Users CSAшоому Is Following
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. 📷ig moonshine.flare 🐦tw Sudomemo Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
GyMこがねるね kogane_D4
QR★Bren Menita9
.*★Holi☆*. ^^Me llamo brenda Me gusta:^^=splatoon=^^,smash,mk8,(mis juegos) Me gusta: dibujar (^_~) Tengo un hermano y 0 mascotas Ago una serie por si quieren verla o aparecer=GUERRA INKLING Mis amigos Preferidos:Aneli Marie ignacio emanuel Games Michi kevin jahir NO ACEPTO SOLICITUDES EN BLANCO Algun día jugamos Yo te sigo si tu me sigues Creo que es todo BYE (No soy buena recordando cosas XD)
Liv olivia_h_9
dylan dj.ugalde
hi my name is dylan and i love to play with people online and i love playing super smash bros and mario kart8 im 13. when people follow me i follow them back and make sure you follow me .and if you want to be friends my id is dj.ugalde
☆US☆αιγοωο alykat0508
hewwo my names alyssa, im 12 years old stuff i luv♡ *my bf èwé *drawing *my doggo *anime (starts to run out of things to put) uhh uhhhhhhhhhh idk what else to put soooooo byyyyyye
MLG Foxy keat2008
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Sslytherin LSdoge360
Things about meh: ~I have 1 dog (Taco) ~I love drawing ~I listen to Nightcore and Melanie Martinez ~I follow for follow!! ~I like playing Minecraft and Splatoon ~McDonald's is life ~I am super awkward ~Harry Potter is AWESOME! ~I'M IN LOVE WITH DRACO MALFOY OKAY!! (I changed my mii for Halloween :3) Thanks for 100+ followers! Lezz get it to 150 :3 pls I'm gonna miss all of you :')
☆Dani☆ Dani015
Hi everyone I'm Dani. I'm 17 years old and I draw random stuff:) (Just for fun, not for fame!;)) I love to play games, especially The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon and Smash Bros., and to watch Animes (Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, Mirai Nikki ect.)! I guess that's all.. I hope you enjoy my drawings... Oh wait! I'm a little bit crazy. :D Bye-bye♥
★Kawaii★ damaris32522
Hi, my name is Esteban I'm 15 years old (MAY 8) Im from Puerto Rico (hablo español) Im a Splatter and Just Dancer I ♥ Marie & Cream These are my talents: 1.Dance 2.Volleyball 3.Act 4.Spell 5.Be cool BFF's: Giovanni ⇒ BRO chris ⇒ BRO ink★JEDI★ ⇒ BRO Shane battkidd Bruno sheyla Nico Want more friends ! ♪ I acept Wiiu Chat, √ Stay Fresh !
Te$la puertorellena1
Hello guys, would you like to play with me cause I love to play with friends, and friend request if you like.Ps: I'm a boy. I love splatoon, mk8 and mk7, so, I want 10,000, that will be exciting, and I'f that happens, then I will follow you to or do my first video on you tube (probably). If I get 10,000 followers in miiverse, then I promise I'll do my first video!!
omar omaralejandrocot
hola me llamo omar tengo 10 años juegos favoritos splatoon smash bros new super mario bros U y luigi U paper mario zelda donkeykong mario y sonic rio 2016 mario party 10 Pikmin 3 captain toad yoshis wooly word mario maker youtubers favoritos fernanfloo hueva juegaguerman y redshockinc mandenme solisitudes por favor
buggabugga Faintspy06
hi everyone
Wolf Link™ Giodel08
my very best friend is CSA~Woomy|| also friend me if you wanna a private battle in splatoon
☆rpcbribri briallyforever
hello my diamonds, welcome to my profile here some stuff about me: female [ duh ] im 11 im adicted to the color blue im taken I LUV BTS.... im gonna be honest.... i cant pick a bias follower of the week ☆margaret★ I LUV YOU GUYS, HAVE A NICE DAY :3 (^o^)
C'estlavie turupika345
ほっこりした気持ちでプレイしたいですね♪ 優しさを大事にしたい今日この頃....。 プレイしている皆様頑張れ!! 奇跡的に出逢えたからみんな幸せに♪ そしてありがとう hang in there ,everyone! most important thinking's "Grit":the power of passion and perseverance,i've heard. u think so 2, right?
Gamer305 Gamer305wendell
Hello yall! I have Super Smash Bros For WiiU/3DS, Mario Kart 8, BOTW, and Much more! I support Sonic, Luigi, Cloud, Bayonetta, and lots more characters for Smash Bros! Are you ready to take me on? Cause if you want to we can play online. And maybe we might record playing together online for my channel! See ya then! Meanwhile I'll be inkling the competition in SPLATOON!
