gareth's Friends
Sonicbro69 Sonicbro69
Hey, guys! This is retroboy44, but it's Sonicbro69 now. This is my new account. So feel free to send me a friend request and a follow. I will most likely Wii U Chat with you guys if you want. I love old Sonic games, and others too. So, have a nice day and see you guys next time. where all the Sonic fans at? #Sonicnationtoostrong.
Eric ericrumple8888
Hi my name is Eric I like playing minecraft and supersmash bros as well.
Luigi Fan1 TripolerFan3365
Hi there i am am the miggest fan of TRIPOLER and i can be anybodys friend i am kind and thoughtful so you can send a friend request if you want! my favorite games are blackops2 minecraft mario games horror games and more i am 14 years old i make any game fun! stay in touch
DoggyDrawz BunBunGamer3690
Hiya! I'm DoggyDrawz! Here are things i like: •Bendy and the Ink Machine •Undertale •Drawing (obviously) •Pie •I dont know what to write here so im gonna say this: NYEH HEH HEHHHH!!!! Anyway, i hope you like my art ˙ˇ˙ •
Papyrus NumbSkullPapyrus
Nyeh Heh heh! It is I, the great Papyrus! And welcome to my miiverse account! I have put this account together to greet all my fans! Anyways, enjoy!
8Bit.Aiden AwesomeFoxy1984
Hello i love Five nights at Freddy's and minecraft and Hello Neighbor and Call of duty
CC★Devonte djsmash096
Hi my name is Devonte I like making new friends and playing new games A my favorites are Splatoon and the Super Smash Bros. series so feel free to send me a friend request or ask to to play online with me
Mason xXCrAfTyJeDiXx
Hi i'm Mason i'm 13 yrs old and a christian i am very out going and like playing Splatoon. if u Freind me i will Freind u if u follow me i will follow you i am usually on after 4:00 i also have an xbox one.
jordan jordansmith0327
Evil Sky matthewmario7
Yo Its Me SkyBolt My Age Is 8 Best Friend's Red Gabe Enamey's Rory Anyone Who Griff's me Anyone who Kick's Me Best World??????????? SkyBolt Signing Out................
retroboy44 retroboy44
Greetings earthlings. I'm 18 and love to game. I love anime, metal music, and other fun activities. Feel free to friend me anytime you want and I'll accept. Not a big fan of the Xbox brand. Play Station and Nintendo are fine with me. I also love to LARP. I will also Wii U Chat anytime you want. I also want to go to Tokyo, Japan. I want my Switch. I got a new account Sonicbro69. Go check it out.
kevin 10 aots00
hola me llamo kevin y por fin somos 10 amigos y diganme amigos que quieren que hagamos mario kart 8 ??????......
Leon3 TeamStreeterKids
I'm a ghostly boi. Hello peoples of the world.Kick,punch it's all in the mind.Forget what my birthday says, it's12/19. Best Peeps: sketchie, ●Mangoes●, Isaiah, Mistynight,PIKAASH,Maju,Voltrix,NixUniverse,ΣΨBen, and Jacob. I am a HUGE Parappa fan, so yeah! THAT'S IT YOU CAN GO HOME NOW I GOTTA BELIEVE
0mar knafe2015
Hello Miiverse I'm 0mar and I play on my Wii U and 2DS. Also I play a lot of great games such as Super Smash Bros 4,MK7,MK8,NSMB U , and many more . And all you guys can battle me in any of these games .
probie 11 starpower2017
hey guys if u friend meh, u can play minecraft with me!!!
Richard trevon918
Sissy Bug ReneeAdams
well hello there
coolboy WILLIAMS4010
[BI]Juday uzumaki-sen
hola gracias por pasarte a ver mi perfil
far mlgeasy
hey everyone its nice to meet you im looking for mild leved smash and soon slpatoon players to join team lvl up everthing else about me is classified
gabe adebayo23
Jamie Jasmineslays24
My real name is Jamie.You, follow me and i just might give you a sweet follow back.You might even see me yeah one of your posts.
