CSAшоому's Friends
Ø/Мøćτσκαγ Octo_Julian13
Games: Splatoon, Legend of Zelda:WindWaker HD EDITION, Need For Speed: Most Wanted, Mk8 Friends: ςρςBela, stripes☆,CFF☆Blaze, CFF★Lεχχίε, Omar, PυρργΚегα☆, SSG3, cat javon, YT☆★Daniel,SS|TrippYT, OctoKai™, Boy wonder, E☆Umbreon, ◆Çřίςțαι, Sage, Nate, ★γαм γαм★, DEMON KING, david, PRO: TABLI2, Reiko, Squid Kid, ☆Ķőů★ and many more Fav Gal: Cherry / Fav Bestie:«Esmene» LOVE YOU ALL
Reggie ReggiesID3
☆ρυηητ☆ sprixstix01
ATTENTION: i do not use miiverse anymore due to others presence. less likely to talk to you anymore so. i am also not touching discord or skype so goodbye from that. you can thank everyone now that im gone because the human race is toxic ;))) →Punnt← →15•♀⇔♂← ♥SweetPinky♥ Friends i care for :)); SweetPinky ★AS★Alyssa Gregtastic Aiden Znagol CreeperK Joony Gari AiRoN
Viiviichan Otaku_qwp
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cameron rickroll55
hi im cameron I like cats my dream is to become a youtuber with slogoman jelly and keipbobw
☆ĶЯ»Zachy™ ChubbyZachypoo
Hi guys! Here are 5 things you should know about me. 1. I love to do things with friends 2. I like nice people! 3. My name is Zach. 4.I am in ☆ĶR» clan, join!! 5. My favorite game is Splatoon... STAY FRESH! p.s. I want to get 200 followers so please help!!!!!!!!!!
Hawke Hawke2Ben
»-banana-> Hannah_6448
Hello my name is banana and ironically I despise bananas. At least my name isn't school. Anyway, I am a self-taught artist. Most of the drawings I've posted are by my sister right now, but I will post more pictures soon! I love Mariokart 8. Besides art racing is my passion. My favorite character is Daisy.
lars swisshockey99
iiKippa~ kayyamdtayy
Hello. It is nice to see you have discovered my profile. It is nice to have company. I have one request for you. If you may, can you like any of my exsisting posts? Or you may click the “Friend Request” button to 1-1 me in Splatoon.. That is my only game I play often. As you can see, I have improved on my work. Goodbye player. I hope to see you again soon. - iiKippa~
Neko Vicky vaugvoo
age: 12, Now you know xD fav game:splatoon fav color: Rainbow my best friends: They know why they are! ˘♡˘ Bae:nekoмаяςнΥ ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ fav song: control :3 #TeamNeko #TeamMarina Yeah, ik i've been dead for the longest time, lemme just update you on meh life weridos Mkay so yes me and zack are back together we text X3 No i dont have a switch...yet! No, im not in any clans bai…♡♥
TNR*Helo BattlestarGAT
pháñtöm sladesucks
Sadie PinkInkling05
Christian Gromdelutz
Name is christian. Dont do wii u chat but i do play lots of splatoon. I wont play the wii u when i get the switch.I speak french.You can find me online anyytime! And be sure that you check miiverse because i post a lot. I also hate that their shutting down miiverse! It was my only source of social media! And it was my favorite community! Well thats it bye! And text me on miiverse! I like mario!!!
