Trashbot's Friends
Rylienator 20_Rylinator_17
Hi, I'm Rylie. Who are you stranger? What's that, you want to know about me, fine then. Aged: 17 One big sis, one little bro. Meet em' big sis is Michelle, she is 19. Follow her. She has over 1.2K followers. Maybe one day I'll reach over 1.2K followers. Then there is Trashbot, he is 15, and I was born in 8/1/2000 and he was born in the 5/7/2002. So scram, get outta my profile. Bye!
stanley stanleybayarde
I want to play minecraft and Sonic the lost word with you!lets play together :p Minecraft and Sonic the lost word. :~)
darius Dark_Men007
peyton 1.34567qwert
Starkiller BajanCanadian21
Inactive AngryritoAltNNID
De@d account If you want to know more about me [you m ost likely don't care] Go to Trashbot in my Friends list,
Tehya wonderful1988
Do you think God stays in Heaven, because he too lives in fear of what he created? [ X-files music plays making everyone's ears bleed ]
Dá®ķW●ĺƒ∞★ DarkWolfNite
i like to listen to music an play games on wii U an xbox 360 i have 2 pets 2 dogs well 1 cat lol i like to play card games an console games too i like to go camping too i do play games on my tablet too its kool as well i like to draw an color too also i like fnaf i do like sonic an mario games as well as call of duty games an mine craft too :) happy gameing everyone stay safe lol
Õιίνία Pandahugs12
Īτ δοεςn'т матτεя αлумогз. ;^; I'm going to мίss yόu αιι… bтω jυςт мαн ƒгίεибς! >υ0 Rίcкy Ίs мαн wiƒεу! >:3 Οιίveг Ίs му ιυv!♥ x3 quøte: "Sтõp ριαying wiτн тнe cυτs yσυг tгуiñg tő hεαι." … Gõøðβуε Mίίvεяsε! I dőn't uиdðεяsταnδ iτ αnумørε. ;^;
Pat CloudRunner_0428
Hey everyone. Just a gamer who enjoys playing Nintendo and making new friends. If there is anything you wanna ask about certain games, just ask. :D In my opinion, I consider myself an expert gamer lol.
Wolf wolf_2.0_theking
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Cillian TheCelticGamer
I'll be on Closedverse next Follow my second account Orebreaker #RemeberingMonadoboi, a user who didn't make it before the 7th
gub girl girlgub1
Hi everybody my name is gub girl l like to play games like mk8, splatoon and yoshi wooly world but my favourite game is splatoon if you are lucky you will see me in a battle. I am looking forward to playing with you guys and would love it if you can send me friend requests and follow me. can you please check out my channel star fish and I would appreciate it if you subscribe. see you in the future
Ina Scutleclaw
I'm from Germany one small country in europe. Hi,Hier ist ein Steckbrief über mich Geschlecht:Weiblich Alter:13 Hobbies:Zocken, theorien und Leags aufstellen Lieblingsspiele:Pokemon, Mario, Minecraft Girl ,13 Age I do very often this : Play video games,and make my own theories and Leaks . Fovourite games : Pokemon, Mario ,Minecraft
Didi nayru65
Sad that Miiverse is ending but I'm ready to move on. My friends and I will continue to talk games and have fun. I will treasure the memories forever. A special thank you to all my friends. You know who you are. Thank you for being you.
kobe supersoniccougar
Sup! I'm Kobe I'm 15 and I'm a huge fan of Nintendo & Mario,Zelda,Pokemon but Sonic and Sega will always be my favorite cause I first played when i was 3. Im a Christian †.I only wii u chat people rarely! I'm on the M.F.S.T! MANGA!! DragonBall & One Piece are life. Love getting friend request & dislike cussing racism hating or anything that is offensive ps wii u rocks! SEGA DOES WHAT NINTENDONT!!
DarkNeko tyrusratt
"Good-bye everybody I'll remember you all in therapy!"
Hey guys, I'm Izzy!!! I am a songwriter and I love anime and video games!!!
Cillian 2 Orebreaker
2847-9889-4238-WS sdrowkcaB Nothing to lose, if you badmin me for this you aren't a true user
Zodiak AngusIsZodiak
kittygirl blackrose2
lm a HUGE The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, NIGHTS, Super Smash Bros and Anime fan! ^-^ ♥ Age: 27. Favorite Food: Pizza, Sushi and Ice cream P: Likes: Video Games, Anime, Drawing, Music, Romance and Cats :) Dislikes: Video Game Haters and Animal Abusers >:( Fears: Spiders and Scorpions 8( Favorite Colors: Dark Blue, Blood Red and Green :D Relationship Status: In a relationship! ♥•♥
SSJ Tyler burningblaster
Well, this is the end... Thank you for joining me on this wonderful adventure! Thank you, and may we meet again wonderful reader!
Elf Dakota AlaskaSnowMonkey
"I don't Wii U Chat" Hello Everyone and welcome to my profile here you will see a lot of drawings based on different Nintendo Franchises and maybe even occasionally a Youtube related drawing, Favorite Game on each console .Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) .Link to the Past .Super Mario 64 .Luigi's Mansion or Smash Melee .Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 .Splatoon .Breath of the Wild or Arms That's all
bye miiverse
Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot,
I Make Drawings and Garbage
I Like Stuff Su...
bye miiverse
Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot,
I Make Drawings and Garbage
I Like Stuff Such as Steven universe ,Nintendo and Sonic,
Previous Account November 25th 2013 ,
This Account November 17th 2016,
-American Irish
Cool people
C Meister
Amethyst is love, Amethyst is life,