Users PĀ◆Dαгkz Is Following
ρκмηΜastrJ Jedimaster777
Hey, I'm Jack and have sort of been here sence the beginning of the 3DS. I love Pokémon. I have Yellow,Emerald,Pearl,White2 X&Sun.Also completing the Dex and have 676/721+.<(˘~˘)> (On X) I also play SSB4 & MK7/8. Been here sence 12/23/13 on 3DS.Got my first 3DS on 12/13/11 Age:13 I've had all the models of the 3DS and lots of old retro consoles I also skateboard Thanks 4 400+ ƒσιισως! \(˘¯˘)/
ƒTroyƒ coolguy30707
Hi my name is ƒTroyƒ im a proud member of the awesome! clan ƒluƒƒy if you want to join talk to beeƒ or ƒ1Ray ƒluƒƒy ƒTW!!!!! i can also speak a little spanish ƒ soy me familia go ahead and smash that follow button!!! bye!
£Ðãякмăй£ Keldeoiscool
Hi people my name Darkman and im 14 years old like to play↓↓↓↓ Steeldiver:Sub wars,Super smash bros,lugi mansion ,pokemon and legend of zelda
icey ƒluƒƒ tbuk25
Foxy 217043ERICK
hi i'm Alex i like minecraft,Spiderman and here are some other things ¹ i don't do nasty stuff ² i'm single ³ do you need a bf
™Àñdėř RTU177
Hey, name's Ander. I'm 15 years old, turning 16 in March. (Not that anyone needed to know that...) I'm a member of the sdsw clan ™EF. I have a hard time spelling, so excuse me if I misspell anything. That's about all I have to say... thanks for reading? Don't forget to follow me! wink wink ;)
Prísmship PrismStarShip
Luke™¹ herogamer01
Hi I am Luke at least thats my mii's name. I'm a Christian who loves to read and play Video games. If you need a friend I'm willing to be one. And I like to chat. I'm a recruter for Enduring Freedom people to follow: patriot™; ™Mika; Old Glory™. May Freedom Endure. Good Hunting!
Vinn FlamingDeath
Wassup? Vinn here, just an ordinary one special.. Feel free to explore.. Never on anymore..moved on you could say... Still feel free to drop by and leave a message! -Follow4Follow -Online[] Offline[×] -Vinn DarkNight Motto: Live life to its fullest and prosper in it.. rejoice what you have and share the joy
★Jdawg★ČК★ JD_Gam3s
Warfare may be what I like, but what I truly like is a saying “What goes around, comes around" As for as I can see, im a threat and I like it. So if your a h8r, come at me bro. I dare ya. I may be 1 person but I can fight like 200+ And I ain't scared of anyone, It's online, and you know it. #Rekcolb #2/15 Mwahaha, its Jdawg X
©£gs«»SN£© Russell05
im gunslinger i love games also im in a clan called Vя its a great clan comment to join . I also made a clan called SN its a good clan to i have a lot of members most are named SN . And last but not least £ im in £ its a good clan and tu for all my followers and alway tap the follow when your ready !!!!!!!
jericho combrian456
ive played super mario bros 2,mario kart 7,and super mario 3d land
CHINO 5.a-dan
simon juankaXD
David 963430
Cyera chipchickfrito
I LOVE playing Mario games!!!!
Ben benjamin1998b
I play 3Ds & Wii U
Chuchu JesusGilBlanco
Nos vemos en miiverse!!!!
Lloyd SnapShot1357
sup dude nice hair
arnetta amy.downriver45p
Hey i am a person of exitment.
ariel celeste789
Salut !Je suis heureuse d'avoir enfin des amis sur la wii you parce que au départ c'était un peu compliqué pour moi donc je remerci tout le monde et aussi tout les personnes qui sont abonné à moi . Merci !
Perseus dantesmith
new super mario bros 1and 2 is fun
Inessa Hallinessa
My name is Inessa. I am a fan of mario bros.series, super smash bros., wii, and the wiiu
JT Tjtype
Im 13 and i love cats and mario games and want some friends
showoff Dantealford
Jenaya Jenayabrown
my name is naya,i love purle,and i love playing games,i am new to this so anyone can follow me
☆$йªßΞςт☆ SuperGC2
Hei jeg er $Ð1Best🏆 Jeg er fra Rogaland, jeg er 15. Følger:956 Følgere:544 Andre konsoller:DS Lite, Gamecube, Wii🎮📺 Nivå 99 på SDSW💪🏾🏆🎉 Hi im $Ð1Best🏆 Im from Rogaland, Norway, im 15. Following:956 Followers:544 Other consoles:DS Lite, Gamecube, Wii🎮📺 Level 99 on SDSW💪🏾🏆🎉
™Mìka PonyExpress1999
™Mìka Yep.. As I've always said.. Ol' Dog's die hard. Eagle's coasting the air currents. :] Original Creator & Ower: ■ ™Enduring Freedom - ™Old Glory, Leader ◆ ™Mìka, Original Ambassador (Retired). ● Team Work, WIN! ⇒ DO IT! NO Mercy! ** Motto: Fire from above Baby! ** Personality: CRAzyDriver. BTW: This is my 3DS. it has all the SD:SW training and has all DSL with mod's.
