Eeee-Money's Friends
riplets madturk100
yeah i might yeahgive on your posts if i hit your face i yeahgive on splatoon lobby ok i follow if i hit your face i might draw i suck tho so basically im a yeahgiver ok ok guys im finally unbanned :) bye lol
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
Smasher maka146142
This user's profile comment is private.
Peyton tayllrwii
im 10 I'm a HUGE fan of minecraft OMG THANK YOU for 200 FOLLOWERS!! plz pray for all the law inforcement that have lost their lives.I DO NOT DO WII U CHAT!! and for all the people who like my little stories don't worry I will still post them for you!!! Leave (^-^) bye go bye you're still here?!? cya (^-^)
Seby :D sebyminecraft
Hi, I'm NLMTrueSeby! I play games such as Super Mario Make, Minecraft, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and more! Super Mario Maker: If you make awsome levels, you can get a shoutout! Minecraft: Give me a friend request so we can play minigames together! Splatoon: We can do a private battle together! Just send a friend request! Mario Kart 8: Regional battles together are so fun!
Amaia Cucatz
hola seamos los mejores amigos :):)
Zach TotalMrZ
Hi there I'm Zach i'm a nice guy who might say wired thing but i just like to have fun and not hurt anybody.
Era EraSie
Hi! I'm Era. I'm new to this so i'd appreciate all of your help and friendship! :) About Me: 1. I'm 20 2. Favorite color is blue 3. I like to draw, sculpt, and sing. 4. I don't do Wii U Chat with anyone under 17 5. I like to challenge myself but I can only push myself so far. I developed Psoriatic Arthritis when I was 15 so I can't be on the game for long periods of time
ぽな ai.mkn.17
小さい頃からゲームが大好きで、初めてプレイしたゲームは初代ポケモンレッド(^ ^)英語は現在勉強中です!文法のミス等があるかもしれません; I've been playing video games since I was small. A game I played first time is Pokemon Red:) Im studying English so I would make some mistakes x/ * 好きなゲーム ポケモン、ファイアーエムブレム、Mother、マリオカート、ゼルダの伝説・・など * My favourite games Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Mother, Mario Kart, Zelda..and so on 最近ハマっているのはスプラトゥーン! I play Splatoon lately! Its so fun!
Ashley WhateverForever5
★My name is Ashley ★I'm currently dating ζÐ☆ЯЦŞŤÝ☆ ★favorite things Narwhals Pizza WeeGee Spaghetti ★Personality: Cookie-for-cookies Uhhh...Hi! Did you click my face on accident? Yes, oh. No, yeah senpai noticed me!
GenZelda2 GenZelda2
GenZelda here! And welcome to my profile! :D I am huge Undertale fan, I am obcessed with Gaster and him being Dadster, Asriel is my baby. I'm probably the biggest Volga fangirl out there and my OTP is Volana (VolgaXLana). My favorite movie is Dragon Heart and my favorite author is J. R. Tolkien. I'm also an artist too. Dragons are my thing. So follow me if you want to, I won't beg for follows.
Ichimatsu HyliaCat43
All you need to know is that I don't have my Wii U anymore. You can find me anywhere else though. Look for Ichi-the-Idiot. I won't check Miiverse all that often. I don't have motivation to do so and am simultaneously too busy.
An avid Nintendo gamer who loves the latest Wii U titles. See you on the battlefield!
RainAmeno Aquarius_A
♥Thanks so much for your many yeahs. Please come to my 3rd account (Yukkie1.23) too. ◆I accept friend requests but I don't talk in there very much. ▲Sorry, I will not reply to the old post, but thanks for your good comments. ★父のような有名な画家になるのが夢です。 れいん あめの
Soragop Soragop
Creator of the Amiibositting series. Willing to be given any criticism about the story if anyone feels the need to do so. I would like to learn how to improve the story. I don't own a 3DS by the way. I'm not allowed to Wii U Chat.
☆Μёļăňiė♪ something523
How do you wash your hands?
Retrigger coolguy144
Hello! Hola! SSB is my main game.AND Super Mario Maker... If you want to be wii U friends with me then click the friend request button... and super mario world is my 2nd favorite mario game... yeah... my exp with games is chicken with a sword... bye...