мςν★Shawn¤ andybou88
★Heya evryone,i'm Andy my favourite game is Mario Kart 8,i'm searching friend to play whit at Mario Kart 8.So I accept any friends request. Online√ Offline ★Family:Jordan(follow him) his a big brother to me and my amazing Sister Bailey.♪ ★Funny: ★★★★☆ ★Friendship:★★★★★ ★Good:★★★★★ ★Bad:☆☆☆☆☆ ★Current Clan:мςν ★Vr MK8:7208vr ★See you all in my post!·ω· ρίζζα τίмε!¤™®
wolfpake Houseorbb
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Chelsea___ cheljos0708
Hello people I don't care who you are by the way Name: Chelsea, which you should know Age: 12 Favorite Animal: Monkey Favorite Pet Animal: Cat Fears: Bees, Spiders, and Dogs Dislikes: Rude people, and people who don't understand I do Wii U chat ♡♥♡♥Thanks For 300 Followers♡♥♡♥ I don't accept blank friend request
★ rose ☆ Punkybrew42
level 34 on splatoon ok now im just strong :T nickname: jewel / princess bf: don't want one nice loves ice cream games i love but never played : overwach splatoon2 super mario oacey ( dosent know how how to spell it) loves everybody kisses (^3^)
Khaleed khaleed03
Yo yo what up people im a dude who wants to be friends whenevr you can send a friend request plz do :)
★CSA~Jack★ 3r67bj2
i'm 27 years old & here 2 make friends i play my games with my friends @2pm az mst i'm a friendly gamer inkling boy builder racer smasher i ♥ super Mario mk ssb splatoon & splatoon 2 mc & tloz my fav color green i'm the main leader of the CSA clan or club & i'm a co leader of SSS my bfs r every1on mv including my blockers until next time don't get cook stay off the hook & stay fresh rip miiverse
Enoch misstressnoname
Hi I have been playing lots of splatoon and I am doin very good at it
Eliza™ MaryPuppy
dylan dj.ugalde
hi my name is dylan and i love to play with people online and i love playing super smash bros and mario kart8 im 13. when people follow me i follow them back and make sure you follow me .and if you want to be friends my id is dj.ugalde
Mike theRepublic
Avi Aviandkya
Well I love to play super smash bros and splatoon so if you think im an smart gamer well not really but i hope you enjoy playing Wii
naruto coolguy615
hey yo yo follow me and play LOST RIVERS or mario kart 8 and i love yugioh and splatoon stay fresh for splatoon 2
corbin corbinnader
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Gamer305 Gamer305wendell
Hello yall! I have Super Smash Bros For WiiU/3DS, Mario Kart 8, BOTW, and Much more! I support Sonic, Luigi, Cloud, Bayonetta, and lots more characters for Smash Bros! Are you ready to take me on? Cause if you want to we can play online. And maybe we might record playing together online for my channel! See ya then! Meanwhile I'll be inkling the competition in SPLATOON!
NiKeXbBaLl HarmxerKris10
Hey! Im a pretty decent splatoon player. Lets be friends and private battle \(^o^)/
Doraemon SpryTale
hi im sad because i have no friend
★G☆A★B☆Y★ AmoSplatoonLove
★ ☆ …Hi!… ☆ ★ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ★*My name is Gabriela, call me Gaby ☆*I have 11 years old ★*I'm in 6º grade ☆*Follow 4 follow ★*My boyfriend is Alex :3 ☆*I have Mario Kart 8, Mario Maker,Smash and Splatoon ★*I will not play never Splatoon because the disc is wrecked :'( ☆*Hablo español :v ★*Please friends requests ☆*Thank you for read this! ★*Yes WiiUChat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ★ ☆ …Bye!… ☆ ★
ally allysnake896
hi i am ally and i enjoy splatoon and disney infinity, friend me to play me
TS√Sαναgε joogles
Sup! It's ye boy TS√Sαναgε AKA Jeremy here with a few stuff I wanted to share. ★1. Love to play sports. ★2. I like to play Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. ★3. My fav color is blue. ★4. I'm 4×3 or 6×2 years old. ★5. I'm not smart. ★6. I have a YT channel. So go check it out! So, yeah. That's just a few stuff I wanted to share. I hope you guys have a great day! R.I.P Miiverse!
alijah bossie159
hey. im supper chill and like meeting new ppl hmu if ya want ;) im 14
★FwootLops KalebRocks88
I'm Kaleb And I Trashpost. That Is All.
mom mamamario68
hi hope to play with others, make friends, and have fun!!!
★☆Gisela☆★ Gigib25
Hello! Welcome to my page! Sorry if i'm not online much, i'm mostly on the switch! ♥Hope you have a great day! Stay Fresh!♥ Shoutout to my long time friends ★☆Sophie☆★, Guille, and blossom! ♪Don't get cooked...stay off the hook!♪ ★SQUIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO! \(^-^)/☆
Isabella Nordini
Amari amaridabest
Splatoon Mario kart 8 Zelda Hyrule Warriors
Neo| ★DvD★ 01leonardo5
Hello I am DVD I like Splatoon And Mario Kart 8 In splatoon, I am level 50 and Rank S In mario kart 8, my favourite courses are: Mario Circuit Electrodrome Rainbow road Yoshi s valley n64 My favourite character is Yoshi In splatoon, I like to play minigames Have a nice day!! ;)
CSA~Weston WestonStapp
Hey there, Stappfans! It's your old pal WestonStapp here. And welcome to my profile on Miiverse! I love playing Mario Kart 8, and Minecraft! I am a member of the CSA (Cuttlefish Secret Agency) clan. My favorite mobile game is My Singing Monsters. On YouTube, I do plush videos, livestreams, and more. If y'all wanna be friends, send me a request anytime.