BoWz_Troll troll123459
name = Justin age = 13 job = YOUTUBER (making new one) favorite food = shrimp favorite moive = all harry potter and star wars favorite pc games = roblox , minecraft favorite tv shows = goldburgs , blackish , ridiculousness , tosh.o , south park favorite games = BO2 , BO3 , GTA V , FIFA 17 owned gaming consile = PS4 , WII U , SWITCH favorite songs = closer , bad and boojee , l spy , broccoli :D
jdender jdenderplays
Hi, I am JdenderPlays (It's [jay-dend-er] or [jay-de-ender] ether way is fine.) My favorite games are MineCraft PC and Factorio. I am a redstone expert (Fluent in BUDs, compariters, slime, and computing.) if I do say so my self. I am also good at creative building and SkyBlock. Note that I don't acep friend requests from random people, so please tell me why in your request.
ej ehi66695gmail
Heyo im Ej. I just love Mario games.The same gose for Sonic me i love any sonic game exept for sonic 3d blast.i love to make new friends.i love memes and i love to post up new stuff about things i never found or done in games i have played.if ur reading this we can be friends to.also i love to listen to music.and remixes.and i also know history to some video dont be to shy to ask
LuluTGP SuperGamerTwins
FAVORITE Food: ALL FOOD FAVORITE Coulor: Pink I like anime and Games and I am super FUN and Awesome....... ^-^ and I WOULD LIKE MAH FRANDS TO WRITE BACK!!!!!!! ^-^
caca Brianguaraca
hola qemas amigos
meowth Rickyson
hilloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sow sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i amazing get iT because i am amazing get ! age:baby nine because mommy 9 and daddy 9
bonnie supermoriologen
hi i am superluigilogen who ever is my friend write supermariologen ok?! also my mii name is know Papyrus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
victoria victoria10206
•▲γαχнì▼• yoshi3641
hello there i'm Sεlεηα but u can call me yoshi(thats my nickname in school)and on here i draw comics or random things.And u might see crystal that i draw alot and i will be drawing her an comic soon.(and draw an other comic)the comic is a redraw from 2016.And u might see galaxy,melody and me.Am yazhi if your wondering because i change my name as you see.So bye.have an barkaful day.
Devery Bowserjrfan13
Hello! My name is Devery, but im also known as BowserJr Fan 13 my nintendo and youtube name I have a youtube channel, I play Pokemon,Street Fighter,Mario,Sonic,Minecraft,sometimes Fnaf,Undertale, and Mega Man! I hope we can be great friends. I own a Wii U, a 3DS but it sometimes don't work, and a Nintendo Switch.
Matt PittsburghCW
Hello there! I'm Matt and this is my profile. I am attending university this year and love it. I am friendly so don't be afriad to say hi, And please, No Wii U chat if you are under 15. Cuz' I won't answer you. Thats all I have to say! If you want to know anything else just ask. Bye~ I'm a filthy Memester, Deal with it.
雅Heinzi本 heinz-hermann111
rtegsfj delmerrocks
hi how are you doing do you want to play minion rush
vishichalu victorkenzowatab
end miiverse se o miiverse ainda esistir digo que foi bom ter a experiencia não tirem o miiverse porfavor eu sei que provavelmente o adm do miiverse não verão esse comentario mas nem tudo e do jeito do que ajente quer não sei porque mas pelomenos acho que vão colocar outro aplicativo enves do miiverse então essas são minhas últimas palavras no miiverse eu sei que e triste e eu sei que e triste /:
UltraLX LuigixoDaisy44
Hey I'm UltraLX I'm The God of forms.I'm huge fan of all mario hero characters and a fan of Bowser.that's bout it.
gninja!!!! Gnome.Saiyan
game time!
angelito 205angelito
This user's profile comment is private.
molls stunventures
Hi everyone and welcome to my page! My favorite Characters are Crash Bandicoot and Captain Olimar. What's yours? I love everything about games, gaming and the story (behind the scenes) of them. I don't WiiU chat but i'll take friend requests anytime. See yall later!
