gareth's Followers
********** TylerZBan
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☆.:Alex:.★ GBusch14
Hi!My name is Alex,just your typical gamer. i am a 10yr old kid in gr5. oh,I Dyed my hair!!Its red! games i like include:Xenoblade chronicles x ,Botw,pokken,smash and more. and you can follow me if you want. I also LOVE Anime!i mean LOVE It! I like to draw.Im really good at drawing.(NOT Digital Tho) And I love eddsworld too. i have more than 100 OCs. so i guess thats it! so,bye!:3♪♡♥♡♥♪
Pr★Panda Panda-roux7259
Yo ! C'est Panda-roux ! Moi ça va . Si vous voulez me maitre en amis vous le pouvez . Si vous vous abonner a moi je m'abonne .
Normoo Normoo
i 4rhveVbc
devenplayz annaandsteven
i want to learn how to do more stuff in minecraft
Peyton PokePey19
Hello!My name is Peyton!!!I am 9 years old!I love to play MK8,MC,SSB,PT,and much,much more!!!I do not have that many friends:(But if you read this first,Yeah my posts.Tell me you sent a request!!!Then your done!!!Have fun playing my gamers!!!
~Solo necesitas saber un poquito de mi y sabras quien soy θωθ~ Me llamo Adrián pero puedes llamarme adri o adriansitu.Soy capaz de ver pelis de miedo la niña del exsorcista,anabelle,It aunque prefiero la niña del exsorcista lo de que la posee un demonio o algo porque ver a una muñeca moviendose O•O'zi me das xuxes yo te doy∞ XUXEEES QERO XUXES.... ('×_×') Hula patatitah ¡Eso es! Ere mi paratitah!
☆Yelléna★ Toscane830
Wshh les gent Bienvenu a mon profil ! Pk tu regarde mon profil ??? dêja ! sa ne se fait ps !! tu veut que j présente Donc desent en bah et tu verra (Age 13 ans ~_~) (Prénon Océane) ma c'est Ambre pour la vie tu voie c'est pas toii ! Tkt jdeconne !! VOILOU JE TES DIT TOUTE MA VIE ☆ ♥ Bisous ! ♡ Noublie pas Abo Toi
Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
XxPhנrtϠxX XxPharryxX
Cu! o sono Pt! Codice del sogno di Animal Crossing: 7F00 007B A369 Giochi Nintendo preferiti: ACNLWA ACHHD Super mario Giochi di altre companie: Yandere simulator Minecraft Skylanders IMPORTANTE: Il profilo chiuderà il 8/11/17 a causa della fine di miiverse. Mi mancherai social della Nintendo :( :'''( Nov. 18 2012 Nov. 8 2017 R.I.P Miiverse #nomiiverseending
antho curtisbrothers
jordi aripauelena
Hola soy jordi si me seguis os sigo si me mandais una solicitud de amistad la acepto dale likes a mis publicaviones,tengo 15 años gracias y adios.
Justice Jr jasmineslays64
Jamie Jasmineslays24
My real name is Jamie.You, follow me and i just might give you a sweet follow back.You might even see me yeah one of your posts.
Queendiva yahmya
BONJOUR!!! Salut!!! Comment ca va? Jemappelle Jhamya! Ou habite tu? je suis new jersey. Quel age as-tu? jai treize ans. Mon anniversare le septembre douze! oui im a virgo!!! For all my english speaker im jhamya im from new jersey my age is now 13 my birthday is september 12 So yes im a virgo baby!!!!! LOVE YOURSELF DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOU!!!!
Joshua halojgfs08
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Babygirl jhamya
Im getting a new account this tuesday go follow and friend Queendiva [spread the word]
meowth Rickyson
hilloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sow sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i amazing get iT because i am amazing get ! age:baby nine because mommy 9 and daddy 9
mingos bossmode85
Renba Renba-Fast
soy excepto en mario kart
Jacob H jharrington15
Hi. I'm age 16 Birth: 4/4/01 Sisters: Audrey, Brianna, Gracie Please follow me! 5 days left My favorite Koopalings: Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, Bowser junior, and Morton. I am a fan of Sonic, Mario, Bowser, and the Koopalings. I don't video chat. I take friend requests. I like roleplays. Friends: zion, JoshM.(20), etc.
