♪Panda A.♪'s Friends
TonySlayer SlayingSavage
hi guys! i play splatoon and minecraft friend me if you want and ill accept.k!:l
★Miguel★ miguel752
whats up bros age10 grade 4th year 2007 i hate splatoon my wii u gamepad dosent work really well so i can not run in minecraft well i like splatoon again and i have the nintendo switch and splatoon2
YEE zengato
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Akuma ShinOni99
Nari creeper1567
my name is nari fav games ¹ mk8 ☀ :clans GLƒ no wii u chats ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
★CSA~Jack★ 3r67bj2
i'm 27 years old & here 2 make friends i play my games with my friends @2pm az mst i'm a friendly gamer inkling boy builder racer smasher i ♥ super Mario mk ssb splatoon & splatoon 2 mc & tloz my fav color green i'm the main leader of the CSA clan or club & i'm a co leader of SSS my bfs r every1on mv including my blockers until next time don't get cook stay off the hook & stay fresh rip miiverse
thomas ts9364
bin cool
Stan Darktrickster471
shawn kjmartyn99
mostly smash brother fan
Mike theRepublic
♪¦TIGER¦♪™ TigerLily11.2016
HIIIIIII!!! It'ssssss TIGER! (^_^) New friends and followers can join me here, I ran out of space for new noodles to add lol. I love all things AWESOME--if you're a negative nancy 9 out of 10 we *won't* get along andddddd I like a peaceful fun gaming experience! Hehe...can't wait to meet new critters lol. Chao Bellas! xoxo
♪Pαηdα.K♪ SuperThe3rd
Hi everyone my name is Katelyn Simmons,(Panda.K) i am a pandaling i am the second pandaling, as u all know Panda.T was first, there is also a Panda.A and Y, there was an E but his name is Edgar.H now, ♥~Panda.T,Edgar.H~♥" i ship it!" ♥~♪Pαηdα.C♪~♥ BFF:Panda.T,Panda.Y,Edgar.H Splatting it up in splatoon, LOVE FNAF AND PANDA'S (i do wii u chat if want) well that love u all stay cute "nom"^~^
Chad Chadgoodwin
Peanut JaySquad15
the GUN s. cstewart76
sup bros out there, you can do any thing you want in life if you put your mind on to it!allso follow ★üšų-ßаε★ and others that are my close friends!you don't have to if you don't want to.
ITS ĶĘĚŅĂŃ Flawlesscoco
kamk1000$ Kamk1000
All I have to say is , there is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light.
JALIYAH mjhh03
Victor NurpNaut256
Bloop. Bloob.
Ss★Decay DecaySchulz
YouTube / Twitch - DecaySchulz
SVG⇔Ness★☆ MasterGamerNess
hi my name is danny or you can call me ness my favorite game is minceaft my 2 favorite game Super smashbro : 3 favorite game is Mk8 4 favorite game splatoon : BFF King,plush,dino and queen favorite song hall of fame song. ps im best the in the svg boy to all my homey peaceout and have a great day
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
lamarcus lamarcuswanner04
Hello And welcome to my den i love minecraft. i am the head of the fox clan and yeah
Happy Cyborg_Guanas2.0
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Ink Girl LizzyGamesWiiU
I like cosplaying in splatoon lol XD
Joji deADp00l000
Hi im rick harrison and this is my pawn shop i work here with my old man and my son and one thing ive learnt is you'll never know what comes through that door.
TC☆Bobi Bobos10
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Eli PrincessAfua
Super Smash Bros. is beast
bruce springtrapchingo
can u be my friend
MrGameBoy dominik260
Ich heiße Dominik und ich Spiele am meisten irgentwelche Mario Games .Mein lieblings Speiel ist in der Mario serie Paper Mario Color Splash. Ich hoffe euch werden meine Scren Schots und meine Beiträge weiterhin gefallen.
cherry♪ OmegaxSebrina
Can't play multiplayer anymore. Bye :>
sky skyskipper
dabest021™ biggreenwidgets
I play a ton of games and post a ton of posts! I play: Mariokart Mario Splatoon Super Smash Bros I post stuff about these games, so if you like them, then check out my posts on them!
★СΗΙDΔΙΖH☆ DiegoTemores
Hello Welcome to my profile my name is Childish well my nintendo name it stands for childishfilly. Favorite Game:Splatoon Age:NAH Favorite Food:anything ._.
wubsy cat wubinator
teefallday stapinskx20042
I love lemons and fighting with/against people in smash bros and bayonetta 2
Dominator vnicklin
I am kinda good at games.