Oscar oscar503
my name is oscar i like splatoon minecraft and roblox i pretend to make videos if you want to be friends with me on roblox here's my name osc28
Cнαιdεη… ZoeyRulesAtGames
Wattpad: Chaiden-Kun I missed you all... skype: Zoeyrules101 Chaiden~ i hope we all can meet once again...
ryan Ryguy2057
hello!!!!! i love to play i have a bunch of friends like chicken hawk procope asyp and more!!!! i like starwars, indiana jonesand pirates of the caribean. and i play minecraft lego batman mario games supersmashbros andwaaaaaaay more!!!! friend meeeeee plz plz plz thx!!!
tron Awesome_KABOOM
i have played super morio maker and lego dimensions
Daniel marvolous-san
hi everyone!
SB★nine★♪ CreamyBunBun09
hello im SB★nine★♪ i am the leader of the SB clan i play splatoon so much im on lvl 50 im from USA im a party squid this is what i am
Δι♭¡ε Albies_NINID
Te$la puertorellena1
Hello guys, would you like to play with me cause I love to play with friends, and friend request if you like.Ps: I'm a boy. I love splatoon, mk8 and mk7, so, I want 10,000, that will be exciting, and I'f that happens, then I will follow you to or do my first video on you tube (probably). If I get 10,000 followers in miiverse, then I promise I'll do my first video!!
GS|Nitsua AustinLink815
Hello! i mostly play splatoon i always do privite battles, and i usually use an E-liter 3K scope! i accept all friend requests ;)
tbone tysig23
Ashley superlazygenius
Welcome home, darling. Here is the place where you can relax and not worry about anyone judging you. No Wii U chat, I'm sorry! I main Yoshi in Smash 4; She's been my pet since the Yoshi's Story pages. If you want to play with her, all you have to do is ask.
Geperge geperge
I have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I deserve hell but Jesus is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. He is my only hope & the only way to heaven. Seek The Lord while He may be found. He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked & He's not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance. Jesus › your sins The Way, The Truth, The Life HE L♥VES YOU!!! (:
JJ herman_tsui
Hi Miiverse! I play Splatoon. I accept friend request. I always look forward to followers, friends, PB and squads!
Ty brad065
Hello, I'm Ty! I love playing video games alot! I'm also an easter egg hunter. #GoTeamMarie
vortex vortex6321
Çrîñgë HomunkurusSenbo
[Soon..] I don't really know what I have to say about myself.. not that it matters. I switch weapons & drawing styles a lot because I don't feel like I'm good with any of them? I have a lot (undeveloped) of Squibs and Octos, but Aamu is really the only one I draw. I'll make a pic of all of them eventually..
CFA★Josh Coolone000
Hi my name is Josh! What i like: Video Games, Sports, NINTENDO SWITCH!!!!, The best clan: CFA ★ Clan, and other things! I also love to bowl it's my life! I have amazing friends (Wii U and real) and family! If you want to play games on the Wii U with me ask! Next, I have lots of Wii U games, Info about Splatoon: Level 50! I love the Wii U and I HAVE the NINTENDO SWITCH! Thats all bye Stay Fresh!=)
AnimeGirl reeizzy1981
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kit cat redfoxgoldilox
hi i am savannah people call me kit cat i really like disney infinity and i like splatoon and every game in the world!! so just friend me and we could hang!
Christian Christaniskool54
LONK chrismcleod75
hi my name is sean.most of my friends call me chris.i am mostly an expert at minecraft witch is my favorite game i have. im also good a terraria too.
Chris Christopher0617
hello everyone
•–• jjval5
Hi it me please stop and dont look at my stuff i was young and i thought i was important but i do make some recent posts
Maxie karol260
W O O M Y -Spanglish- Hola, dude! ... ¿Cómo llegaste tan lejos? (?