Anna Rose TeamJemma
Hi!! Im AnnaRose! ♥♥ My favorite Game is Animal Crossing!! That includes all of them! I also love harvest Moon games!! To see more games im interested in check out my favorite communites!!♥♥ I love the color PINK♥ Follows and yeahs are GREATLY appreciated, So please do!!! If u have any more questions let me know!! Make sure to check out my other Acc: xGamerGirl58x Have a Fantastic Day!♥
Tiffany tiffany_amber
Hello if you get bored get let me know so we can play!!!!
Aиои.AD ConnorIsGR8
Facts about me: I'm weird. I probably change something on my profile at least once a month. I'm obsessed with RPG's (not the explody kind). And I am very, very, socially awkward, pleased to meet you. Rip my profile and wiiu: 2014 christmas - 2017 switch release
Hi I hope we can be friends I Like to enjoy the day playing lots of games with the people that I meet oh and i play 3DS my account settings are glitchy
まさむね Xp-COCO-qX
小6のまさむねです。 12才です。 ミバ友→ともきさん ミバ彼→ほしい! 好きなユーチューバー はじめしゃちょー MAHOTO HIKAKIN SEIKIN たいぽんが好きです。 好きなアニメ→日常 誕生日→8月11日 WiiUの色→ホワイト フォローしてくれたら返します。 フレンドも募集中です。
Jammy Cx Derpalot2
AJ Styles is my idol I am Phenomenal Do yourself a favor and do yourself a favor Chris JERICHO Etika Trash (not sorry) Listen to Fozzy and their latest song (another favor)
Cameron cornonthecob3
Trying to get active here again. Those really old posts aren't me anymore, deleting 'em. It's over 1000 though so it's slow going.
Miss☆Ryann MissRyann
Hello Lovlies!!♥ I'm Ryann (Rye-ann) Nintendo Veteran XD I Follow Back!! Inkling: Miss Aubree aka Woomy☆Bae Level 50 B Rank Current Weapon: Tri-Slosher☆ *Splatfest Gives Me Life* Smash Main: ¤Bayonetta¤ New 2 Minecraft World!! ♡.My Family.♡ .Volga. .Hami. .Tabi. .LoneSOAKER. .Midna. .Alex. .Rin. .Splaterato. .Lilly. Lets Have Fun!!
Sue suenamii
Kingjolly Darkjolly
deedee lepetitdiane
send me a friend request. im always playing splatoon
Chana ZeldaLover2552
ABOUT ME !!! ^-^ DO NOT WII U CHAT...! * Me name is Adriana * DOB is 8/8/0 * I iz 16 * Iive in z U.S. * Live with mammy and little bro * Im super weird... * In 10th grade..i falied 1st grade cuz me dumb * Grew up playing Legend Of Zelda ♪♥♪ * I play z flute ♭♪♡ * I am mexican :) And i think thats it.... ya ok...bye :3
Maddie taguelcat01
Hi. Sorry, I'm awkward. Sorry. I'm a weird grill with way too many hobbies. -Fire Emblem and Ace Attorney are my favorite games -Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist are my favorite animes Miles Edgeworth is my husbando. I love him a lot. Please don't let it scare you too much. Diskord: TaguelCat#5067 (tell me here if you sent me a request) Milk
Lilly DarkZelda1
Hey there, I'm DarkZelda1. Your friendly neighborhood LoZ nerd and Crazy Cucco Lady ( is that a real thing?) My favorite games include Twilight Princess, Splatoon, & Hyrule Warriors. Now if you'll excuse me, there's a kingdom that needs saving!
mewtwo andrew2337
i love pokemon minecraft the legend of ZELDA! thats all
Walrus cawrus
Ania AlternateAnnie
7ş!Puffy Derpson42
Hi dere.Undertale lover here.I love video games!I like FNAF.I looove Phoenix Wright.And im bit of a nerd.Kirby,Mario,and Smash Bros. are my favorite serieses.Smash all day is my smash quote.I dont Wii U chat.Mains are Peach,Ness,Robin,Pit,Dark Pit,Lucina,and Lucas!:)I am in the Wolf Pack(WP★) clan.Hope to have fun!Splatoon weapons?NAH!Mix it up! OBJECTION!
juanito JuanitoAmore
Μs.Βгеееzу kere78
Cord: Keeezy#9796 GramCracker: ChinaIsHere Tubeeee: China Kenshin Snepcheet: ChinaIsThere Birb: China Kensh1n DA: ChinaXKensh1n
Narissa Rissy104
JuanPablo PipoOsornio
hola mi nombre es juanpablo. Y tengo 11 años. no tengo tanto tiempo en miiverse . Y espero alguno de ustedes me ayude.
