face!!LOL♥♡♥VIDEO GAME MUST HAVE: Super Mario Odyssey♥♡♥FAVORITE CHARACTER: Rosalina....Queen Of The Lumas♥♡♥#FINDACURE4AUTISM!!♥♡♥#BOSTONTERRIERS4LIFE♥♡♥I Am Born And Raised In The Mushroom Kingdom!♥♡♥I Make MLP Drawings.♥♡♥Star Wars Junkie♥♡♥Nintendo Geek♥♡♥I Also Do Disneyland Tips And Tricks.♥♡♥D.I.Y. Slime Recipes.♥♡♥LA Dodgers Girl♥♡♥ Hope You'll Follow Me!
Sophie IceDreamRabbit
My brain never stops running and I hate every second of it. I don't do fanarts a lot anymore unless its pokemon or OCs. Mostly original content, Pokemon, or fanarts of other's OCs. I'm not taking requests!
K Kotie326
Orbz LydiaColorz
I'm not trash, I am Bree, who is a smol awkward potato chip. -13 y/o gurl -Srry I'm pretty bad at socializing -I can Draw (self-taught) -Christian -I joined 2015 -Ahhhh, tysm for helping me reach my goal of 300+ followers (ò▼ó) Have some nutter butters! -Check out all the awesome people in my following! Miiverse is at its end... so lets make these last moments the best!
Ninja Amy KawaiiNinjaAmy
Hi!Nice to meet you!Join da MV Clan to help others! ♪·•.All About Me.•·♪ •Age:14 •Name:Karima •Join Family! •Fav color:Black •Neko&Ninja •Love:Anime,Art,Undertale,Tuna & etc. •Im Arabic &Hispanic/Latino •Dislike:DRAMA, HATE, Sadness, TROLLS •Is da MV Clan Leader • I Follow Inspirational Artists ONLY •Follows=Support •Emotion/Feeling: Happy #Nightcore (*)On ()Off ()Skool Bye! Posts Left:
☆Valerie☆ brutaldemonsoul
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Ape¥Laura moniquepoul
Ja nun ist es soweit das Miiverse wird bald enden und wir können nix dagegen machen.. Hier im Mv konnte ich endlich mal so sein wie ich bin und lernte die Besten Freunde kennen sowie meine große Liebe♡ Ich bin euch allen so dankbar für eure unterstützung und dafür das euch meine Bilder gefallen. Danke einfach nur ein großes Danke an alle♥ Insta:melody_the_wolf YT:Melody the Wolf Thanks for all
Nico Lennyislove
Hey, I'm Nico, I like to draw mediocre drawings. Out of posts x Still has posts (x)
aichi Aichi.yami
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Alba PokeAlba
› AC:NL/HHD, Pokémon, SSB, MH4U, Fantasy Life… › School Days, SnK, Death Note, K-On!, Naruto, One Punch Man, Ao No Exorcist, Soul Eater, Another, FT, HOTD, Free!, DRRR!!, BnHA, Noragami, Toradora!, Mob Psycho 100, Death Parade, Magi, Mystic Messenger, Danganronpa, Tokyo Ghoul… Daoko - Girl Hatsune Miku - Mind Brand Len & Rin - Sincerity Nature: DMoI Set It Off - Problem ↑The Game of Life↓
OmegaBrawl smashking342
OmegaBrawl here. Im just a guy who likes SSB and more stuff than that. Age: 17 -I do stuff :P, I laugh at memes (I laugh at most things) this... yep, soo -Im not much of a talker and I can be a bit shy at times. I don't really understand much things but no! Im not duuuh -Anyone challenges moi, your on! -Favorite youtubers: Markiplier, Dashiexp, H2O Delirious, more. -Yee Welp, good day :3
Globby glory-glob
I'm Globby. Oh-- Glubby (Psychrolutidae) is my twin sister. •INFP•♀•Bi•Filipino•Gemini•Ram•6.46 sweeps• As terrible as this place could get, I had a lot of fun during my time here! Thank you so much! Glory_Globs
My name is Afro Activist and my job is to change peoples lives in a positive way.Im an Activist And Revolutionary who hungers for truth,peace,and wisdom. WARNING:IF YOU HATE THE TRUTH,AND WISDOM BEWARE OF MY COMINGS...SERIOUSLY.I enjoy Political And Christian Hip hop Rap along with drawing manga.
