Users Ebay Is Following
angel pop270
Hi im angel what i like to do : play splatoon with friends ,reading, being nice and making new friends yay i got1 followers!!! so if you want to follow me then that great , don't forget to look at my dumb stupid drawing and i hate you all
siimii derCrasher123
Hallo Leute ich bin Simon und mein Youtube-Kanal heist Der Crasher wo bald Let's Plays oder andere Videos kommen werden. Meine lieblings-Spiele:COLIN McRAE DiRT 2 4 3 und 1, GRID 2, GRID AUTOSPORT, MINECRAFT, THE CREW / WILD RUN, Goat Simulator, Beam.NG Drive, LEGO CITY UNDERCOVER, GTA 5, NEED FOR SPEED (2015), Need For Speed Rivals, NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED 2005 & 2012, Mirror's Edge Catalyst
グッチ Hokuto9015
みなさんこんにちは ぼくは、マイクラ、スプラトゥーンします。 よろしくお願いします。
#SPFR*ロビン* www.mimin.or
【プロフィール】 [性別]ガールです!←イカが混じってr… [年齢]精神年齢は5歳っ!w [○学生]ナニソレ~オイシイノ~?(殴 [誕生日]その日になるとテンションが下がっているのでいつかわかるはずです。ハイ 【好きな○○】 [歌] ・ボカロらへん ・桜花爛漫 ・裏の裏 ・忘れ時の言の葉 あとはフレンドになれたらわかるかも… [アニメ] ・おそ松さん ・銀魂 ・ワンピース あとはフレンドになれたらわかるかも… なんとなく...【弱点(?)】 ・絵が下手 ・性格がサイテー その他たくさんありますが、フレンドになると嫌でも知る事になるかもしれない...w 【注意】 ・たまに関西弁になる時があります。 ・フレsに悪い事したらだいたいキレますが、たまにブチギレます。 ・無言フレリクは× ヤメテネ~
just enjoy justeenjoy
salut tous le monde j'espère que sa va,en tous cas moi sa va.Appeler moi just enjoy je joue a minecraft je suis assez forte maintenant je sais accès les bases si non je suis super forte a mario kart 8 et j aime beaucoup splatoon je suis aussi forte a mariotennis ultra smash et tres experte et super forte à zelda breat of the wild .je vous adore depacer les 700 abo svp c est mon reve♥ABONNÉ VOUS!
wutz shibapenny
Hallo ich bin shibapenny(Meinen echten Namen verrate ich nur manchen !) Alter:11 Lieblings YT:LOGO,Domtendo,Lekoopa,Dannyjesden,Julien bam Bester Freund=★☆★Finn☆★☆ Ich würd mich freuen wenn ihr mir folgt und ne freundesanfrage schickt! Ps: Das ist Bruno:•_• Er hat keine Freunde:( Jeder neue folger von mir hilft bruno neue Freunde zu finden!:) ALSO DIE AKTION BEGINNT!!!!!HELFT BRUNO!!:D
********** maro0129
なんか最近ミーバースの投稿が遅れすぎてるけど気にしないでくださいw とりまフォロワー500人こしたらなにかしらしたいと思います。 してほしいこととかリクエストバンバン受け付けるんでコメントやらなんやらで言ってください。 一応コメント全部見てるつもりなんで... ミーバースが11月に終わるのでそれまでに沢山の人とフレン卜゛になりたいです。フレン卜゛コ一卜゛で。
dyro meatballzz
wazz up im Dinah im 10
CandyNinja Unicornsdd
CHECK OUT MY FOLLOWERS LIST PLZ IHAVENOPOSTSLEFT Hey, I'm CandyNinja, The self-proclaimed doodler. I aspire to be a writer and I'm trying to get better at drawings. Anyways, I love: -LOZ (My favorite is TP) -Tales of the Abyss -Legend of Drizzt -The Inheritance Cycle -Portal 1 & 2 -Chrono Trigger -Undertale -Radiant Historia -Path of Radiance -Gorrilaz
Mario Seth Mario_Seth
STATUS: Normal. All systems Green. Affiliation: 2nd Wave SHD agent Rank: Tactical Officer Info: Likes Dragonroo's/Wolfaroo's follows UbiSoft™, likes playing Tom Clancy's: THE DIVISION Is a Pokemon Dragonite trainer.. [Ubisoft® Club Member] FMR. Nintendo™ Supporter.