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CSA~Morte Snakeskin1414
Hey Guys Im an active nice Wii u User please make friends follow my courses and watch out for me im the leader of the ICC clan but im in the CSA clan too
Geo GeoSalvatore22
Draco Jake elu890
l love pizza i hate brockholli and love to join a minecraft player's world and be friends:]
sκ|Totoro Jethro071288
Te amo ❤
Black_Mage BlackmageZero
Feel the magic.
jojo indiaadams11
ως¤тяэy treycoutee7
So who wants to play a squad battle.
あっくん oguroakira.JAPAN
yoiset Hirule-Warriors
Solon we cant just wait a few months you know
Wing chickenwing1
Dylan tylertheamazing
Hello. I'm BrightNoir (Dylan). I like platformers, racing, and indie games. It would help me if you could follow me. I'm2SecC!!
Ansible RocketRobin
Andrew Pokemario10
I'm a big nintendo fan who only play Nintendo games join me with my comments maybe reviews,tips,others and play with me in online matches!Also I play smash with you if you want maybe MK8 and also fellow me in super mario maker and I will fellow you!
Mario im_Super_Mario
It's-a me Mario! The M Hat Hero! Collector of Nintendo Consoles! Leader of the Smash Fighters Friend of Famicom Robot Boyfriend of Princess Peach! I Love My Nintendo Switch! If-a you have any questions I'll Answer! If you have a question about Me, My M Hat, My Mustache, Luigi, My Beautiful Princess Peach, Question Blocks, The Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser, Thank-you! ~Mario
Blue Kirby Javon91
All my characters Kirby Peach Rosalina Sonic Mario Link Luigi Tails Yoshi Daisy Inkling Girl Pikachu Knuckles Amy Zelda
cool guy28 coolrockstar99
Hey I like to play games and like to play Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, Splattoon and New Super mario bros. U. Im interactive almost all the time. So Feel Free To ask Me any Questions Or Just tell Me your Opinion about My post's and please Just Don't Be Like some People and do something that will get you banned...
HD★мıснαеι micjay
I love the wii u its one of my favorite consoles of all time ,I also like posting miiverse post ,my favorite wii u title is mario kart 8 ,please check out my user page ,I also have a 3ds xl. Miiverse 3ds: Mike☆Ike™ ⇔ NNID: mikeike1104 also MII power team
Gemini360 fiveguys14
Why do I have such bad luck...XO Let's be friends, ok?
Shadow craigpeart1987
SUP guys name is Craig and I like to play and challenge players online. Because is FUN! And also I'm on YouTube.
☆Nebby★ IcyOnna
hoi, im nessie and im in too many fandoms rip miiverse I actually sold my Wii U a few months back since I don't even play it anymore. So.. no more Splatoon 1. However, I have switched over to the Switch, so you can add me there instead! Splatoon 2 is so much fun~ Feel free to ask me for my friend code!!
DarkZoma JasonHart
hey ppl, im Jason, & im a hard core gamer, graphic designer, guitarist. I love to draw like no other. I currently have a N64,Gamecube, Wii, PS2,PS4 DS lite, 3DS, macbook(yes, u can game on a mac book, I do ALL the time) im always stay up to date on games. Anyways, hit me up gamers :)
..kitty.. coopersix
Hewo my peeps!! My favorite games are Splatoon, Kirby, Super Smash Bros. and Nintendo Land!! Be free to follow me and friend me!! Oh..and im kinda shy so....ya!! I think thats all the time I have and see peeps soon!! :)
★☆TIGER☆★ tigerlily2013
Heyyyy!!! I'm Tiger aka Lily *haha* I love cool folks, it's always epic finding fun gamers! ==>Drama Free ==> Loves To Laugh ==> Helps All, Hinders None Now let's game noodles! Weeeeee lolol (^_^) P.S- Cuss or disrespect on my server and you will meet my kick button. Righteous! Merps hehe baiiiii! XOXO ~*Tiger*~ XOXO
Reacktion® reacktioner
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Hey. My name is Joshua but most people call me Josh. I'm 18 and a gamer for life. I have a PS3 and an XBOX 360. I love fighting games and am online most of the time so if you want to challenge me, go right ahead. C'ya Games I play often: Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS Mario Kart 8 Splatoon Runbow Other Games I Have: Wii party u Mario party 10 Tomodachi life and more...
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Well I really like to play basketball with my friend erixson (rix the savage) if you want to foll...
Well I really like to play basketball with my friend erixson (rix the savage) if you want to follow him on instagram or musicly) I also like to dance and play minecraft with my friends at school.(im getting a iphone6s for chrismas)Finally i like to hang out with my friends