Ryan ryanswells2768
Well this is it....... this is the end.... To all of the Miiverse users........ Best Wishes to all of you outside of Miiverse. This is Ryan. Happy Gaming! Signing out. Final Update: 29/08/17
Nathanael nathanael73
hey im Nathanael and I own both wii u and 3ds and i am quite experienced. im a golden sun fan and a smash bros fan too. traits: *Puedo hablar españo/ i can talk spanish, i draw a little bit, im shy and respectful,i love cience,and i love love ^_^.
loverboy SplinterCell01
Hello there. I am a fourteen year old who's nickname shouldn't be taken the wrong way. My real name is Jaden, should you choose to call me that. I am a fan of Ace Attorney and other games in my Communities. My special talent is deduction, since I never failed. My friends are the ones I frequent the most. Name: ???#9488
owlie owlgurl
Gossemer Thomelmohara
loving the new U!!!
What's up! It's ya boy DJ Splatta! The King of Splat Style! Splat Crew is a group of friends who dominate each other in fun competition on Splatoon. Splat Crew...See you in Turf War! Splatoon: Mon-Thurs, 5:00-8:00 p.m. ET I watch Anime.
Ray rayolinels
Rayolinels has been sighted chasing a blue bird and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love The Legend of Zelda (the series), and Breath of the Wild is fantastic (I know, unique opinion, right?). Still don't have a Switch, so I'm here on Miiverse till the end. See ya around!
Xavier Professor_Xion
エリザベス Goldenangel3341
I am a big fan of Legend of Zelda. I have played every Zelda game except the spin offs. I am studying Japanese. I dislike region locking. This world we live in is very beautiful, lets not lock everyone out. I love cultures!Games are great ways to help with our languages.♥ We need more language learning games!
Khan khaaan
Stagger Lanayru79
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for high scores and you can find my top marks. I've 100%ed every LoZ title w/out consulting a guide and also heartily enjoy minimal runs. I work as a journalist when the mood strikes. I enjoy helping novices and discussing LoZ with vets! Sorry, I don't Wii U Chat and no longer accept random friend requests.
Scurge hates_trollmins
If you don't have Breath of the Wild yet, then something is wrong with you. XD
Meagan Meagor
Hello, and welcome to my profile page. I'm a big fan of Pokemon, Zelda, Smash Bros, Tales, and Dragon Quest. I'm also a RPG fanatic. My first video game console was the N64. I've been a Nintendo fan ever since I got the N64 and proud to be one. Have a good day! ^_^/ I don't do Wii U chat with people I don't know well and I don't Miiverse date.
Kai ZeldaPika
Why,hello there!I'm just your averageOtakuwho is a huge fan of the Zelda series.I create fan-animations, speed-art and vocal covers of Nintendo games&Anime! I alsodoLet'sPlays! I am the _TheOtakuArtist_ »ProudNEET&Otaku »I have 2Parakeets&4Dogs »Artist&Christian »Beginner Animator(Flipnote3D&FireAlpaca) »I draw on here! ★GameCurrentlyLPing:TwilightPrincessHD ☆GamesPlaying4Fun:FERevelation&BOTW
Kira Kimite
I didn't think I needed to make a profile message, but please don't yeah bomb me before asking me first ;^^. Anyway feel free to comment :-). I like Puzzles, Adventures and RPG games :-).