DEREK DerekRoman2
Hello Everybody my name is DEREK ROMAN Im an expert on gaming, l like to make a lot of funny references and so on, l wish to play with every single one of you, so please lets be friends and give us a chance! or not I don't care
Hamdog67 ms.evil
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ian ianwills
hey guys ian here and i love cube life island survival its fun and creative. i always wanted to be a youtuber called saber tooth unlimited so ull catch me saying that alot. anyways hope you enjoy my profile.
tony antonio1501
hi im tony and if you follow me you are awsome and u can commet on my posts. if u play mk7 and seen gamer that's me! i speak a litlle spanish and super into pokemon and five nights at freedys. p.s. follow and i follow back but please dont be nasty and cuss :] also i am eleven so remember that u made it through :D
Eliza M. aprilmaxwell
I am not having Super happy fun time.
shay pena Shaypena
Dark Roy 3 king99995
"So long, you did me so wrong, I don't wanna go on living in this world with out you" (2X)
Dean Nintenman456
Well, howdy!
Sammy SAMMY919.3
hi l like to play splatoon so join in my battles
NoXPWaste™ Snow_Army
Dylan FunnyBrainiac47
I'm....... DIRTY DAAAAAANNNN!!!!!!!
Brendan Bedge98
Hi im brendan i play splatoon
jamie boy Fazzios
This user's profile comment is private.
Mordecai Mordecai23years
|IN| Nando DoodlejumpPro
He every body its Doodle jump pro yes my name is doodle because i love DOODLE JUMP! Banned For 2 Weeks
Ίяίς ● ;3 Hermann1303
нειισυω!;3 ωίεßσ δяücκςт δυ αυƒ мείηεм кσрƒ?? Icн нείßε:Ίяίς ● ;3 Icн вίη:10 Jαняε αιτ. нίεя нαςт'η ●! εςςε ίη ςснηειι,вενσя εя ςснмίιιτzτ! ηα тσιι,jετzτ ίςт εя zεяςснмσιιτzεη jετzτ кαηη ίсн είηε ηευε ηευε рαскυηġ καυƒεη! ġεн ωεġ υηδ ιαςς ηεη ƒσιισωεя δα!;3 нίεя нαςт ησсн'η ●!;3
isaiah Metroid987
hi welcome to my profile i like pokemon minecraft metroid and other stuff, games,friends
Wolfgang21 hujhjjhk
Hello everyone my name is Matthew and I have 4dogs 3cats 2fish also I like Mariokart 7 and I'm the one that has created the events so see you there. PS: My character on Mariokart 7 is Carson with a orange suit and a big smile.
McKay McKay64
Hello, feel free to check out my wonderful page!
Erin Swifty4life
• Lαlσυ • Lalou14
Bonzour, bonzoir :p Je m'appelle Lalou et je suis une fan de gaming ! Je publie en particulier que du ACNL ^^ Jadore : •Les licornes •Les Mangas •La bouffe •Internet (xD) •Et mes proches <3 Dedi a tous mes amies ^3^ Et a ma vie, ma moitié, mon amuur, ma best, mon petit caca volant Estelle (#1 Best des best) On atteint bientot les 1000 abos ♪♪♪ ★☆Sinon ze te laisse regarder mon compte☆★
Nin★Dia cornejitos
Hello everybody!It's a me,Dia! I play Mario and Smash and other games. I am mostly entergetic(fired up) when I play video games. Chart: Sleep:★★★★½☆ Playing Video Games:★★★★★★! Playing With Friends:★★★★★★★★!!! Talking in Miiverse:★★★★★ Playing Pokémon Diamond Version:★★★½☆☆ Playing ROBLOX:★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Okey-doeky, that is all for now! Until next time, Bye! ;)
Tyler Rain2Desert
A.k.a. Griffin{} I play the trumpet. love jazz
Raindeer animelover81
hi its me raindeer my other profile well that does not matter
¨.::.¨ SamMk2000
♥ Weekly Gaming on Monday Im in the BƒE Clan = Best ƒish Ever I from Germany My Name is Samantha Bye ♥
Elmo ElmoTheDictator
Jason Soundwave84
Been a videogame fanatic since i was 5! I was an 80's kid so i'm pretty much an authority on retro gaming. I'll play any game i like new or old! I don't do console wars. I'm a gamer and gaming is what i do!
shower gel insurance_lizard
Hallo Leute
ich heiße Flohrian vielleicht kennen mich ja noch ein paar Leute von Mario Kart Wii ...
Hallo Leute
ich heiße Flohrian vielleicht kennen mich ja noch ein paar Leute von Mario Kart Wii mein Name war flohrianmkwiI auch ein CTGP strecken waren von mir man kann sagen das Ich ein Nintendo fan bin !
Mein halbes leben habe nur von Nintendo Konsolen meine erste Konsole von Nintendo war ein Nintendo DS™ und erstes Spiel dafür war Pokèmon Weiß™ dann noch NN3DS WII WII U