Hi Charley. Well(sniffs), I guess this is it, old friend. I'll miss you. You're one of my all-time favoritte followers on Miiverse. I'll never forget all the fun times we had & the hardships I ...
CJ●SWCH●'s Yeahs

Thank you Charley for everything, I'm glad that you let me be your friend. Can you please let MAX know that I would like to thank her for being my friend. I will miss you guys alot!

trading in my wiiu tomorrow ask my friends how to keep in touch with me . it's been a great ride with a lot of wonderful people thank-you Nintendo and all my mii verse friends .

Yeah, NotGenji, it's sad we won't be here for December or Christmas this year. I'm really going to miss it. Hopefully the new movie will be great! Thanks CJ! Thanks Dani! I'm going to miss seeing y...

hey bro! man i'm glad ur enjoying the switch. i still don't have one. still don't know when i'll get one. maybe Christmas? well miiverse is going away soon huh? it's good to hear from u. hope every...

Just been playing a ton of Final Fantasy XIV on PS4, haha. How about you, what you been up to? I've got all my consoles still hooked up & I always will. A lot of messy cords but worth it in case I ...

Woah CJ, yo! How you been man? It's been a while. Sadly I haven't got a Switch & am not getting one for a very long time, just can't afford it. I barely use my Wii U either, been playing my PS4 a t...

that's great news, congratulations to you both. Time is short here, but you know where to find me elsewhere I hope... thanks for everything, I've truly loved being your friend here
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