Users ♪Panda A.♪ Is Following
$¶€ÁLÉX§¶⇒ happyfarm158
Hello everyone i'm Alex, aka AlexGamer!. I like a wide variety of games from action and adventure to racing games. I follow everybody that follows me, I will accept messages to games I have. Plz follow me and freind request, I'm a very nice person. I don't swear or trashtalk, insult other people, or give up everytime I lose something. Once again plz follow and thankyou.
Wing chickenwing1
τς★мαχφκαι tommyandjayden21
hi im a wommy,glitch person i love glitches♥♥♥ plz i need friends ü αгε ιη υκ *crys* ...i need more than hundred follows tip:do not kill others next to yall who came up with the word wommy? lol wommy,wommy,wommy!!!! best bud:dorito :3 best splatoon 2 bud:Sandwich btw i have a switch anyways just to tell yall goodbye :)
Nico cat-dogABC
Hi my names Nico, I like online multiplayer, Racing and shooting and action games and survival, Including Splatoon,Minecraft,Teraria,Mario Kart 8. I also have a Nintendo 3DS.Xl Which i play Tomodatchi Life,Super Mario 3D Land and lots more. I really like Nintendo and i hope you enjoy it to! Here is my Friends list i play with, DJ Daddy Stew Victoria S.SRainbøws P.Peachy LittleDoge342 ect.
jazzy joshuawings
FRKN Katie katiesantana1
Hello & Welcome to my Squid Party Crew!. My name is Katie,I am currently in the FRKN Clan. Here is some info about....things... Splatoon & Splatoon 2 are my Favorite games!. I have a Nintendo Wii u & Nintendo Switch....(Feel free to add me if you want...) I currently have a Discord server with 50 members....(Mind explosion) Squid Party is all i do.....(unless someone challenges me...) Bye!♥♡♥♡♥
Eli PrincessAfua
Super Smash Bros. is beast
connor agoodcook7
YO! I'm Connor a.k.a. 8bitmaster. I like to post posts and a lot of them. So check my user page once a day to see my newest posts. (If I do) I like/play Roblox and I've got many posts
Dylan tylertheamazing
Hello. I'm BrightNoir (Dylan). I like platformers, racing, and indie games. It would help me if you could follow me. I'm2SecC!!
†»—οrεο—>† Chicken.Lil
Wazz up my freinds how chu doing .... rlly OK LETS GET STARED....... I ACEPTED FRDIND REQUEST AND Want i am doing to my life im A ranked and me gf FIND OUT UR SELF ima level 50 good with snipes and rollers U KNOW WHAT ALL OF THEN NOT ALL OK SO LEAVE NOW Im just playing no rlly get out my page LEAVE ,.,
German 250579
Hola me llamo German Serie de TV favorita: Los Simsoms y Steven Universe Youtuber favorito: Saivyman55 Videojuegos favorito:Super Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Five Night At Freddys, Mario Galaxy, etc. Pasatiempos: Ver tele, Jugar Videojuegos y Dibujar
★Grace★ Grace5006
♥my profile♥ i am 15 i am co leader of SFE clan ^^ ♥Taken by the lovely ropir3 who i love so much♥ ^^ BFF are Derpy Noob asunakirito 1239 StarGhost33 trapmastermarco снı★david dmanx007 Keisuke♪ clans that i am also in is SLD clan favorite Game are splatoon and minecraft i like dogs and I like to sing and I like playing sports thanks for reading ♥♥ ^^
cool guy28 coolrockstar99
Hey I like to play games and like to play Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, Splattoon and New Super mario bros. U. Im interactive almost all the time. So Feel Free To ask Me any Questions Or Just tell Me your Opinion about My post's and please Just Don't Be Like some People and do something that will get you banned...
SKOPŞкорёr NotYourAverageG
Ay wadup peeps om CFF★SKoper aka SKoper 900. i love splatoon smash bros and other games.If yall wanna be my friend dont be shy just friend request.If your gone for a long time or if you have plans its aight' bros and girl bros.Have a fun and chill day.BTWAlso if im gone for along time i might be running some errands be on a road trip, or no internet.
тне ƒоŁŁог wiibee07
★Miguel★ miguel752
whats up bros age10 grade 4th year 2007 i hate splatoon my wii u gamepad dosent work really well so i can not run in minecraft well i like splatoon again and i have the nintendo switch and splatoon2
ŠαιτуŞпσшу HyperSanic523
Hey inklings Midnight-San here {¦☆
blade! :3 isaacrush12
OW why did you poke my face? Hi I'm Isaac I love playing splatoon more than anything else I love playing squad battles with friends and proving my skills in private battle! info name: isaac in the furry fandom sexuality: gay age: 14 well thats all bye! you can go now your creaping me out OMG YOUR A STALKER!