Emil mellopillow
enjoys all kinds of games, especially rpg's and fighting games. Any kind of multiplayer game really. Loves anime and manga, likes drawing and magic, plays guitar, drums and piano. Currently playing: Splatoon, Smash, Mk8, and Monster Hunter 4u Currently reading: one punch man, shokugeki no soma, one piece, boku no hero academia, and black clover
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Carmen xCARMZx
Won't be on Miiverse that often anymore... Uhm, Hi, I'm Carmen I really like to Draw, Write, Game, Listen to Music and Watch Anime. I mostly Draw TLoZ related stuff. I Write stories, like Fanfictions or things i want to make a Manga with. I play lots of Games, but mostly TLoZ. I like almost every Music genre, but I love Japanese music the most. I also like lots of Anime genres. Bye x
ひろ hhhhhhhhhirofumi
大人です。名前考えるのめんどいんでこういう名前になりました。 スプラトゥーンのガチナワバリが大好きでブキはいろいろ使います。ラピがメインです。ガチは最近再開してエリアだけやります。それとネタを考えるのが好きです。スプラトゥーン2とARMSが楽しみです。 人類に栄光あれ
Britt britt.beckers
Hi, I'm Britt, a Belgian female gamer and collector, living in France. I'm about the same age as my 2 favourite series, Mario and Zelda. (30 in case you're wondering =)) I speak Nederlands, English, français and ein bischen Deutsch. Games we can play together online: MK7, MK8, Triforce Heroes, Luigi's Mansion 2
Parker tjspgraves
Welcome to my profile! My name is Parker and I love making friends! Although I do have a few rules around here! 1. No Arguing! 2. No Bullying! 3. No inappropriate language! If you listen to those rules I'd be glad to be your friend! By the way, don't forget to sign up for a spot on the A.T.D.F and make sure you check out my second account Hosé! That's all I have to say for now so have a good day!
Luke™ Kagoshima_Luke
Salutations! I'm a long time gamer (first system was the Famicom), weight lifter, surfer, father and writer. Favorite games: River City Ransom, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy IV, Super Mario Kart, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Goldeneye 007, Suikoden, Resident Evil 4, Ninja Gaiden, Halo, Dark Souls and plenty more. Oh, and always remember: Arnold is numero uno!
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Jonathan metalmon
i be l'bron james the dopest prosecutr this side of japani*bleep*ville testify yo (This is a stupid thing I'm doing for Halloween, don't mind me.)
X19 lovelygemini001
my name is Jarvis and i am 20 years old i love zelda and i love mario and i love super smashbros. birthday december 12/26 /1996 sign capricorn favorite colors blue, red ,black, green i am very nice to everyone & i have a heart of gold i love anime & art :) i love my family & friends always be in my heart <:) i have a girlfriend i love u ♥Audrease♥ my heart belongs to Audrease ♥X19 ∞ AJ♪♥ ♥ω♥
YukaLaylee Tolleytastic
2015 games completed. .Splatoon. .Mega man 2. .Mega man 3. Game of the year 2015. ★Splatoon★ Been a Nintendo gamer since i was 5 (now 27) My favourite game series are Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy, Sonic, Shenmue and Banjo Kazooie. Currently playing Wii u - Splatoon. 10/10 .Super smash bros. 9.5/10 3ds. Taos Adventure. 7/10 Virtual Console. LOZ OOT. 10/10
Courtnay CJluvsMJ27
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)
Neiteio Neiteio
I like all kinds of games, on all kinds of systems. As of writing this (end of September 2014), I'm working my way through the AMAZING Xenoblade Chronicles, inspired by the Shulk reveal for Smash Bros. I'm also looking forward to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Mario Kart 8 DLC (Cat Peach! Isabelle!), and Super Smash Bros. on 3DS/WiiU. Also stoked about Splatoon and Yoshi's Wooly World in 2015!
Rellmon Rellmon
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as long as life will let me be! Gamers, especially oldschool and nostalgia freaks get my attention in priority!!!!! Lets be cool together! Or at least til the Switch over.
~Kitty~ shadowgirl57
If I hurt your feeling let me know. I'm confuse a lot too! >,< Animals,music,manga,anime writing, an chatting. I'm a shy person. Mii i manly use is KittyAngel. Hope to see yah on Splatoon,mk8,ssb
Kacy kayhay88
I love Nintendo ;)
[GAF] Typo SuperDowns
This comment has been taken by Kaito Kid. He should return it once he deems it fake. It seems Kaito Kid gave my profile comment back. He stuck it in one of my drawers. I'll keep it as a souvenir. With that out of the way, hi! I'm Michael! (AKA Mariotag. I'll probably change my Mii to reflect that better.) ...and I've little keeping me here now...
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
I am Quaid DouglasQuaid
RagnarokX ArgorokX
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname.
My Wii U friends are maxed o...
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname.
My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead.
Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.