CSA~lar 4y76df
i love super smash bros. all 4 games i love splatoon i'm zelda fan wii u chat with me some time and also friend request me okay i'm 2nd leader of the CSA~ clan i'm also a leader of SSS~clan. and i'm also a super Mario fan that right my favorite color red. please be my friend. btw if i not post, comment, yeah or message in like a day, i was busy or i gotten band or run out. under stand, i'm 27
Spring Bluespring.01
JK47 divadog14
Welcome to my account, feel free to browse Around. I make let's plays on youtube. We are currently recording Yoshi's wooly World. Candidate games: Kirby and the rainbow curse Super Mario 3D World Mario Galaxy Galaxy 2 Pikmin 3 Super paper Mario Paper Mario color splash
Steph StephBryant88
★NεοVαι★ valmig
Ð⇔Ełectяíc tomtom43
Hey guys. im D⇒Electric and right now i have a full friend list.. so please wait until i accepted your friend request ;o also co-leader of team Determination (13 yrs. old) Level 50 Rank S+, Part of Determination Favorite Weapons ↓ Octoshot Replica .52 Gal Sniping Weapons Krak on Splat Roller Carbon Roller Luna Blaster Neo BFF: All Ð(Determination) members.. and more =) I'm good at sniping! >:D
PG★Nebula CaveModMaster
Wow, Fantastic Baby!
V.Squidson xerneasx123
Valerie Squidson | Female | 16 Those are all OC details~ XD I've started putting more information about Splatoon OCs in my Play Journal if you're curious. I got a Switch! <3 I'm planning on being here as long as Miiverse is around. :) Also, I've started accepting FRs. Statisky is my senpai~ You should definitely follow her! Follower counts only hurt people, so I hid mine.
☆US☆αιγοωο alykat0508
hewwo my names alyssa, im 12 years old stuff i luv♡ *my bf èwé *drawing *my doggo *anime (starts to run out of things to put) uhh uhhhhhhhhhh idk what else to put soooooo byyyyyye
Beana dmac662
Bena's my name and gamings my game! Anyone a fan of moviestarplanet? Best computer game accept Minecraft.... why do creepers gotta blow? Anyways, im also a fan of youtube. A great thx to Wassabi productions for making awesome videos! Love the imature 3! Friends ok?
Lily milkyway566
I'm accepting any friend requests, and btw i also love splatoon! My posts may not be good but I might post often
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Kev krohrbaugh
=< EvilEmperorZurg
im always up for a chalenge!!!
tootlebug GATech
★Kawaii★ damaris32522
Hi, my name is Esteban I'm 15 years old (MAY 8) Im from Puerto Rico (hablo español) Im a Splatter and Just Dancer I ♥ Marie & Cream These are my talents: 1.Dance 2.Volleyball 3.Act 4.Spell 5.Be cool BFF's: Giovanni ⇒ BRO chris ⇒ BRO ink★JEDI★ ⇒ BRO Shane battkidd Bruno sheyla Nico Want more friends ! ♪ I acept Wiiu Chat, √ Stay Fresh !
Mike wickd73
Hey guys! I am just a normal kid who likes to build with my friends. One of mine ig great at building! If you wan't to see our creations, be sure to send a friend request! good evening, good morning, and goodnight.
knox knoxc52
Hi my name is Knox I own to accounts one on wii u and one on 3ds! Username on 3ds is pikachu305! My Favorite games to play are Minecraft, and the Amazing spider man! I use to love splatoon very much but I lost my heart over that. My best friend on the wii u is ☆Val☆ please follow him or friend him he is a really good friend! oh p.s i love the word kibble so go kibble nation!
Śēпраį? littlecutie8
When ur mom makes a suckish username from 3yrs ago and are stuck with it.... But anyway..Hi. I am General Senpai. For short you may call me Ray if you wish. I mainly play, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8 and Mario 3D Land. (my main on smash bros is Sheik, but sometimes i use sonic and dark pit. i try others too. And i always change their colors to black cuz thats my favorite shade/color)
Co-Leader of the CSA clan.
I accept all friend requests, so send me some requests please!!! You s...
Co-Leader of the CSA clan.
I accept all friend requests, so send me some requests please!!! You should also find me on Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon.
I also WiiU Chat