PĀ◆Dαгkz's Followers
BURNTOAST2 Sceptile202
I like Super Mario, Pokemon, and more other Nintendo Games! #Sceptile4President P.S. don't ask me why my name is burntoast2 Goodbye, Miiverse! Thank you all so much for the great times and fun memories!
Jasmine CMFBtheFirst
Wassup my boi . It seems i came to mv really late. welp here's some facts about meh/me age:12 friends on mv: Trinity,Cheli 2 ,Carmel,Nin★Noah family on mv:samanth ,Destiny May,and Maria also im hispanic If your still here your a freak XD BF:none so ask while you can 3 post left so i'll talk through this love ya bye
....... Mysteriousreborn
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michalukaa wekund
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ζίΰςξρρξ GreyWolf45
Hex Hexandra
Hello everyone, I am in the £eviathan Clan. I play SDSW a lot. Im 57 n a Christian. I enjoy giving postive feedback n happy 4 players that make great accomplishments. I Love all my past dogs, cats, n birds. I enjoy cooking, fishing,bbq,n walking. Im able to train dogs, I do animal comminaction. I love Winter snow, Spring, n Autumn. Summers r too hot! I cant play as fast as the young players :–)
Chloe chloerowe7
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savage☆ daniaarias
add me
Prísmship PrismStarShip
ashey 20wiiu16
i been doing good so yeah i am the champion
Tyler jykgmdtkd
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Max jeff3427
hey my name is max my favorite youtuber is logan paul i am a part of the logang im a maverick i will manely post about badge arcade but sometimes i will post about other games my goal is 10000 if i can make it to that followers thanks for following also if u folow me i wil folow you i yeah more than post comment more than yeah and follow more than i comment
Shadow darkpop123
my 3ed profile and hi i play smm,splatoon,nsmbu,m&satrog,ljw,loka,p&tga,ng3re,ltlmvg,i have no wii u chat,and if you sent me a friend request i will accept it.and mario is the best and sonic is not bad.please i need more friends.Fnaf is the best horror game ever.And my best game on the wiiu is splatoon.im C+.and let's get 100k please.:(
Bailey doodles123xyz
♡Hi im Bailey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! favorites games:Minecraft,Sims,Wrestling,and fighting animals:zebra,cats,dogs, and tigers color:purple board game:Scramble sport:tennis category in movies: comedy,action,adventure,and mystery roleplay games:Cops and robbers Now My Info age:10 in a half dream career:acting,tennis,animation,and art My dog Molly 2 fish Angle,Captain america ♥Luck to you all cya♥
sonicmad46 tina518
hi im kenyon im 12 i like my wiiu im single school is a little tough for me im in 7th grade my favorite food is dumpling i hate seafood my favorite game is mario strikers charged my least favorite game is call of duty i have three best friends eric, miguel and chris and marquis my niece her name is london and that's all about me
nicegirl☆☆ selinakaraoglan
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Epic★Domi anuska73
Willkommen auf mein Profil
ρκмηΜastrJ Jedimaster777
Hey, I'm Jack and have sort of been here sence the beginning of the 3DS. I love Pokémon. I have Yellow,Emerald,Pearl,White2 X&Sun.Also completing the Dex and have 676/721+.<(˘~˘)> (On X) I also play SSB4 & MK7/8. Been here sence 12/23/13 on 3DS.Got my first 3DS on 12/13/11 Age:13 I've had all the models of the 3DS and lots of old retro consoles I also skateboard Thanks 4 400+ ƒσιισως! \(˘¯˘)/
Derick derick2536
hi guys i play splatoon smash bros. en mario 64 ♥♥♥♥★★★★★ be my friend if you want but hey it's your choice ok
♪☆★JTG☆★♪♂ joandrasincere
Hello Miiverse, I am Jayden, aka JTG, nice to meet you! (If we haven't met) Here is some stuff about me. Games: SSB4, Minecraft, and Splatoon BFFS: RF★Aqua, Woomy, Dani, much more. Me: I love making new friends and meeting people, I have a YouTube channel (Jayden The Gamer), and I am nice. Part of the LOW★, PSU★ and RF★ clan Leaders: Woomy (LOW★) Dani (PSU★) And RF★Aqua (RF★) Have a wonderful day
Cyera chipchickfrito
I LOVE playing Mario games!!!!