#αιεхıśˇ˘ˇ cutelilalexis123
hi im alexis, age:14 b-day:8/10/02,august 10,2002 grade:8th bff:Emily Word, nancy hernandez, Jahzara Abdula, Mackenzie.V. fav. color:purple fav. animal:kitten animals?yes 1 puppy bf:single*but Talking 2 some1 ik* my dad Passed away when 10 :'( i luv2 draw,&paint im super flexibal i luv 2 sing look:dark brown hair and eyes,i have top and bottem braces i wanna be a veterinarian i get bullied a lot
carlos carlosa2341
hello im carlos and welcome to my profile. i hope a get a lot a followers and i will keep doing posts until a get 400 followers.So give yeah's and comment every posts i posted :)
2017 Lucas IceFusion14
I have a Nintendo Switch! Will be less active on here since i use "some other" app to talk to people. I'm also a co leader of msv
λV★Rαмςες★ RamsesRantendo2
Yo! i'm Ramses/λV★SWAGG77/ςχ★Ramses AGED:17 Best friends: all my λV★clan Members,Spark,Dev,dvalin,Liz,Austin Niyo,Alex,Drake,patty and jon98. ★Retired MK7 player★ 99999VR on 6-12-15 #24th American #162nd WorldWide I created λV★ Clan Me 1st leader λV★97 2nd leader i'm a member of the ςχ Clan λV★ClanWar Stats W:4 L:0 To join λV★ Ask Xavier/λV★SWAGG97 λV★clan since December 2012.
Hex Hexandra
Hello everyone, I am in the £eviathan Clan. I play SDSW a lot. Im 57 n a Christian. I enjoy giving postive feedback n happy 4 players that make great accomplishments. I Love all my past dogs, cats, n birds. I enjoy cooking, fishing,bbq,n walking. Im able to train dogs, I do animal comminaction. I love Winter snow, Spring, n Autumn. Summers r too hot! I cant play as fast as the young players :–)
Coolman Tanda2005
Hi I'm coolman as you know. Check out my wii u profile at Tateandanna. I love playing minecraft,lego city and super mario maker. That's it hope you liked my profile and make sure that you check out my wii u profile. Bye:) :)
Μс$lυshiε™ McSlushie
NAME: Adam « IGN: HD★Slushie™ » « NAME: McSlushie » → My Games ← MARIO MAKER 3DS ★★★★☆ MONSTER H GENS ★★★☆☆ KUNG FU FIGHT ★★★★☆ LIFESPEED ★★★★★ TERRARIA 3DS ★★★★☆ CUBE CREATOR 3D ★★☆☆☆ MINECRAFT 3DS ★★★★★ [SMASH STATS] -×- 104th GERMAN -×- 355th AMERICAN ¹ CORRIN ² ROY / MARTH ³ MEWTWO I've lost my MK7 game card... <3
Щ²Mαhtаb• SKY99726
Tнanks fоя clicking on my mii:) Mу Names Mahtab!! *Fаст* Best sports car= BUGATTI! Best Game= Mortal kombat XL! Щ is a SDSW clan! ★Leaders★ Щ¹MARIO Щ²Mahtab (Me) Щ³--------------- Щ½------------- Щ¼Valco Щ¾Ozee Members 170+ Best clan ever! Seba i miss you! I know English=100% I know French= 50% Bye..
DANIEL danielandaeta10n
Taddl NiklasHotdog
Das ist Schmokyyys 1. channel schaut bei yt; Schmokyyy de. rein leude ihr seid die aller beste menschen 116 folower
Ki iron7777
holis a todos : mis bff chris lider del clan tz creo jijiji, mya y clone bye y que diosito les acompañe siempre besitos al aire a todos
£¦Caleb †³ elephant7204
Hello miiverse, I'm Caleb.I enjoy playing a lot of games like Lego Star Wars T.F.A.,mario kart 7,steel diver: sub wars and more. follow me I'll follow you! I have been a member of the £eviathan clan since february. join £eviathan! I wrote the rest in invisible ink! pretty good story huh? lol
◆ŇχNerzVE◆ Momoxx5
☆Leader Of Team Cascade's Mario Kart Branch ☆Member of Vξ☆ ☆Leader Of Team Novis☆ ☆WarLord of DarkStar☆ ☆Kaizo☆ ☆Admin of Eclipse☆ ☆More☆ VE members to impress till Elite Vantage ξnigma-2 Alt Acc To: •NerziaVE• "Get in the bag, Nebby!!"
Slimeling MintyMist
Joined: Jan. 9, 2016 I had a fun time with miiverse. :) Shoutout to: Analo (nakitty.c) (alt: riversoul77) (2nd alt: TeaExists) ВΙαсκ_ƒφχ (Blackfox67) ˜★Deanna★˜ (Newchibi) Cyan (superomega31) Waqer [no longer on mv] Jishi (IllusiveEvie) Samantha (SamanthaJ2006) Samantha (zackvfair) Corndog (derpypixlz) Sleet777 (sleet777)
Kara Cash OokamiLegend4
Heyo! My name is Kara! 私の名前はカーラです! Favorite Anime: Mushishi 蟲師 Favorite music: Dubstep, Hard Rock, Vocaloid, and ONE OK ROCK. Favorite Games: Mostly visual novel games or games with Anime art style. English: Native language Japanese: Fluent... 私は日本語がじょうずではありません I like Utaite! まふまふ, そらる, kradness, れをる, びす 天月 I like HoneyWorks! HoneyWorksはすきです! I take requests if asked. ;)
Kc meikyala1984
Hello my name is meikyala my favorite games are Minecraft , Terraria , supermario3dworld and my favorite youtuber is Dan TDM