Farewell miiverse, I hardly knew you.
Eeee-Money's Yeahs

I've just gotta save the last of my posts (the Adventure Quiz 2nd Quest and final week stuff), and I'll be able to help with last-minute saving.

Its been fun...
I'm saying my goodbyes now before I get too busy. Thank you all, friends and followers, for being awesome people. Joined mv March 2015 and I've met some great peop...

That's kinda cool. Can only imagine what kind of beast it was. But I'll cya later! Gotta go to bed too. XD

There is no doubt in my mind that the Sheikah made the Fused Shadows. The name itself, Sheikiah eyes, the interlopers knowing how to conquer the Sacred Realm, the Twili's red eyes, so many clues! lol

But the Fused shadows remind me so much of Majora's Mask, since a shadow tribe used them to cause problems, & both were sealed away. That's what made me think they were either the same or counterparts

I dont think Mido turned into a Sage, that was Fado (even though I dont know how s/he switched genders), and obviously, Saria.

I meant that he sees all of his friends, but Majora and its craziness had to come from some part of his memory. From something or someone wanting overwhelming power over the world.

Ok I'm back about a day later. XD So much Alvisspam...lol What are you up to today? Gotta babysit again tonight... -_-'

Sorry about that. Been spamshotting Alvis everywhere. XD I do need to get healthier nowadays. I've cut out a lot of soda, vegetable oil, & salt out of my diet. Now, to eat more salads...lol I haven...

Been on Xeno all day long that I forgot to look it up. lol Freaking hungry though. Might make some food after my fangirling scene is over. XD

At GS, they know me as their regular customer's little sis, & they crack up when I try to get discounts with his account. XD They also give me heads-up on future releases. I'm beloved there. lol
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname.
My Wii U friends are maxed o...
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname.
My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead.
Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.