Ansible RocketRobin
Kuro KuroKageKun
Hello Miiverse :D My name's Kuro. My favorite (Nintendo) games include SSB, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and of course Pokemon. It's pleasure to meet you! ~Kuro
GS-V~Βö†–› vishnusugu25
Hey miiverse , im V-bot i love playing splatoons and smash bros. i even do some drawings. if you friend me, we can play private battle in splatoons ●im making a glitch squad and trying to make new glitches, ■ see my posts and play journal to see funny things and glitches ◆ i love glitches ▲if u like my post follow me to see the new ones ★leader of GS clan BYE Have a nice day :)
drake Airfox888
Nûke#1381 jjones1359
Thanks for the memories. Ironically, I'll miss this place. I've spent well over 2,400+ hours here, just meeting people and talking with them. I enjoyed this service, more than I should really, and like everything in life, it must come to an end... “Things end. But memories last forever. ♥”
Fеαr Roмυ™ romu1109
This user's profile comment is private.
SVG⇔Ness★☆ MasterGamerNess
hi my name is danny or you can call me ness my favorite game is minceaft my 2 favorite game Super smashbro : 3 favorite game is Mk8 4 favorite game splatoon : BFF King,plush,dino and queen favorite song hall of fame song. ps im best the in the svg boy to all my homey peaceout and have a great day
Hi everyone. Thanks for viewing my profile. See you around the Miiverse or while playing a game online. (õ_Ô) Your persistence earned you a virtual high-five! (^_~)″
Кεшl | £ xXeTeamXx
i love my dynamo
CAS★Jonny allijaytor
★ JAY ★ ♂ ★ LVL. 50 / RANK S+ / Splatterscope Yo I'm just a lame college student that likes to mess around in splatoon and draw in my free time. - My friends and I are the CAS squad! We like to play around in rank and let others win! unless you spawn or bag us bye - Please don't send random friend requests unless we played together. tum/twi/fa: allijaytor da: homoda
гιρ θι↑νεг libralisi
Kon`nichiwa watashi wa germu o suru no ga sukidesu watashi wa nihonjinde wa arimasen (that was japanese heres what i said) Hello i am albert i like to play games i am not japanese btw my(its done the rest isnt japanese) my favorite mobile game is bowmasters you guys should try it its free!!!!
Ricky Wiredawg08
★СΗΙDΔΙΖH☆ DiegoTemores
Hello Welcome to my profile my name is Childish well my nintendo name it stands for childishfilly. Favorite Game:Splatoon Age:NAH Favorite Food:anything ._.
Nari creeper1567
my name is nari fav games ¹ mk8 ☀ :clans GLƒ no wii u chats ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
я¢м★λzυ★м¢ Lava989
clans im in Merciless thats all Good Bye btw i dont wii u chat and dont friend request me unless i know u or we are in the same clan or we talked over miiverse or something like that. No blank requests too as this is a friends list
Tyra TyraPink123
Boi You Bot To Get Roasted! :D
dsd Legendofzelda08
oli todos son cracs
Αgеnt 7 urquhart9
WHAT'S HAPPENING im agent 7 A.k.a. MMT cho cho Best friend:OL◆Sniper◆ Age. 14. favorite game: splatoon. rank was: S+ 30 are wii u started all OVER :| now lvl: 10 Rank: C- 60 Main weapon's: (luna blaster) (custom e- liter scope) (CRB) favorite food is PiZzA
Squid BBQ Myboy571127
Hi! I'm BBQ the party squid! :T ~ I have switch :D friend code? add me and ask, I'll tell you in chat. I have nothing else to say lol
Lucas Lucas_Mine2007
Alinator:) Alinator123
Henlo Stinkie TRB² Youtuber (noun) The best People in Life. The Host of Crystalarium S2
MrGameBoy dominik260
Ich heiße Dominik und ich Spiele am meisten irgentwelche Mario Games .Mein lieblings Speiel ist in der Mario serie Paper Mario Color Splash. Ich hoffe euch werden meine Scren Schots und meine Beiträge weiterhin gefallen.
tigerboy coooooooooolguy
check out my level in super mario maker fun run!
Well I really like to play basketball with my friend erixson (rix the savage) if you want to foll...
Well I really like to play basketball with my friend erixson (rix the savage) if you want to follow him on instagram or musicly) I also like to dance and play minecraft with my friends at school.(im getting a iphone6s for chrismas)Finally i like to hang out with my friends