VIPER brian401985
Super Dill DillFergie0831
I am click bait for everyone, click on the yeahs too. I hope you yeah my favorite post. Anyways I mostly draw on my wiiu not 3ds. welcome to joy my freinds. My favorite sonic caracter is shadow. My favorite mario character is luigi. I love captain falcon. We can be buds, don't be afraid to friend me I'm not mean :-) PS. I draw memes, videogames, and cartoons. Have fun at your stay and like my art
jerome atjjnja
super ray ladycub
Tails TheTwoTailFox0
Online:★ Offline:☆ Leader of The miiverse protecter group. elite officer: Rooster_64 hello im Tails and welcome to my profile im the leader of the MPG we protect and help the people of miiverse. likes: Gaming, reviews, youtube, music, sleeping, Mystery Skulls, protecting, helping and drawing. dislikes: stressing out, haters and cyber bullying. join MPG today
marty josast
Carlos CHAI2006
Well, Miiverse is ending right? *Sigh* Anyone who wants to add me, send the request before November 8th, as it's Miiverse's doomday. R.I.P Super Mario Maker. See you guys in-game by chance. :)
BOO schninner
Welcome to the wii u social media! Heres where i will be posting stuff Hope i don't get As you can see miiverse doesn't allow swearing - i guess you already found out. Theres alot of cringy posts on miiverse and there's also the one's the are amazingly good, like the drawings wheres there's 10,000 dots the make the shadows, however - people that have trypophobia will pass out.
LexyLoveYT aylatheartist
Hi my name is Ayla l'm very nice and I play the wii u almost every day.Here are my favourite games,Just Dance 2016,Splatoon,Super Mario Maker,Super Mario 3D World and Yoshi's woolly world.Dislikes Rude comments,Disrespect and Rude people l'll unfriend you if you do these things ok so thanks for reading*-^ ♡ω♥ ★ω☆ ˇω˘ \(^_^)/
G&KWendel™ ressdo
Hi guys. My name is Wendell,and i love play games.My favorite game is Splatoon. But i play another games like:Minecraft.Pokken Tournaument ,Mario and Sonic Olympic Games Rio2016. Let`s be friends
Jõël Éßυßé joeliwunna
hey whats up guys my name is joel and i think that some wiiu games are awesome and you guys play them so yeah you're awesome oh yeah ebube means strong by the way , i'm a luigi fan and i love mario and sonic but i mostly have mario games but that dosen't mean anything ,when i get a game i complete it no matter what that's why i am a expert and i like anything that involves nintendo !
swagboy carlosfikes12
Dakotaü Dakotavandenberg
hai i love minecraft,fnaf,freinds,doctorwho,movies and playing online
LemmyGamez Christaaa18
This user's profile comment is private.
Luigi jraidenjenn
be my friend please i need friends i like minecaft wii u i have a xbox 360 i love games my BEST FRIENDS ARE ilikecocalos catsaresocool321 AND jrm6709
JdenderALT jdendr5
I made a new user.
Jared Jared075
Hello, playing Wii U is fun!
√3DS/Wiiu√ Minidog479
Hi there! I have 3DS & Wiiu. I'm 16. By The Way! My Favorite games for the Wiiu are Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros For Wii U Super Mario Maker ● I Accept any friend request ● I don't Wiiu Chat My favorite Pokémon is Typhlosion, Quilava, Cyndaquil I got a new 3DS and My other NNID (Nintendo Network ID) Account is Minidog480. Check it out if you like.
john cena DAVIEROBBO2008
hello my name is DAVIEROBBO2008 i love minecraft,splatoon,mario,sonic,smashbros and mario kart8 do not kick me pls dont plz plz plz plz i will find you and destroy you if u kick me
Delta Zeo0000
Name: Delta Games I play: Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and Ssb4 Smash paint request: Marie, Zack Fair,... Friend request: Yes Wii U Chat: No Plan:Smash paint (Marie) Best Friends: Terafox and Chandler (check them out.) Favorite Character: Luigi Splatoon Level and rank: Lvl. 33 Rank: B Online★
KYO bosskryul
Mateo NeoKhryz0
hola dice que soy de estados unidos pero en realidad soy de Chile y no naci el dia que nacio mi perfil en realidad naci el 19 de febrero del 2008
christo zombiecreaper116
This user's profile comment is private.