Rikki RikkiDA
Jerlina Truebluebeauty
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™Àñdėř RTU177
Hey, name's Ander. I'm 15 years old, turning 16 in March. (Not that anyone needed to know that...) I'm a member of the sdsw clan ™EF. I have a hard time spelling, so excuse me if I misspell anything. That's about all I have to say... thanks for reading? Don't forget to follow me! wink wink ;)
Vinn FlamingDeath
Wassup? Vinn here, just an ordinary guy..no one special.. Feel free to explore.. Never on anymore..moved on you could say... Still feel free to drop by and leave a message! -Follow4Follow -Online[] Offline[×] -Vinn DarkNight Motto: Live life to its fullest and prosper in it.. rejoice what you have and share the joy
Coolman Tanda2005
Hi I'm coolman as you know. Check out my wii u profile at Tateandanna. I love playing minecraft,lego city and super mario maker. That's it hope you liked my profile and make sure that you check out my wii u profile. Bye:) :)
うねいですうねうねΩ ri0228k
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Μс$lυshiε™ McSlushie
NAME: Adam « IGN: HD★Slushie™ » « NAME: McSlushie » → My Games ← MARIO MAKER 3DS ★★★★☆ MONSTER H GENS ★★★☆☆ KUNG FU FIGHT ★★★★☆ LIFESPEED ★★★★★ TERRARIA 3DS ★★★★☆ CUBE CREATOR 3D ★★☆☆☆ MINECRAFT 3DS ★★★★★ [SMASH STATS] -×- 104th GERMAN -×- 355th AMERICAN ¹ CORRIN ² ROY / MARTH ³ MEWTWO I've lost my MK7 game card... <3
☆$йªßΞςт☆ SuperGC2
Hei jeg er $Ð1Best🏆 Jeg er fra Rogaland, jeg er 15. Følger:956 Følgere:544 Andre konsoller:DS Lite, Gamecube, Wii🎮📺 Nivå 99 på SDSW💪🏾🏆🎉 Hi im $Ð1Best🏆 Im from Rogaland, Norway, im 15. Following:956 Followers:544 Other consoles:DS Lite, Gamecube, Wii🎮📺 Level 99 on SDSW💪🏾🏆🎉
Lucario Latios-fan2015
Hey yall I'm Mega Lucario I can run over 195.9mph I'm 16 and I'm a guy My Acceleration is 0-60 in 0.9 Seconds. I'm faster than a Ultimate Aero car On: 95% Off: 5% #DEAL WITH IT!!!!! If you need help, come talk to me ok?
Щ²Mαhtаb• SKY99726
Tнanks fоя clicking on my mii:) Mу Names Mahtab!! *Fаст* Best sports car= BUGATTI! Best Game= Mortal kombat XL! Щ is a SDSW clan! ★Leaders★ Щ¹MARIO Щ²Mahtab (Me) Щ³--------------- Щ½------------- Щ¼Valco Щ¾Ozee Members 170+ Best clan ever! Seba i miss you! I know English=100% I know French= 50% Bye..
Taddl NiklasHotdog
Das ist Schmokyyys 1. channel schaut bei yt; Schmokyyy de. rein leude ihr seid die aller beste menschen 116 folower
juancarlos pupa08
soy el que tiene menos juegos no tengo zelda brath to the wild splatoon new super mario bros u y ningun otro juego etc. pero no soy feliz y necesito mas que 3 juegos como 7-10 o mas
Kc meikyala1984
Hello my name is meikyala my favorite games are Minecraft , Terraria , supermario3dworld and my favorite youtuber is Dan TDM
たいよう mochizukisan
スプラトゥーン大好き人間です!! 週5のペースでやってるよプラベ,タグマだいかんげいです!!! [ミバ親友] みづ<=>ゆうさん よろしくです
◆ŇχNerzVE◆ Momoxx5
☆Leader Of Team Cascade's Mario Kart Branch ☆Member of Vξ☆ ☆Leader Of Team Novis☆ ☆WarLord of DarkStar☆ ☆Kaizo☆ ☆Admin of Eclipse☆ ☆More☆ VE members to impress till Elite Vantage ξnigma-2 Alt Acc To: •NerziaVE• "Get in the bag, Nebby!!"
ilias008 belassel008
Hi. Please follow: @3dsvsthewiiuwiiu @miyukiluckystar @DogyBro @MatthewS17 @grim16 @realYeahAngel @veryscrappy @CarlyPandaCake15 @mariofan112004 @BroLookatThis @Nate123 @DMcNeil2 @Hichem_Kawaii @malatheangel @GageAwesome08 Yeah lots of my posts and follow YOU will be here. Profile updates on my favourited post. Cya!
Bo macfamily8
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