DecCon09 DecCon09
I have a Nintendo Switch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mega Man gavinj2007
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Octoling☆* ryerye0424
Hi I like to play Splatoon, Mario Kart ,Smash Brothers and Skylanders and minecraft
Khaleed khaleed03
Yo yo what up people im a dude who wants to be friends whenevr you can send a friend request plz do :)
Galantis;] Munchee06
runaway u and i You no money hi.welcome to my page.please follow me.bye. bye boi¡¡¡¡ tata keep lookin for me posts arnt you tired¿¿ DUDE¡¡
corbin corbinnader
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Cнαιdεη… ZoeyRulesAtGames
Wattpad: Chaiden-Kun I missed you all... skype: Zoeyrules101 Chaiden~ i hope we all can meet once again...
Amari amaridabest
Splatoon Mario kart 8 Zelda Hyrule Warriors
******* alexony29
Hi if your new Im Dan welcome to my profile I'm harmless very nice guy Games I play Splatoon I accept any friend request Plz follow me Splatoon competitive player ☆Retiring from miiverse☆
Ian ijklm-i
Hi i'm Ian. I LOVE BASEBALL! My favorite team is the Red Sox. I'm a big fan of Breath of the wild, Mario Maker, and Splatoon! I can't friend! I'm under 13.
nice guy! iv_man
Here at my profile I will be sharing about funny stuff on splatoon and I will be also posting for other games. Some rules I have 1. You could ask me to be friends but just leave a comment in one of my posts telling me that if we could be friends:-D 2. Be nice or I will block you 3. Feel free to yeah and follow me 4. I don't do wii u chat And.........................................TNX!!!
pháñtöm sladesucks
Кρş◆にゃるまる 12n_n7
2016/7/9 旧Śοƒ_" 創立 2016/7/31 新Кρş◆"創立 2016/10/3 Кρş◆"解散 2016/10/25 Кρş◆"復活 創立から今まで→1年と3か月位(適当) *メンバー*現在は募集していません *フレンド*現 在 は 募 集 し て い ま せ ん *旧垢(サブ垢):YDK-YAREBADEKIRU *建築垢(廃垢):nmnmn7 *この人の説明* ・黒い化け猫 ・男の娘 ・底辺建築勢 ・にわかPvPエンジョイ勢 ・アスレ好きじゃない人 ・毎日プロフィール更新してる人 ・ノーマルテクスチャこそ頂点だと思ってる人 *以下くだらない雑談* いやーミバにも結構お世話になったなあ。 4年ぐらいかな。 自活なくなったのいつだっけ。 覚えてないや。 1つの投稿に1000コメまでできた頃が懐かしい ありがとうミーバース さようなら
★NεοVαι★ valmig
Daddy yankeesdrums2
I'm a father of 3 kids and my daughter Genevieve is on this more than I will be. I am a Yankees fan.
Avi Aviandkya
Well I love to play super smash bros and splatoon so if you think im an smart gamer well not really but i hope you enjoy playing Wii
VICTORIA Tatiana8150
Hi! my name is VICTORIA/Tatiana -My favourite games r ; splatoon & minecraft -I speak; Deutsch★★★★★ English★★★★½ русский★★★★★ Françe★★☆☆☆ Japanese★☆☆☆☆ -I only play with people,who respect each other -I v a Senpai *3* #Panda4Ever!♡ -I'm weird xD -HATE partypooper -fav Anime: AOT,TG,SAO♥ -K♥ Thats it ♡ Tschüss Bye До свидание Au revoir Sayonara °¯° dont stalk... οωο
cool kid eric15black
lars swisshockey99
iiKippa~ kayyamdtayy
Hello. It is nice to see you have discovered my profile. It is nice to have company. I have one request for you. If you may, can you like any of my exsisting posts? Or you may click the “Friend Request” button to 1-1 me in Splatoon.. That is my only game I play often. As you can see, I have improved on my work. Goodbye player. I hope to see you again soon. - iiKippa~
zoomer6203 dancinghen
Hi I love slatoon and I have super smash bros MINCRAFT, lego city police mario cart, mario tennis
Co-Leader of the CSA clan.
I accept all friend requests, so send me some requests please!!! You s...
Co-Leader of the CSA clan.
I accept all friend requests, so send me some requests please!!! You should also find me on Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon.
I also WiiU Chat