Chase mcgreybeard
I have Minecraft, and Terraria! Please Friend Me I am a fun Person to be with! I Dont Answer Wii U Chat Calls Sorry. I Make A Skele-Ton Of Puns! LOL:]
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
Naoko Chan dragonborgiano
Que pasa chic@s, ¿como están? aqui Naoko Chan!. Soy muy agradable y me gusta mucho jugar Mario Maker y Minecraft. Si me quieres mandar solicitud, yo te acepto. Nos vemos
Chris inediblefryguy
Kerry Ks62775
hi there. Who is your favorite supersmashbros character?
Last PBS tweetwii72
Profile comment hidden by admin.
TheGamer26 terik16
Hey! I am a Huge Gamer! I have 7 Consoles! I like to play everyday on the Wii u and Ps3! :3 Super smash bros isn't the only thing i play, I also have mario kart 8 Thats a bit about me. Don't forget to friend request me! XD ^_^ Also... IM NOT GOOD AT DRAWING BUT I CAN TRY!
Link zeldarulz25
Favorite Series : The Legend of Zelda Favorite Game : Ocarina of Time Favorite Pokemon : Lucario Miiverse is Dead as of November 8th Goodbye everyone I will miss you
Luigi Austinluigi
Jordan Yoshiburp
Greetings people of Miiverse and welcome to my User page I own both a 3DS & WII U, I like Video Games , TV , Movies, Food , Swimming, & Anime. Right now I'm playing SSB4, Kirby Rainbow Curse, & Mario Kart 8. Feel free to follow me or Friend request me but NO Wii U voice chat bye for now YOSHIBURP OUT !!!!!!!! Note: I also have a alternative account under the username "MarlonD" if you're wondering
Kirby Sans flame524
I hope u understand why i want followers becuase I want to make friends and share the world! Also im aiming for 10,000. I think of it as subscribing (not that it is). And thank you to those who have followed me. I will help others along the way! Also follow a guy named goosh, he's back abd whoever was following him, go do it again! He is awesome, and good at video games! The end!
★Jessie★ pamjess
Hi! I'm Jess, and I love Nintendo! ☆ Actally a chill person but also an oddball ☆ I don't wiiuchat but ily ☆ I am 16 and my Bday's Jan. 16 ☆ Splatoon, Pokémon, AC, SU, AT ☆ I'll try to art (ò˛ó)/ ☆ Everyone is unique and thats lit ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ♥ I am bad @ keeping in touch sorry and ily! u are a beautiful being and u can do anything u set ur mind to have a wonderful day friend
Gregory Greg395
My name is Gervaise, and my online nickname is Greg. I think Nintendo is pretty cool, and Sonic the Hedgehog rocks! God bless!
Jimmy SomethingStrange
Zeus Zeus81
Thanks for stopping by. ...why not stay a while? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? !¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!
steven1213 BenSilz
This user's profile comment is private.
Link LinkPurple
I love playing Nintendo games and some PS3 games. Playing Tales of Xillia (PS3), Breath of the Wild (Wii U), Golden Sun: TLA, Dragon Fantasy: The Tome of Ice & Yo-Kai Watch 2 and random games in the Wii.
だいち DAISHI-f
旅のサイン さあ帆上げ始めよう 追い風も踊る 投げたコイン この未来をならう 女神がキスをした 世界の明かりの数ほど愛を歌えば ジャンプして ダッシュして so yeah! 一緒に夢を見て さぁ恋をして 腕降って歩けば こぼれ落ちてゆく 涙の先に今 1UP叶うよ みんなでハイジャンプして さぁハイタッチして タップして踊れば みんなを幸せに Switchさせてゆく 世界照らす スーパースター そう… Let's do the Odyssey!! 世界が善きゲーム愛で満ち続けますように…
Drew Bigdrew91
Hi nice to meet you, I'm Drew and I'm 25 years old, I'm friendly i'm nice and i love gaming.I also love anime.Luigi is my most favorite nintendo character ever.I've been playing nintendo since i was born and i really love it.If anyone wants to play any game let me know and we'll have fun.
firekev firekev
salut je suis firekev et je suis prêt a joué en ligne avec vous hi i'm firekev and i am ready to play online with you
Hello everybody! My name is Gareth!
I like playing Mario Kart Super smash bros splatoon and pokem...
Hello everybody! My name is Gareth!
I like playing Mario Kart Super smash bros splatoon and pokemon.
Feel free to friend request me anytime you like!
I'm kinda full on my friend list :|
Well see you later!