DISCORD: Sad Boy#3973 BLUE BIRD: @JacobTheSadBoy SWITCH FC: 7841-5906-8395 ;)
Trashbot's Yeahs
Play Journal Entries
Word Puzzles by POWGI

We're all sorry to see Miiverse go, but it doesn't mean we can't still be friends! Follow us to find out the latest on our upcoming games for Nintendo 3DS and Switch, and to see pictures of our cat...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Guys just because the world is ending doesn't give you the right to post graphic images where children are likely to see them
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Latest favorite community, fellow NSLUers. The real NSLU may be gone for good now, but I've kept a NSLU from a different region in my favorites ever since the Memepocalypse of 2016.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Ordo Templi Bigley now owns the Zelda community. I hearby declare this community ours. This was our motherland from 2014. We won, fellow smashers.

I feel bad for people that preloaded Xenoblade 2 and have to wait until the end of this month to play it

I know there was a lot a jokes about it but having just completed Odyssey I can confirm that it is Mario Adventure, especially near the end. And its the absolute best thing ever.
bye miiverse
Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot,
I Make Drawings and Garbage
I Like Stuff Su...
bye miiverse
Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot,
I Make Drawings and Garbage
I Like Stuff Such as Steven universe ,Nintendo and Sonic,
Previous Account November 25th 2013 ,
This Account November 17th 2016,
-American Irish
Cool people
C Meister
Amethyst is love, Amethyst is life,