Leon3 TeamStreeterKids
I'm a ghostly boi. Hello peoples of the world.Kick,punch it's all in the mind.Forget what my birthday says, it's12/19. Best Peeps: sketchie, ●Mangoes●, Isaiah, Mistynight,PIKAASH,Maju,Voltrix,NixUniverse,ΣΨBen, and Jacob. I am a HUGE Parappa fan, so yeah! THAT'S IT YOU CAN GO HOME NOW I GOTTA BELIEVE
Naoko Chan dragonborgiano
Que pasa chic@s, ¿como están? aqui Naoko Chan!. Soy muy agradable y me gusta mucho jugar Mario Maker y Minecraft. Si me quieres mandar solicitud, yo te acepto. Nos vemos
Angelito:) Furbaccano
gracias a mis mejores amigos leontulio,bob19marley e isidritho14 aunque todos son muy buenos amigos y espero haber sido tambien un muy buen amigo y jamas los olvidare,siempre me apoyaron y estuvieron ahi y yo espero que no olviden sus momentos conmigo asi como yo no olvidare estos dias,gracias y adios
nat enzozomophi
$***demendé moi comme ami sillevouplai***$
Cameron TheCamster743
My Name Is Cameron. I am 7 years old. My Favourite Games are: Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, Lego Dimensions, Mario Party 10, And Splatoon. Thanks For Friending me! (if you do)
AX€l zaxel1321
ola papu tu ya save $_$
JJ jsquared1029
Hi my name is JJ I am 13 years old and I have been playing on Nintendo systems since I was 6. I am a huge Mario fan infact my first videogame was Super Mario Galaxy. I am also a big fan of Zelda, Kirby, and Animal Crossing. I am a good friend to everyone I meet and I am always ready to help you wether it's help in a videogame or in life. Remember you follow me and I follow you. Happy Posting!!! :D
minerkid24 eilalund
friend me i love friends so we could play on minecraft i love pvp im also an expert at pvp!
mrs.L LtlBroLuigi08
hi i like poken tourmanent lost reavers just dance and hyrule warriors and im a nic guy i do not do wii u chat if you whant to be friends send me a friend requst and if you have sonic and all stars racing transformed and lost reavers lets play together and im 9 and if you believe in god please follow because there are some people who believe in satan
SM64 larinlaz
steven1213 BenSilz
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YOLO miazirajavo
Peter SMcGinnis
minecraft rools
christo zombiecreaper116
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Abigal mepault
Hoi!! Gets PC Savage dab gets R$ Plays Phone Gets Cookies Plays Tablet Wth Toca Cars U'LL NUT SEE!!! BreakDances And EVEN MORE R$!!! Bottle Flips Can I Find MOre R$?
jo jo siwa tonebalone1234
hi im tony jones im going to become a stormchaser when i grow up i wish they cold make tornados in mincraft!!!!!!!!!!!!
sonic sheryrover
noah nonopapalili
bonjour je mappel noah mon butte et davoir 1OO OU 3OO abonner alor ceux qui se son pas encore abonner abonner vous je ma bonerer avous (a 4OO abonner je répondrai a vos question . noah
TS√Sαναgε joogles
Sup! It's ye boy TS√Sαναgε AKA Jeremy here with a few stuff I wanted to share. ★1. Love to play sports. ★2. I like to play Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. ★3. My fav color is blue. ★4. I'm 4×3 or 6×2 years old. ★5. I'm not smart. ★6. I have a YT channel. So go check it out! So, yeah. That's just a few stuff I wanted to share. I hope you guys have a great day! R.I.P Miiverse!
Hello everybody! My name is Gareth!
I like playing Mario Kart Super smash bros splatoon and pokem...
Hello everybody! My name is Gareth!
I like playing Mario Kart Super smash bros splatoon and pokemon.
Feel free to friend request me anytime you like!
I'm kinda full on my friend list :|
Well see you later!