Sem 123Mys
Hello I'm Sem! I Joined Miiverse Not To Long Ago...I Met Many Wonderful People, That Inspired Me, And Supported Me Throughout My Journey Through Miiverse. I Just Wanted To Say I Love You All And Thank You For Being Here With Me On Miiverse And Enjoying It With Me....Thank You And Goodbye Miiverse I Will Miss You And Everyone On Here...Love You All Very Much!!~♪
♪◆~Ζεκε~◆♪ Megacatgun2000
Hey Everyone! It's Good To be Back. Im A Big Fan of Kirby, Pokèmon, Mk7, And SuperSmashBros. Hope you Enjoy my Posts and Drawings! Peace! ^-^
Fresh XxSadSonicxx
Helloo I'm Fresh Favorite songs: American Authors - Luck, Pride, Born to Run, Believer Matt Kearney - Air I Breath, Sooner or Later Owl City - Fireflies Imagine Dragons - Shots Broiler remix The Chainsmokers - Something just like this, All we know Madeon - La Lune, Innocence Phoebe Ryan - Mine, Chronic Sabrina Carpenter - We'll be the stars ☆☆ might leave Miiverse
Bunny StarGamerBunny
Hooooi!! I'M Bunny nice to meet ya I am proudly in Comet Candy ^.^ I like to watch cartoons [ epecially old school ones] I watch some anime im picky with them. i love to draw alot this is a big one I LOVE TO PLAY VIDEOGAMES i been playing sice i was really little first being sonic the hedgehog . but over the years i greatly expanded i do not wii u chat or txt so do not ask.
♪Pinkitty♪ facemen3535
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Katelyn♪ blackcathasme
I'm Katelyn ♪| She/Her | Pretty Dang Old I am working as a children's book illustrator. ♡ I've been a member of Miiverse since the day it released, but leave for extensive periods of time. I cry more than the recommended average. I like to encourage young artists like myself! ♪♪ I'm working on several comic projects atm. Idc if you Yeah Bomb me- 'Twas normal back in my day.
MochiBOMB★ STARGamer1
!!~Thank you Everyone for 1000 Followers~!! Thank you Miiverse and Everyone It was a great experience! Im leaving for vacation on for my Parents Anniversary. Thank you for everyone iit was fun drawing for you guys! 'Check my Following List' *•�❣️Every Artist is Special, Unique, & Amazing!❣️�•* ■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■
SonicHedgy LetsBeClassy
An ALT. If you want to follow, follow my main first. (Check friend list for Parapy)
Eric coldshard
I've been gone for way too long I'm back now:) about me- ●gaymer ●polish living in Ireland I also like to draw, most of the time I never finish one before going to the next.😂
SB-Captain SillyCaptain
I met great people on mv. But since it's closing.. Anyways let's keep in touch! My 1N5T@GR@M: FROM.A.NEW.SHEET I belong to zero <3
Spookykenz kenziedrawsstuf2
Kenziedrawsstuff Kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff kenziedrawsstuff idk maybe kenziedrawsstuff
Crystal Crystaldahponie
Hiya! I'm Crystal, nice to meet ya! I'm sorry if I "Yeah Bomb" you. I just love your artwork. Wii U: Crystaltehpony
shade™ paradox-shade
welcome my name is shade and this IS MY PROFILE!!! this is the place were i post storys... anime stuff and more stuff so injoy btw you can freely rp here without any problems (ocs) paradox shade lost realm shade checkers the dragon glitch miya hikari the dragon [NEW!]code [<may change name later]
Johanne Johanne_4
Hi! Im Johanne. I mostly play mario maker on this account. I got six times on the level rankings. I also got once on the Maker rankings. Tournament winners: Kong and BCH. Thank-you for 120 followers! Enjoy my profile!
Wuff AlbertoElias2000
I'm a little wolfie short and stout. Here is my tailhole, here is my snout~ When you bend me over, here me shout, "Oh- gosh, yes~ please don't pull out!"
RE:gave up Bootwizz
And now, the end is near; And so I face the final curtain. My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full. I've traveled each and ev'ry highway. But more, much more than this, I did it my way.
o(σ▼σ)v V for victory its neko64 im 21 and i injoy drawing my oc's alot some more then others dep...
o(σ▼σ)v V for victory its neko64 im 21 and i injoy drawing my oc's alot some more then others depending on what im into at the moment i also really love Pokémon mostly dragon types mosty garchomp i also love anime like JoJo's bizarre adventures☆°•o(σ▼σ)o•°☆
i have dyslexia
sonic:cotton cody lady koda joker
dog:pom pom
and others